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ATLA The Remix Book 1

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Not Rated

Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M
Fandom: Avatar: The Last Airbender
Relationships: Azula/Yue (Avatar), Sokka/Zuko (Avatar), Mai/Ty Lee (Avatar),
Aang/Katara (Avatar), Toph Beifong/Suki
Characters: Azula (Avatar), Zuko (Avatar), Ursa (Avatar), Yue (Avatar), Iroh
(Avatar), Suki (Avatar), Mai (Avatar), Ozai (Avatar), Toph Beifong,
Katara (Avatar), Sokka (Avatar), Ty Lee (Avatar), Aang (Avatar)
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Soulmate-Identifying Marks,
Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence,
Alpha Azula (Avatar), Omega Zuko (Avatar), Beta Mai (avatar), Omega
Ty Lee (Avatar), Alpha Sokka (Avatar), Omega Yue (Avatar), Beta
Katara (Avatar), Omega Aang (Avatar), Beta Toph Beifong (Avatar),
Alpha Suki (Avatar), Good Parent Ursa (Avatar), Bad Parent Ozai
(Avatar), Iroh is a Good Uncle (Avatar), Yue Lives (Avatar), Waterbender
Yue (Avatar), Firebender Ursa (Avatar), dragon's, Mating Cycles/In Heat,
Ursa is a badass (Avatar), Azula Joins The Gaang (Avatar), Mai Joins
The Gaang (Avatar), Ty Lee Joins The Gaang (Avatar), Yue Joins The
Gaang (Avatar), Zuko Joins The Gaang Early (Avatar), Kya Lives
Language: English
Series: Part 1 of ATLA The Remix Series
Stats: Published: 2023-01-28 Updated: 2023-03-22 Words: 7,704 Chapters: 3/?
ATLA The Remix Book 1
by Nya_Water


What if things were different? What if we were better? Would things still be the same? This
is a complete re-write of the Avatar The Last Airbender story. With my own spin on things.

I do not own any part of Avatar Last Airbender.


Hi I'm Nya and this is my first fic I hope you all enjoy. Please leave comments and tips I'm
open to suggestion's. I have most of the first book planed out already but I would love to here
your thoughts. 😊
The Fire Nation

Ursa has been living in the palace as the wife of the second prince Ozai for almost 2 years.
She can say that it is hell. Ursa is an omega but do not mistake her as weak. Even so it is
tiring to deal with such a cruel and aggressive Alpha. In the royal infirmary Ursa is in labor
and is having her first child. A baby boy and Ursa has a light in her life again. The baby she
holds opens their eyes and Ursa can’t help but smile. Then Prince Ozai, her husband, comes
into the room and dismisses the doctor’s and they are left alone.

Ozai walk’s up to his wife and takes the baby from hr arm’s. Ursa reluctantly lets Ozai take
the child. He looks into the boy’s eye’s and he frowns. He says angrily "he lack’s a spark."
"Your one job was to give me a strong firebender heir." Ozai walk’s to the window and is
about to throw the boy out. As soon as he tries to throw the baby her baby out the window,
Ursa is out of the bed. She sends a fireball at Ozai and stands on shaky leg’s with the bed
supporting her. "Ozai if you take one more step I will not be held responsible for what I do

Ozai scowls, "Ozai please give me time." "If you kill him now you’ll never know he could
grow up to be a powerful firebender, but if you do this then you’ll never know." Ozai had to
admit Ursa was right. The boy could grow to be a powerful bender and if he killed him he’d
never find out. Begrudgingly he handed the child back to Ursa.

Ursa took the boy and held him close, not taking her eyes off Ozai, daring him to change his
mind. The door opened and Iroh and Azulon walked in. "Ursa, you should be resting, let's get
you back to bed" Iroh said.

Iroh helped her back into bed. I watched as Iroh held my son and smiled as I watched him
bounce and cooed at her boy. "You're going to be a strong general just like your uncle, he
said." Azulon walked over and looked at the boy and smiled. I let out a breath I didn’t know I
was holding. There would be nothing she could do if the Firelord ordered her son’s death.
"What is his name?" "Zuko" I said before Ozai could say anything. "The Fire Nation has a
new prince."

"Father you can’t be seriously thinking of keeping the boy he has no spark." Azulon sighed.
"May I remind you how long it took your spark to come in." "But father…" "silence, I will
hear no more of this if the boy is not a bender then he will take swordsmanship alongside
prince Lu Ten with Master Piandao." "Yes father." "Good daughter I will see you once you’ve
recovered and back in court."

