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Sarah’s Advanced Skewb Guide

This doc goes over each set of cases and goes along with my Sarah’s Advanced video.
This doc does not go over each individual case as it is better to learn the patterns for
each set, rather than each individual alg. Below each explanation are a few examples.
For most cases, there are multiple ways to do it that all have the same amount of
sledges. This means it’s good to experiment to find the best algs for you! If anything in
the doc is confusing, please refer to the video for a more in-depth explanation.

Learning Order:
1. L3C
2. L4C
3. Pi + H Perm, Z Perm, and Pure Pi
4. Peanut + H Perm, Z Perm, and Pure Peanut
5. Pi + Triple Sledge
6. Pi + Vertical U Perm
7. Peanut + X Perm
8. Peanut + Z Perm Conjugate
9. Peanut + Horizontal U Perm
10. Pi + Z Perm Conjugate
11. Pi + Horizontal U Perm
12. Peanut + Swirl Perm
13. Peanut + Wat Perm
14. Peanut + Vertical U Perm
15. Pi + O Perm
16. Pi + X Perm
17. Pi + Swirl Perm
18. Peanut + Triple Sledge
19. Peanut + O Perm
20. Pi + Wat Perm
21. L5C
General Terms
Name Description Example

U Center the center that belongs

on the top

U Face the top face

A center that needs to

Opposite Center move to the opposite
side of the cube

A center that doesn’t

Solved Center need to move

A center that needs to

Adjacent Center move next to where it is
Center Permutations
Name Description Example

Swirl Perm no solved centers or

opposite centers

Wat Perm one opposite center and

no solved centers

X perm two opposite centers and

no solved centers

Triple Sledge one solved center and

two opposite centers

Z perm Conjugate one solved center and no

opposite centers

two solved centers and

U perm one opposite center

O perm two solved centers

H perm four opposite centers

and a solved U center

two sets of adjacent

Z perm swaps and a solved U
Pi U Center Permutations
Left Right Front Back

Peanut Corner Naming

Left Corner → ←Right Corner

Abbreviations of Common Algs

Move Abbreviation
Sledge S
Hedge H
Rotate the cube to the left y’
Rotate the cube to the y
Pi Cases
Pi + Swirl Perm
Type 1: U Center on Front or Back
solve the corners and the center that is on the top with either a sledge
or hedge depending on the case.

This will leave a Z perm conjugate, which can be solved with setup
moves to triple sledge.

Type 2: U Center on Left or Right

hold the U center in front and solve the U face with a sledge or hedge
depending on the case.

y’ S
This will leave a Z perm, which can be solved with one algorithm.

For type 1 cases, do a y2 rotation after the sledge or hedge to set up for
the Z perm conjugate.
For type 2 cases, try to predict what angle the Z perm will be at to
move smoothly into the algorithm.
Pi + Wat Perm
Type 1: U Center on Front or Back
hold the U center in the back and do a sledge or a hedge.

This will leave a Peanut + O perm, which can be solved with a
combination of three sledges or hedges.

Type 2: U Center on Left or Right

hold the U center in front and solve the U face with a sledge or hedge
depending on the case.

y’ S
This will leave a U perm, which can be solved with two sledges.

For type 1 cases, predict where the solved centers will be after the
sledge or hedge to move smoothly into the rest of the algorithm.
For type 2 cases, only predict where the solved center will be because
the opposite center will always be in front.
Pi + X perm
Type 1: U Center on Front or Back
hold the adjacent center in front and solve the corners with a sledge or
hedge depending on the case.

y’ S
This will leave a triple sledge, which can be solved with three sledges.

Type 2: U Center on Front or Back

If the U center is on the left or right, hold the U center in front and
solve the U face with a sledge or hedge depending on the case.


This will leave a U perm, which can be solved with two sledges

For type 1 cases, rotate away from where the U center was before the
sledge or hedge to set up for the triple sledge.
For type 2 cases, only predict where the solved center will be because
the opposite center will always be in the back.
Pi + Horizontal U perm
Type 1: Solved Center on Front or Back
hold the headlights on the left and solve the corners by doing Pure Pi
(two sledges).

This will leave a U perm, which can be solved with two sledges.

Type 2: Solved Center on Left or Right

hold the opposite center in the back and do a sledge or hedge.

This will leave a Peanut + X perm, which can be solved with two
sledges or hedges.

For type 1 cases, Pure Pi preserves the centers, meaning it is easy to
predict where the U perm will be after the Pure Pi.
For type 2 cases, after the first sledge or hedge, rotate to where the
solved center used to be for the next sledge or hedge.
Pi + Vertical U perm
Type 1: U Center on Front or Back
hold the headlights on the left and do Pure Pi (two sledges).

This will leave a U perm, which can be solved with two sledges.

Type 2: U Center on Left or Right

hold the U center in the back and do a sledge or a hedge in a way that
doesn’t solve the corners.

This will leave either a sledge or hedge left to solve.

For type 1 cases, Pure Pi preserves the centers, meaning it is easy to
predict where the U perm will be after the Pure Pi.
For type 2 cases, another way to think about it is to do the same thing
that would normally solve the U face, but from a y2 angle for the first
sledge or hedge. The type 2 cases are called the H perm skips.
Pi + O perm
Type 1: U Center on Front or Back
hold the center adjacent center in front and solve the corners with a
sledge or hedge depending on the case.

y’ S
This will leave a U perm, which can be solved with two sledges.

Type 2: U Center on Left or Right

hold the U center in front and solve the U face using a sledge or hedge.

y’ S
This will leave a U perm, which can be solved with two sledges.

