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Meeting Report with proffessor Moumine.

Date: 29/02/2024


1. Revision of Previous Meeting:

 Professor Moumine reviewed key points from the initial meeting.
 Participants were given the opportunity to address any questions or concerns.

2. Understanding Diplomacy vs. Policy:

 Supervisor clarified the distinction between diplomacy and policy.
 Diplomacy: Relations between nations based on mutual interests.
 Policy: Strategic plans and actions for long-term goals.

3. Instructions for Research Question Formation:

 Participants were tasked with formulating research questions.
 Criteria for research questions:
 Personal interest in the field.
 Relevance to English language studies and cultural policies in Morocco.
 Availability of literature database and access to the field.
 Exclusion of studies conducted in Morocco within the last ten years.
 Inclusion of at least two or three case studies.

4. Reporting Requirements:
 Supervisor introduced the requirement for weekly reports.
 Participants to document their activities and readings throughout the week.
 Reports to include summaries of papers read and progress made.

5. Guidelines for Reading Articles:

 Supervisor provided a structured approach to reading articles:
 Before reading, consider:
 Objectives
 Methodologies adopted
 Main results
6. Introduction to Middlemen:
 Definition: Individuals who facilitate access to institutions or resources for research purposes.
 Middlemen play a crucial role in gaining access to necessary information or facilities.

7. Pilot Study Preparation:

 Participants instructed to conduct a pilot study as a precursor to their main research.
 Purpose: To test methodologies and gather preliminary data before commencing full-scale

Action Items:
 Formulate research questions meeting specified criteria.
 Begin compiling weekly reports documenting activities and readings.
 Adhere to guidelines for reading articles, focusing on objectives, methodologies, and results.
 Identify potential middlemen to facilitate access to research resources.
 Prepare for pilot study implementation to precede main research efforts.

Next Steps:
 Submit weekly reports as per the outlined requirements.
 Continue refining research questions and conducting preliminary literature reviews.
 Prepare for pilot study execution and seek necessary approvals or permissions.
 Maintain communication with Supervisor for guidance and feedback on research progress.

Professor Moumine emphasized the importance of regular attendance

and informed participants that three unexcused absences from
meetings would result in elimination from the seminar, with those
eliminated having their participation postponed until the following

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