With that Iroh handed Zuko back to her and left with his father. Ozai left shortly after that. I
held my baby boy close and smiled at him. I would protect him with everything I have.
Shortly after her promise Ursa fell asleep and no one came into the room that night.

Two weeks later Ursa was back on her feet and was very protective of Zuko. He was always
with her or his uncle. Lu Ten absolutely adored his baby cousin and treated him more like a
little brother. He would border line on being late to his lessons just to spend more time with
Zuko. Ursa was glad Iroh doted on the boy like he was his own and watched the boys play all
the time when Ursa was in court. Yes court Ursa may be a woman and an omega but the Fire
Nation does not put a stigma on either of your genders. Ursa was one to be reckoned with
both in combat and politics and only a fool would say otherwise. Ursa did not run the court;
she dominated it and controlled it in every meaning but name. She had allies everywhere
because after all the women were the ones in control. So when they went home and
whispered in their husbands ears they influenced their say. It helped that the men in court
respect her as well.

Azulon knew this to an extent but he had know comprehension of how far Ursa’s reach truly
was. Ursa has influence that reaches even outside the Fire Nation. Ursa went to the gardens to
the turtle duck pond where Iroh and Lu Ten were with Zuko. Ursa smiled at them. She loves
her family even if her husband is incapable of love.

This was how things in the palace went. Ozai spent little time with his son and that was fine
Ursa preferred it that way. For two years there was some peace for Ursa and her son in the
palace. A few weeks after Zuko’s second birthday Ozai came to her in the halls “asking” for
another child. Ursa knew he just wanted to try for another “proper heir” and this was by no
means a father wanting to expand his family. Ursa also knew she had to give Ozai what he
wanted, so a few weeks later when Ursa went to the royal infirmary the doctors confirmed
what she already knew. Ursa early that day felt the life growing in her, no she felt Fire. Ths
baby would be a bender and a powerful one at that. There is no telling what Ozai would do if
he was allowed to corrupt this child.

When the royal physician confirmed the pregnancy Ozai was ecstatic. Iroh was happy he
would be getting another nephew or a niece. Azulon congratulated them as well and Lu Ten
was over the moon with excitement. Ursa made a promise to herself she would always
protect her children.

So nine months on the Summer solstice two weeks earlier than expected Ursa was back in the
infirmary and 2 hours later (much longer than Zuko) she gave birth to a baby girl. Ursa took
her baby and held them they did not cry and for a moment she was terrified her baby was
born still born, but then her baby girl opened her eyes and Ursa saw the biggest spark she had
ever seen. Ursa looked at her baby and although she feared for her safety she loved her dearly
and would protect her with everything she had. She fell in love with her daughter and knew
she would do great things.

Ozai came into the room and again hurried the doctors out and rushed to the bed. Ursa again
with reluctance handed the baby to Ozai and when he saw her he smiled the most horrible
smile Ursa had ever seen. It was not a smile of love that a father would show their child, it
was a smile one makes when they get a new weapon. Ursa knew she would do everything in
her power to make sure this child felt loved but more so that this child knows what love is
and will not be used as a weapon.

Iroh and Azulon came again and Iroh held his nieces and cooed at her saying she would do
great things and for a moment Ursa forgot about her exhaustion and just smiled happy that
she knew this child will be shown love she swore to Agni they would. Azulon smiled at his
granddaughter. "What is her name?" "Azula" Ozai said. "The Fire Nation has a new princess,
Princess Azula." "She will do great things." Ozai smiled and Ursa again vowed to protect
both her children.

Azulon and Iroh left after Iroh gave Azula to Ursa. Ozai has stated, "you have finally given
me a “proper” heir." I just held Azula closer to me. I would not let Ozai corrupt her, my little
flame. Soon Ozai left and I began to worry over Zuko and his new sister, but a minute later
her little turtle duck came into the room.

"You should be in bed." "I wanted to meet them." Ursa smiled and chuckled a little. I patted
the bed and Zuko climbed up. "Zuko, this is your little sister Azula." Zuko smiled in awe at
the little bundle in his mothers arm’s. Zuko reached out his hand and his new little sister
grabbed his finger. "Zuko Azula is your little sister, which means as her older brother it's your
job to help and protect her." Zuko had this very cute determined look on his face as he
nodded. Ursa smiled, her children will be ok.
The Northern Water Tribe
Chapter Summary

😓 Sorry I have been swamped with exams and then my computer broke but I'm back
with the next chapter. 😊

Chapter Notes

The Alpha/Beta/Omega dynamic is based off the three main statuses in a wolf pack.
This does not mean the story is about werewolves though for anyone who was confused.

