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1. a) Observation was made under different objective lenses (1 mk)

b) Eyepiece lens X10 objective lens X20, the lower the field of magnification, the greater the field of view
(1 mk)

2. Golgi apparatus (1mk)

b) Packaging and transport of glycoproteins; Manufacture lysosomes; Synthesis of enzymes

(1 mk)
3. To remove the epidermis and cuticle, to expose the cortical cells whose thin walls are flexible and would
allow flexibility for fitting into the bottle opener (1mk)
b) the concentration of the cell sap is hypertonic to water in the bottle. On contact with the water, the cells
gain water by osmosis, become swell and become turgid, increasing the size of the stem hence tight fix;
(2 mks)
4. Unfolds proteins; provide acidic condition for action of stomach enzymes; kills harmful micro-organisms
that may be present in the food substance; (1 mk)
b) Forms a barrier protecting the stomach walls from being corroded by hydrochloric acid and being
digested by enzymes; (1 mk)
c) chief peptic cells (1 mk)
d) Duodenal wall (1 mk)
5.i) Stimulates the liver cell to secrete bile; (1 mk)
ii) stimulates the gall bladder to release bile into the duodenum; (1 mk)

6 a) Trachea (1 mk)
bi) secretes mucus (1 mk)
ii) Wafts the mucus up the pharynx; (1 mk)
7. Presence of surfactant fluid; (1 mk)
8. Placenta/kidney; (1mk)
9. i) Oxygen; carbon (IV) oxide (1 mk)
ii) Moist surface for dissolution of respiratory gases; loosely packed cell for passage of respiratory gases
(2 mks)
10. Pits formed accumulate moisture reducing saturation deficit; reducing rate of transpiration
(2 mks)
11. It’s a protein hence would be digested in the stomach before it reaches the liver
(1 mk)
12. a) stimulates milk production (1 mk)
b) stimulates contraction of the myometrium hence expelling the foetus (1 mk)
c) stimulates widening of the pelvic girdle hence birth (1 mk)
13. The transfer of blood from the donor to the circulatory system of the recipient;
(1 mk)
14. i) Most of the red blood cells would have been destroyed (1 mk)
ii) to increase the volume of blood (1 mk)
15. There would be antigen-antibody reaction/agglutination (2 mks)
16.i) Hydrogen carbonate ions; carbamino-haemoglobin (1 mk)
ii) Speeds up conversion of carbon (IV) oxide to weak carbonic acid (1 mk)
(3 mks)
17. Aerobic-requires oxygen, anaerobic- doesn’t require oxygen (1 mk)
b) Indicate the type of respiration’; The type of substrate being oxidized (2 mks)
18.To get rid of excess Carbon (IV) oxide (1 mk)

19. Enrichment of water bodies with nutrients (1 mk)

b) Hinders light penetration hence reducing primary productivity

Reduces amount of oxygen dissolved in water (2 mks)
20. i)Nitrosomonas, Nitrococcus, Nitrobacter (1mk)
ii) Pseudomonas denitrificans, Thiobacillus denitrficans (1 mk)

21a) smooth muscle (1 mk)

b)Smooth muscle (1mk)

c) cardiac muscle (1 mk)

22a) integument (1 mk)

b) ovary (1 mk)


Section A (40 marks)

23.(a)cells labelled A would lose water by osmosis to the guard cells;

and become flaccid ;

when the osmotic pressure in the guard cells increases due to more glucose formed / more uptake of K+( by active
transport) ;

Cells labelled A Cells labelled B
Bean shaped Rectangular shape
Has chloroplasts No chloroplasts
(c) Thicker inner wall and outer thinner wall Uniformly distributed cellulose cell wall
abscisic acid

(c) stroma

24. A-Spindle fibre;

C- Bivalent (pair); Acc. Homologous chromosomes

(b)(i) Cell Y

(ii) – Homologous chromosomes have paired;

- Crossing over has occurred;

(c) – Females lay many eggs to increase chances of external fertilisation;

- Eggs are laid in long (mucal) strands to provide buoyancy/protect eggs from predators;

- Eggs are laid in water to keep them moist;

25. (a) Haemophilia;


(a) - Platelets were exposed to air and ruptured producing thromboplastin/thrombokinase enzyme;

- Which neutralizes heparin and activates conversion of (inactive) prothrombin to thrombin;

- Thrombin converts fibrinogen to fibrin; which are meshwork of fibres that trap blood cells to form a clot ;

H h h
Parents X X x X Y

26. (a) Linear feeding relationship that shows flow of energy from producers to other trophic levels;

D A C B;

(b) A- Primary consumer

B – Tertiary consumer;

C – Secondary consumer;

D- Producer;

(c) A - Would increase;

B - Would decrease;

(d) From the data construct in the species below a labelled diagram of: (i)
Pyramid of numbers; (1 mark)

(ii) Pyramid of biomass; (1 mark)


(e) - It is inverted;

-Producers are fewer than primary consumers;

- Producer may be a large tree;

(f) (i) The first and second trophic level;

Grazing; Acc. Herbivorous

(ii) The second and third trophic level. (1 mark)

Predation; Acc. carnivorous

(g) Water logged soil lacks oxygen;

- Plants roots are not able to respire hence die;

- And are not able to absorb water and mineral salts;

- Leading to death of the plant;

(h) - Malaria;

- Trypanasomiasis;

- Trichomoniasis;

27. (a) Pancreas secretes insulin into the bloodstream; - stimulating the liver to convert the excess glucose;

- to glycogen/fats for storage;

- increases the oxidation of glucose;

- inhibits the secretion of glucagon;

- blood sugar decreases back to normal;

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