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CRITERION A – Listening comprehension (SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT)

Recommended time to complete this task: 35 minutes.

How to Talk to TCKs (

How to talk to TCKs

16/24 – 6/8

Answer the following questions:

1. State five questions the speakers usually get asked. 2

a) “So Singapore is in China, right?”

b) “Why don’t you have an accent?”
c) “What food do they eat in Asia?”
d) “Have you ever lived in a hut?”
e) “Do you speak really good Singaporean?”

2. Answer the following questions with reference to the text:

a. What does Rachel say about not liking it when she is asked whether she speaks
the language fluently? why? 2

She doesn’t like the question because she perceives as if most people believe
learning the language of a place is “necessary” to have form part of a culture, so
her not learning the language makes people invalidate her past experiences. She
says: “I thought that’s an expectation that I failed to pass.”

b. Why does Jonathan not like it when he is asked where he is from? Why? 2

He doesn’t like it because, as he has moved through several places and has taken
personal characteristics from different cultures, it is difficult to put all of that in a
single place, and that makes him forcibly evaluate his entire journey throughout
the world. This is because that question forces you to evaluate the place that has
marked you the most as a child. He says: “I have to go on a complicated account
of my life story.”

c. Why does Jonathan like people to just try to get to know him? 1?

He says: “The TCK label doesn’t necessarily define every aspect of who I am.”

3. Evaluate and analyse the audio-visual text and its effect on the target audience.
Refer to the following conventions: spoken and written language, imagery. 0

4. What is the purpose of the audio-visual text and who is it aimed at? Do you
think the target audience would benefit from watching it? 3

This video is primarily directed at young people, since in the context of globalisation, most
teenagers nowadays have to relate with TCKs, and it is helpful to do a campaign like this one to
sensibilize teens about the topic. Besides that, they put teenagers and young adults in the video,
who talked about conversation topics with other people of their age, specially at school, which
proves the point that it is directed at young people.

5. Can you relate to the audio-visual text? If so, say why and refer to the text. If
not, say how you think you would feel while referring to the text. 2

I certainly relate to this video, since I’m myself an immigrant from Peru, and most of the struggles I
initially faced when I moved to Spain are described in the video, such as being asked questions as:
“How’s it there?”

6. Imagine you met one of the speakers, what would you ask him/her? Explain why.
Remember to refer to the text. 2?
I would just get to know them, just as Jonathan said he wanted, since I think, although being a TCK
can mark a great part of your personality, it is important to get to know a person naturally.
However, if the topic comes up, I would go for something like: “… and how’s the weather them” or
“what about your friends?”, just as one of the girls said in the video.

7. Imagine you didn’t know what a TCK is. How would you describe the term just
with what you have heard in the text? Refer to it please! 2?
From the evidence that the video gives, a TCK would be someone who has lived in many places,
specially a child. This is also shown when Sarah at the beginning of the video asks “which name?”

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