In the center of Agna Qel'a the palace was in a frenzy with the arrival of the chief’s child.
The chaos was only fueled with the fact that his daughter did not cry when born nor open her
eyes. The healers have tried everything but with no luck. The child would not live to
morning. So the chief did the only thing he could do. He took his baby girl to the spirit oasis
and prayed to Tui to save his daughter. Tui heard the chief’s prayer and she answered his

That night with the moon and ocean spirits as witness a miracle happened. In the center of the
pond the baby’s hair turned white as snow and she began to cry. Chief Arnook held his
daughter close and in honor of this miracle gave her the name Yue.

Yue had just turned four years old a few days ago and was playing with her mother in the
gardens. When Yue walked under a balcony some icicles came loose and started to fall on
Yue. Yue’s mother cried out and ran over to her daughter only to be stunned to see her
unharmed and the icicles floating above her head. Yue had covered her head and face with
her hands waiting for the icicles to hit her but nothing happened. She opened her eyes to see
her mother looking at her stunned then looked up to see the icicles were floating above her.
She was waterbending them.

The very next day Yue sat in a room with Master Yagoda to start her bending lessons.
“Master Yagoda, what are we learning today?” Yue had been very excited to learn
waterbending ever since she bent the icicles yesterday. She had seen the older kids
waterbending with Master Pakku. “Well princess, we will start learning the basics of bending,
controlling your chi. This is the foundation for all bending and is essential.” Yue was ecstatic;
she could not wait to start bending like everyone else.

Yue had been studying bending with Master Yagoda for a year and had turned out to be a
prodigy. She had mastered control of her chi in just two months and had started learning how
to heal with her bending and she was a natural. That was fine with Yue but she was
wondering when she would learn how to fight with her bending or without it. They were still
in a war even if they were not active in it. She wanted to know how to fight even if she never
needed to.

“Princess Yue, what has you so down?” Yagoda asked. They have been learning about
healing broken bones and Yue has been looking down all day. “Master Yagoda, when will I
start learning about fighting and how to use my bending to fight? I wish to learn like the
others.” Yue had been watching as the other benders spared and trained she wanted to do
what they did. Even though she loved healing she wanted to do more than that. “Yue do you
mean the boy’s and soldiers that train under Master Pakku?” “Yes, I would like to learn like
them as well, and I would love to learn how to use a weapon too.”

“Princess women do not fight, we heal, fighting is the men’s job.” Yue was confused; there
were men in the village that did not fight; they didn’t go hunting either. They usually helped
with fishing and making wepon’s even the ones that were bender’s. “Wait but there are men
that do not fight and some are bender’s as well.” “Well yes they are omegas, an omegas place
isn’t to fight. The men that don’t train to fight anymore are omegas.” Yue just stared at
Yagoda, that was such a dumb reason for someone not to be allowed to fight. Whatever
genders you will have is completely out of your control. Yue would not be allowed to learn
how to fight and she doesn’t know what will happen if she presents as an omega. “Master
Yagoda, is this how things work in our sister tribe?” Yagoda thought for a moment the tribe
had not had contact with their sister tribe since the war started. Then she remembered Kanna.
“I do believe we do share some of the same traditions but not all princesses.”

They continued their lessons for the day but Yue was still thinking about what Yagoda had
told her. It seems she would not be permitted the right to train how she wished all because of
something she couldn’t even control. No she was not going to let that happen, she would
learn how to fight no matter what her father or the council thought. That night when everyone
was sleeping Yue snuck into the library and started to search. She soon found what she was
looking for: books on basic combat techniques, beginner scrolls for waterbending, a book on
different types of weapons, and a book about physical training.

From that day on Yue would train with Master Yagoda in the day and listen to the council
when they were discussing matters. Yue would also watch the other waterbenders that trained
under Master Pakku. At night she would study her scrolls and do the physical training
described in the book. Yue would take her things and sneak out of the palace to the spirit
oasis to do this she was determined and would succeed. Yue had read through the book on
weapons and a sword or spear was not the kind of weaponed she really wanted to wealed.
Nor did a club or bomerage appeal to her and an axe or a bow were also out of the question.
Yue had just finished up her training and was heading back to her room but stopped by the
library to look at the book of weapons again.