For type 1 cases, rotate towards where the U center used to be to set up
for the U perm.
For type 2 cases, rotate towards where the adjacent center used to be
to set up for the U perm.
Pi + Z perm Conjugates
Type 1: U Center on Front or Back
hold the U center in back and do a sledge or hedge.

This will leave a Peanut + X perm, which can be solved with two

Type 2: U Center on Left or Right

hold the U center in front and solve the U face with a sledge or hedge
depending on the case.

y’ S
This will leave a U perm, which can be solved with two sledges.

For type 1 cases, rotate towards where the solved center used to be to
set up for the next sledge or hedge.
For type 2 cases, only predict where the opposite center will be
because the solved center will always be in the front.
Pi + Triple Sledge
Type 1: U Center on Front or Back
hold the U center in the front and do a sledge or hedge.

y’ S
This will leave Pure Peanut, which can be solved with four sledges.

Type 2: U Center on Left or Right

hold the U center in front and solve the U face with a sledge or hedge
depending on the case.

For type 1 cases, it is recommended to learn the NS algorithms
because the advanced solutions are so bad.
Pi + H or Z perm and Pure Pi
Type 1: Pure Pi
hold the headlights on the left and do two sledges.

Type 2: H Perm
hold the headlights on the right and solve the corners with a sledge.

y’ S
This will leave a U perm, which can be solved using two sledges.

Type 3: Z Perm
hold the headlights on the left and do Pure Pi (two sledges).

This will leave a Z perm, which can be solved with one algorithm.
Peanut Cases
Peanut + Swirl Perm
Solve the Sarah’s Intermediate case like normal

y’ H y S



This will leave a U perm, which can be solved using two sledges.

Doing more solves will help with predicting where the U perm will be
after the intermediate alg.
Peanut + Wat Perm
Hold the opposite center in the back and do a
Sarah’s Intermediate algorithm.

S y’ H


y’ H y’ H

This will leave a U perm, which can be solved using two sledges.

After the intermediate alg, the opposite center will always be in the
front. This makes it much easier to predict the U perm.
Peanut + X Perm
Hold the adjacent center in front and do a Sarah’s
Intermediate algorithm.

S y’ H

y2 H y’ S

y2 H y H
The intermediate alg should solve the cube.

Try to cancel moves on some of the cases (specifically H y H and S y’
S). These cancellations help make many other advanced cases faster.
Rotate away from where the U center used to be for the next sledge.
If the correct starting angle is closest to the right corner, the first move
is a sledge.
If the correct starting angle is closest to the left corner, the first move
is a hedge.
Peanut + Horizontal U Perm
Hold the opposite center in back and do a hedge or
sledge depending on the case.

y’ S


y2 S
This will leave a Peanut + X perm, which can be solved with two

If the correct starting angle is closest to the right corner, the first move
is a hedge.
If the correct starting angle is closest to the left corner, the first move
is a sledge.
After the first sledge, rotate towards where the solved center used to
be to set up for the Peanut + X.
Peanut + Vertical U Perm
Solve the Sarah’s Intermediate case like normal


y2 H y H

y S y’ S
This will leave a U perm, which can be solved using two sledges.

It is recommended to learn the NS algorithms for these cases because
the algs are easy and are much faster than the advanced solution.
Peanut + O Perm
Hold the adjacent center in front and do the first
sledge or hedge of the intermediate case.

y2 H


This will leave an H perm Skip case (Pi + Vertical U Perm), which can
be solved using two sledges.

Another way to think about these cases is to do the intermediate case,
but rotate the opposite way for the 2nd sledge. This will leave either a
sledge or hedge to finish.
After the 2nd sledge, do a y2 rotation to set up for the last sledge.
Peanut + Z Perm Conjugate
Hold the U center in back and do a sledge or hedge
depending on the case.


y’ S

y2 S
This will leave a Peanut + X perm, which can be solved with two

If the correct starting angle is closest to the right corner, the first move
is a hedge.
If the correct starting angle is closest to the left corner, the first move
is a sledge.
Rotate to where the solved center used to be to set up for the next
Peanut + Triple Sledge
Hold the U center in front and do a sledge or hedge
depending on the case.

y’ H


This will leave Pure Pi, which can be solved with two sledges.

If the U center is closest to the right corner, the first move is a sledge.
If the U center is closest to the left corner, the first move is a hedge.
Peanut + H or Z perm and
Pure Peanut
Pure Peanut:

S S y’ S S

H or Z Perm:
Do the intermediate algorithm as normal.

H y’ S y’ S
This will leave a U perm, which can be solved using two sledges.

It is recommended to learn the NS algorithms for these cases because
the advanced solution is so bad.
Solved Corner
U Perms:

S y2 S

O Perms:
Move the U center to the back with one move to set up for a U Perm.

Do a U Perm and undo the setup move.

For the O perms, since they are the same from three angles, you can do
the alg from any of the three angles.
Triple Sledge:


Z Perm Conjugates:
Do one move to set up a triple sledge.

Do a triple sledge and undo the setup move.

These cases are the same from two angles, this means you can do the
alg from the upside down angle too.
For the Z Perm Conjugates, try to cancel moves into or out of the triple
Z Perm:

R L’ U’ L U L R L’ R

H Perm:

S y2 H y2 S

Z Perm can be done from two angles.
H Perm can be done from all four angles.
Wat Perm and X Perm:
Hold the U center in back and do a U Perm to solve the U Face.

S y2 S

S y2 S
This will leave a U perm, which can be solved using two sledges.

Swirl Perm:
Solve the center that is on the top with a sledge or hedge.

This will leave a Pi + Z Perm Conjugate, which can be solved using
three sledges or hedges.

For Wat and X, try to predict where the 2nd U Perm will be.
For Swirl, rotate towards where the U center used to be for the next sledge.

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