“There has to be a weapon that would work well with me, maybe a knife that could work.”
As Yue was looking through the book again something caught her eye. “What's this a rope
dart? That could work and looks like fun too.” The rope dart is a very difficult weapon to
master and requires great skill to wealed though it is very effective in combat. “I wonder if
the training ground has any.” Yue put away the book and started to look around some more
and to her surprise another thing caught her attention. It was a bunch of scrolls on the art of
hand to hand combat. Yue haddent even thought about learning how to fight hand to hand. It
was surely an important skill to learn so she grabbed the beginner scrolls and left for her

The next night Yue sneaks down to the training yard in search of a rope dart. As she was
walking around the weapon’s racks a thought occurred to her. She could learn all she wanted
but without sparing it will be much more difficult. She couldn’t tell anyone if she did they
would tell her father and then she would never be able to train. She would just half to make
do with what she has. As she was thinking this she found what she was looking for in the
back of the training area she found a beginner’s rope dart. “Perfect now all I need is the stuff
to take care of it. Yue quickly grabbed a wet stone and made her way off the training grounds
and to the spirit oasis.

“Ok let's get to work.” And Yue did. She trained every night for hours, then she would study
in the library. Slowly she started to learn the rope dart. It was difficult but Yue was
determined to do it. She got hurt alot and she would use what she learned with Yagoda and
heal herself. This caused her to progress even faster with her healing training and Yagdoa was
impressed. This continued for three years.

Over the years Yue had started to build lean muscle and her body was more toned. This is
something that the servant’s have noticed but they never brought it up with the chief. Now
seven Yue was wandering around the palace garden’s when she heard some maids talking.
“What does yours look like? Can I see? Have you found them yet?” While the maids talked,
Yue approached quietly. She has been working on her stealth in the last few months and it’s
come in handy many times while she has avoided the eyes of council members. She had
started learning the last of her intermediate katas and was by what she believed had mastered
the rope dart. Yue had also learned and perfected almost all of the intermediate hand to hand
combat skills. She has also learned many techniques to use in combat and has even created
some of her own. She has come a long way and as she thought about all of this she had
reached the maids.

“Excuse me but what is it that you all are talking about?” The three maids that were standing
there were startled when they heard the princess not hearing her approach. “Oh princess Yue
we apologies for not noticing you," one of the girls said. “It's quite alright but what was it
you all were discussing if you don’t mind me asking?” “Not at all princess, we were just
talking about our soulmate’s and our marks.” Soulmate’s Yue had been told about this before.
At the age of ten a mark on your body will appear that represents your soulmate. Yue was
happy to learn about this and couldn’t wait to meet them. “Oh I see what are your marks? If
you don’t mind me asking?” “The three maids talked with the princess about their soulmate
marks for a while before they parted ways. Yue thought for a moment would her soulmate
accept that she was a fighter even though she was a girl? She has not presented yet and has
three more years before she does. She thought back to the conversation she had with Master
Yagoda all those years ago explaining the tribe's traditions. “They will be my soulmate and
whoever they are, they will accept me as I am.” Yeah she didn’t need to worry everything
will be ok.
One day as Yue had been watching the waterbenders and soldiers under Master Pakku train
her father came up to speak with her. “Yue, there’s something I would like to talk to you
about?” Yue had been surprised her father had never sounded this serious before. “Of course
father, what is the problem?” Arnook had been curious about a few rumors that had been
going around the palace. “Yue why do you come out here and watch the men train?” Yue had
not been expecting that. She had always come out here to observe why was father bringing
this up now? “Oh well I love to watch the men train when I am done with my lessons their
movements are beautiful like a dance.” She could not tell her father that the reason was to
further her understanding of bending to train herself more efficiently. “Hmm I see well that’s
alright then.” Arnook was not sure what Master Pakku was so upset by. His daughter simply
liked to watch the benders. Why was he so bothered by that? “Well enjoy yourself Yue I must
be off.” Yue waved to her father and resumed watching the men train.

Pakku saw the chief leave as the princess waved to him. Over the year’s the princess has been
coming to watch his classes and he was starting to get suspicious. One night three years ago
he had been walking by the training area and decided to go inside. He took a look around,
pondering what his lesson the next day would be on. When he had interred the weapon’s area
he had noticed one of the wet stones was missing. He decided to check and see if all the
weapon’s were there and as he was finishing wandering if he was just tired he saw that in the
back the shelves had been disturbed. That’s when he noticed that a beginners rope dart was
missing. Someone had been here and it looks like they had left just before he got there. But
Pakku was confused as none of the soldiers used rope darts so why would one be missing?

Pakku never knew what happened to that rope dart or wet stone but after a few years he
noticed something or rather someone. The princess had always watched his classes and the
men train but as she showed up more and more she was changing. Pakku noticed how the
princess would look closely at how the soldiers moved or how she would always pay
attention to what he was teaching and it was the same with the non benders training as well.
He had just brushed it off as nothing at first but as time went on he started to get suspicious.
Pakku noticed how the princess seemed to be taking notes and how it was like she was
correcting herself. This made no sense since she was a girl and girls do not fight. She was not
learning how to fight so why did he feel like she was studying how to. He would keep a close
eye on the princess, something didn’t feel right.

“Alright break up into pairs for sparing.” Pakku had noticed how the princess looked even
more excited when the men spared almost as if she wanted to join. Pakku remembered about
a month ago discovering the beginner rope dart had been returned showing signs of constant
use but still in good condition. Could it be Pakku thought looking over at the princess. He
was going to need to look into this more.

Yue wished she could join in the sparring though she was confident she was better than all of
the boys. It still looked like fun and would be great practice.

A month earlier.

Yue had decided to finally get a rope dart of her own and not the beginner one she had been
using all these years. So she found where in the city she could have one made for her. With
that figured out she just had to sort out how she was going to get it made. The problem wasn't
money but sneaking out to the city to place the order without alerting the palace or letting
anyone know the weapon was for her. Then she had an idea she could just use her bending to
sneak into the shop using the canals. The servants leave her after lunch for about an hour
before coming back to serve her tea. It would be tight but she would have to make it work.
This was her best chance for this to work.

The next day after the servants left Yue got to work she grabbed a bag of coins and took a
hood from her closet. Then she quietly snuck out of the palace to the canals. Once she was
sure the coast was clear Yue dived into the water then used her bending to lead herself
through the water way’s all the way to the alley behind the shop she was looking for. This
took her about fifteen minutes. “I got forty-five minutes before they bring my tea.” Yue bent
the water off herself and put up her hood. Then she made her way to the shop. “Umm excuse
me is anyone here?” “Just a second, I'll be with you in a moment.” A minute later a young
man entered from the back to meet her. “Sorry about that, what can I do for you?” Yue
smiles. “It’s alright I was wondering if you could make me a rope dart?” “Yeah sure for the
rope and ribbon do you have a color preference?” Yue thought for a moment. “Purple if it
isn’t too much trouble.” “It’s know trouble at all.” “Would you also like wet stone and the
supplies to take care of it as well?” “Yes thank you.” “You're welcome, I should have your
order ready in three days.” “Come buy and pick it up then.” Yue was full of joy, she would
have her own rope dart in just three days. “I will, how much will this cost?” “Just four silver
coins.” Yue paid the man and was about to leave.

“Hey wait, what's your name?” Yue was not expecting that she couldn’t just give him her real
name. “It’s ok I know you are young but we have been talking about this for the last thirty
minutes.” “You clearly know what you're doing and talking about.” “I assume since you are a
girl you don’t want anyone to know you have been training in combat right.” Yue let out a
breath she was holding and her panic stopped. “Yes you are right and thank you for not
telling.” “It’s no problem, I understand and wish you luck.” Yue smiled at the man then took
her leave.

“I have about fifteen minutes left before the servants bring my tea.” “I can make it if I hurry.”
Yue jumped back into the water and moved even faster than the first time. She quickly
checked to see if the cost was clear then got out bent the water off of herself and practically
ran back to her room. Once she was inside her room she took off her hood, put it back in the
closet, put away her coin bag and fixed up her appearance. Just as she finished doing that a
servant came in. “It's your tea princess please enjoy.” “Thank you.” Once the servant left,
Yue let out a breath and sat down to drink her afternoon tea.

Three days later Yue made the trip again to the shop to pick up her rope dart and supplies.
She thanked the man again and then returned to the palace. That night Yue snuck down to the
training yard to return the beginner rope dart she had borrowed and the whetstone too and
then made her way to the spirit oasis to train and try out her new weapon.

Present time.

Yue loved her rope dart and practiced with it every night. She mastered it and soon she would
master waterbending and hand to hand combat as well. As Yue’s thoughts started to wander
she started to think about her soulmate. “I wonder if they will be a fighter like me.” As she
says this she watches the rest of the men spar her thoughts filled with questions about who
her soulmate could be. That night after her training Yue was sitting in the library studying
maps, her thoughts still on her soulmate. “I wonder what my soulmate mark will look like.”
Yue couldn’t help but smile. She couldn’t wait for the day she’ll meet her mate. As she
headed back to her room and got into her bed she laid staring at the ceiling. “I wonder if
you’ll have a pack.” “If you do, I hope your pack mates like me.” With that last comment Yue
planned out what she would need to do in her training tomorrow. “Master Pakku has been
acting differently around me.” Yue thought maybe it’s nothing but it never hurts to be
cautious. On that note Yue drifted off to sleep.
The Southern Water Tribe
Chapter Notes

Hey so due to health and school I have not been able to upload a chapter and I am so
sorry for that but this week I am trying to upload as much as possible with out rushing to
much. So hope you all enjoy. 😊

In an igloo in a village at the south pole the first child of the chief was to be born. Chief
Hakoda was waiting outside the hut his wife was in worried with his best friend there with
him. Soon he would be a father but what if something goes wrong. When he would hear his
wife's cries his concern and worry only rose. “You're going to create a ditch with all your
pacing, relax, everything will be fine.” “Kya is ok.” Hakoda knew his friend was right and
that he shouldn’t worry Kya was in good hands. “I know I know you're right.” He took a seat
next to Bato. “Relax, you're going to be a father soon.” All of a sudden they heard Kya cry
out one last time then silence. Hakoda’s worry returned but quickly turned to joy when he
heard soft crying.

Kanna steps out of the hut and looks at her son smiling. “Congratulations, both of them are
doing just fine.” When Hakoda walked into the hut he went straight to Kya who looked
exhausted but was smiling down at the small bundle in her arms. When Kya looked up she
saw her husband coming to her and smiled. “Hakoda meet our son.” Hakoda couldn’t stop
smiling. He had a son, he was a father. “What do you want to name him?” Kya thought for a
moment then spoke. “Sokka.” Her husband smiled even wider. “Sokka it's perfect.” He then
leaned down to give Kya a kiss.

Bato came in a moment later to meet his nephew. “Phew thank goodness he got Kya’s looks.”
When Bato said that Hakoda proceeded to punch his shoulder grumbling while both he and
Kya just laughed. Bato spent some time with them then left to give the new family some time
alone. It was a very happy day for the small family.

Hakoda was over the moon with happiness. His son was growing up nice and strong and he
couldn’t wait for when he would be old enough to take the boy hunting. Kya has felt much
the same. The war was still going on but they were lucky the Fire Nation had not raided their
village in years and Hakoda hoped it stayed that way. They have already taken all of their
waterbenders. What else could they take?

One year went by and Sokka was growing up and the chief's family was due to grow even
more. Kya was expecting their second child.

Kya was worried about her child on the way. They felt different from when Sokka was in her
womb. The baby is healthy and there have been no problems but Kya felt this power coming
from them. Kya sighs “well little one we can only wait and see.” “You and your brother will
do great things.”

Kya heads out of the village to gather some herbs. She was pregnant, not helpless and if she
has to keep repeating that to her husband she will. Kya spent a few hours out there doing just
that. When Kya came back to the village Hakoda was at the interest, and from the looks of it
had been pacing (considering that there was a miniature ditch). Bato was there trying to calm
him down. As far as beta’s go Bato deserved more credit for how many times he had to calm
us down.

“Kya are you ok?” “Is the baby alright?” “Why did you go out by yourself?” Hakoda had
been more worried about Kya this pregnancy since she said there was something different
with the baby she could fill it.

Bato felt bad but he knew Hakoda was a very strong but caring Alpha and was only worried
for his mate and pups. He also knew Kya was a very capable omega and could handle herself.
As much as the bikered he loved his pack. “Hakoda look Kya is fine, she is more than
capable of helping herself.” “Also Kanna says the baby is fine so don’t worry so much.”

“Bato is right honey we are both ok and please i’m pregnant not cripled.” Kya loved her
husband and she knew he was just worried. “Now come on, let's get these sorted and I will tie
up the nets.” Kya then walked into the village not giving any room for discussion. Hakoda
looked at Bato who on his part was trying not to laugh. He just sighed and followed his wife
into the village.

Things were good and a few months later Kya gave birth to a baby girl who they named
Katara. Little did they know what was to come.

(Four years later.)

“Come on Katara.” Sokka loved his baby sister and also loved playing with her. “I’m coming,
Sokka.” They were building a snow fort to play in. They were almost done when the roof to
their fort started to crumble on top of them. “Katara watchout.” But before Sokka could cover
his sister Katara had thrown her hands up and the sealing had stopped suspended in the air
though the part over Sokka had covered him in snow.

“Katara what did you do?” Sokka was shocked and he was looking over his baby sister to see
if she was hurt at all. Katara for her part was excited she had just water bent. “Sokka I’m a
waterbender!” Sokka was shocked and happy for his sister. “That’s amazing Katara, come on,
we have to tell mom and dad.” Sokka took his sister's hand and they ran all the way back to
the village.

“MOM DAD.” Hakoda and Kya looked up hearing their children call for them only to be
bombarded with them crashing into them. “Hey baby,” Kya said, picking up her daughter and
kissing her head as Hakoda put Sokka on his shoulders. “What's all the fuss about?” The two
kids were breathing hard and once they caught their breath Sokka blurted out, “Katara just
waterbent.” Kya and Hakoda were not expecting that. They both looked at each other then to
their daughter who was smiling brightly. “Katara honey, could you show me and daddy?”
Katara nodded her head and asked to be put down. She took a deep breath and moved her
hands up and the sow in front of her went up as a small wall.

Hakoda and Kya were terrified. What would happen if the Fire Nation found out about
Katara. They would just have to protect her the best they could like they always would.
“That's amazing sweetie, we're so proud of you.” Kya kissed the top of her daughter’s head.
Hakoda couldn't believe it, his daughter is a waterbender that changes a lot of things for
them. “Katara honey you must be very careful with this if not the Fire Nation will come to
take you away from us.” Katara nodded her head, she would be careful.

That day a council meeting was called and it was agreed that know one would tell anyone
about Katara’s bending.

It had been four years since this decision was made and a peaceful two years at that. Katara
was learning little bits and pieces about her bending and Sokka was learning little bits of
fighting with Katara, after being knocked on his butt for saying she can’t fight because she’s
a girl when things went downhill. Sokka had gotten pretty good with a boomerang and was
showing off a bit to Katara when it happened. Katara and Sokka were in the village playing
when suddenly it started to snow but not just any snow black snow. The Fire Nation was back
and it looks like.

The men were hurrying to get ready for a fight when all of a sudden the ships stopped and
turned away. “What?” Hakoda was confused why did they not attack, what were they playing
at. “Hakoda.” Bato ran up to his friend. He had seen something fly towards one of the ships
before they stopped and turned around. Maybe they got orders to not attack. “Hakoda, did
you see that thing fly to one of the ships?” “I think we may have a friend in the Fire Nation
after all only someone high up could stop an attack from happening.” Hakoda knew Bato was
right; whoever stopped their village from being raided could possibly be an ally. They could
think about that latter though they were lucky they didn’t lose anyone today and they could
thank Tui and La for that.

“Come on, let's head back and make sure everyone is ok then we can discuss this later.” Bato
and Hakoda made their way back to the center of the village and Hakoda once he arrived
went straight home to make sure his family was safe. Once he got there he was relieved to see
Kya, Katara, and Sokka all safe and sound. “Are you all ok?” Kya had been worried when the
Fire Nation had been spotted but from what she could see from Hakoda everything was ok
and he didn’t seem to be hurt anywhere. “Yes we're all fine, what about you are you ok and
how about everybody else?” Hakoda sighed in relief. “Don’t worry everyone is ok, the Fire
Nation didn’t attack for some reason but we’ll talk about that later.” Kya was relieved and all
bet a bit confused but as long as they were all safe they could work everything else out later.

“Dad, what's going on?” Hakoda and Kya looked down to see Katara and Sokka looking up
at them. They completely forgot they were there. Hakoda bent down to their eye level. “It's
nothing to worry about buddy you and your sister are safe and so is everyone else.” Sokka
smiled "ok dad can Katara and I go and train some more?” Hakoda didn’t see a problem with
that; it may actually come in handy even if he prayed it didn’t. “Sure I don’t see a problem
just don’t leave the village you two ok?” “Ok Dad we’ll be careful come on Sokka let’s go.”
Once Sokka and Katara were gone Kya turned to her husband. “So what happened?”
Hakoda then explained everything to her and Kya didn’t know how but she knew someone
was trying to help them and protect their kids. Call it a mother’s instinct but she would bet
anything that the Fire Nation were coming for Katara. It’s the only thing that would make
since, how they could have learned she was a waterbender was beyond her but deep down she
knew that was the reason. “Whoever it was who helped us I am grateful to them.” Hakoda
wasn’t sure if someone was helping them but he is thankful that no attack happened. We will
have to discuss this further for now let’s enjoy the peace we still have.

Kya sighed “alright honey but we have something else we need to discuss.” Hakoda didn’t
understand or know what Kya was referring to. “Kya what is, what do we need to talk about.”
Kya sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose he really had forgotten. “Love Sokka is nine
and Katara is eight.” “Their Soulmate marks will be coming in soon, not to mention we need
to discuss packs with them.” Hakoda’s face lit up with shock, Kya was right, Sokka would be
turning ten in just a few months. “Hakoda we will talk to them tonight after the council

The council meeting didn’t really solve anything Hakoda could tell there would be many
more on discussing this topic in the future but for now Kya and him were headed back home.
Once they got there they saw that Kanna had already made dinner and had set everything up.
“How was the meeting?” Kanna would normally have been there but decided to stay with
Sokka and Katara instead just to settle her mind that they were safe. “It was not really
produced.” Hakoda said thinking back to the yelling and the fact a decision had not been
made. “Is that so, well we can discuss that another day come on let’s eat.” “It's been a rather
tiring evening to a rather long day.”

After dinner Kanna left and Hakoda and Kya called Katara and Sokka to have a chat. “Mom
dad what is it you wanted to talk to us about?” “Well Sokka, you know how uncle Bato is and
is in a pack with me and your dad.” “Yeah we know does that mean it's time for us to pick our
pack mates," Katara asked excitedly. “Kya smiled well, yes you and your brother will both be
ten soon and along with forming your own pack you’ll get your soulmate marks.” Katara had
heard about soulmates and she wondered who her’s would be. “When you turn ten a mark
will appear on your body that will help you find your soulmate, and once you meet them your
mark will burn.” Sokka thought about this; he was excited to meet his soulmate and form a
pack with them and his sister along with her soulmate.

“This is great, mom and dad, we can't wait to meet them.” “I wonder if they’ll like us?”
Hakoda smiled. “I am sure they will love you both; they will be your soulmates after all.”
“That is not the only thing we need to talk about though there is also the matter of both of
your second genders.” “Mom, do you mean when we turn ten we get our scent of ether
alpha,beta, or omega?” “That's right Katara on your tenth birthday you will identify as one of
those.” “You also have to know that in the world, depending on your genders you will be
treated differently.” “Take in the Earth Kingdom women are not allowed to fight in the army
but can learn combat bending or to fight as long as they are not an omega.” “If a man is an
omega they can also learn to fight but are not allowed to join certain parts of the army.”

Sokka and Katara looked at each other then turned to their parents and said in unison. “That
is so stupid.” Kya and Hakoda burst out laughing. “Yes you’re right that is stupid isn't it but
that is just how things are.” “What about our sister tribe, Sokka asked.” “We have not had
contact with our sister tribe in a long time son but, I do believe their view is different from
that of the Earth Kingdoms and Fire Nation’s.” “Well how does the Fire Nation view their
people’s genders, Katara asked.” Hakoda hated to admit it but the Fire Nation is the most
accepting of a person’s genders in all the world. “Well they put no discrimination on that you
can do whatever you want as long as you are qualified.” “So Sokka said, it looks like the Fire
Nation has done something right.” At this everyone started laughing. “Hehehe yes Sokka, I
suppose you are right.”

The Four continued to talk more about packs and soulmates till it was time for bed. “Hey
Sokka, are you up?” “Yeah I’m up what’s on your mind sis?” “Well what do you think our
soulmates are going to be like?” Katara just hoped he would be kind and sweet. “Well I know
one thing for sure, mine is totally going to be a badass.” Katara just rolled her eyes at that of
course her brother would say that.

“Well are soulmates can’t be from our tribe so do you think they are from our sister tribe or
maybe the Earth Kingdom?” Katara had to agree with her brother then she had a slightly
worrying thought. “Sokka what if our soulmates are from the Fire Nation.” Sokka went
silent. It was entirely possible that this could be the case but with the war they may never get
to meet each other. “If that is the case then perhaps not everyone from the Fire Nation is bad
but with the war we may never meet them.”

Katara knew Sokka was right but it was still sad to think about what if their soulmates were
affected by the war or worse killed because of it like uncle Bato’s was. “Hey I can tell you
are thinking the worse their ok I just know it they have to be.” “Alright, what about our pack
and pack mates.” Sokka hadden thought about it a lot; he and Katara already agreed on being
in a pack together but who else would be in their pack beside their mates. “Well it will be you
and me and our mates and perhaps we may find friends to join our pack too.”

“You’re right I wonder what bonding we will do.” “Well Katara there is pack bonding and
then there's mate bonding.” “I know Sokka pack bonding is like group nest building and just
hanging around and helping each other as a pack while mate bonding is different.” “It’s more
intimate like scent marking or building a nest together for just you and your mate.” “Also
napping and cuddling together stuff like that.” Sokka was looking forward to doing all those
things and couldn’t wait.

“Hey Katara, what do you think we’ll present as?” Katara had thought about this for a while
and was pretty sure she would present as a beta. “I think I will present as beta since I am
always keeping you in check.” “Wow you are not.” Katara turned to her brother and raised an
eyebrow at him. “Ok maybe just a little but still what about me?” “Hmm I think you would
be an alpha actually, you are a leader and I think it suits you.” Sokka was not expecting that
he thought maybe he would be a beta. “You think well ok “ahhhh-hhaaaaaa” ok it’s getting
late we should get some sleep.” “Good night Katara.” “Good night Sokka.” The two drifted
off to sleep dreaming about the future and what it holds for them. But little did they know just
what that future had in store for them.
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