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The Planets The Sun is at the center of the planets. Close to it are the inner planets - Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars. Mercury the planet closest to the Sun, is a cratered rock not much bigger than our Moon. It is incredibly hot and unable to support any kind of life. The atmosphere contains sodium and potassium. Venus is the next planet from the Sun and is about the same size as the Earth. The atmosphere is made up of mainly carbon dioxide. The surface temperature can be as high as 480 degrees Celsius. There is no life of any kind on the planet Venus. Earth is the only planet that has the conditions to support life. The surface is neither very cold nor very hot. Water can exist in al its three forms - as gas, liquid, and solid, These conditions allow plants and animals to live and reproduce. Mars, the first planet beyond Earth is smaller than the Earth. The atmosphere is made up mostly of carbon dioxide, Water exists on this pianet, but only in the form of ice. The whole planet is a red, lifeless desert. The outer planets, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune are called the gas giants. They are much larger than the Earth. The outermost planet, Pluto, is no longer classified as a planet. It is now called a dwarf Planet. It is so far away, it is a mystery. 1. How many planets are there? A) There are four planets. 8) There are six planets. C) There are eight planets. 5) There are seven planets. £) There are five planets. © «EduCon» Gacsinumgape! 2. Which planet is a red, lifeless desert? A) Mars. 8) Mercury. c) Venus. D) Earth £) Jupiter. Which planets are called the gas giants? A) Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars. ®) Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune. C) Moon, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus. D) Venus, Moon, Earth, Mars. E) Mars, Moon, Jupiter, Neptune. Lilly in the new town Lilly loves her new town. She loves the mall She loves the parks. She also loves her school. Most of all, though, Lilly loves the seasons. In her old town, it was hot all of the time. Sometimes it is cold in Lilly's new town. The cold season is in winter. Once in a while it snows. Lilly has never seen snow before. So for her, the snow is exciting as well as very beautiful. Lilly has to wear gloves to keep her hands warm. She also wears a scarf around her neck. In spring, flowers bloom and the trees turn green with new leaves. Pollen falls on the cars and windowsills and makes Lilly sneeze. People work in their yards and mow their grass. In summer, Lilly wears her old shorts and sandals— the same ones she used to wear in her old town. It's hot outside, and dogs lie in the shade. Lilly and her friends go to a pool or play in the water sprinkler. Her father cooks hamburgers on the grill for dinner. Lilly’s favorite season is autumn. In autumn, the leaves on the trees tum yellow, gold, red, and orange. Halloween comes in autumn, and this is Lilly's favorite holiday. Every Halloween, Lilly wears a costume, Last year she wore a mouse costume. This year she will wear a fish costume. One evening in autumn, Lilly and her mom are sitting together on the porch. Mom tells Lilly TECT NOS / AHTMIACKMIA ABbIK ‘pa TY p> that autumn is also called “fall”, idea. Lilly thinks, because in fall fall down from the trees, This is a good all of the leaves 4, Which of the following words be: describes the way Lilly feels abece her new town? A) Skeptical, meaning questioning or showing doubt Miserable, unhappy or depressed Apprehensive, meaning anxious or worried D) Overjoyed, meaning extremely happy E) Content, meaning satisfied with what one is or has out living in 8) 5. Which of the following best describes the structure of this passage? A) The author talks about Lily's clothes, and then about how the seasons change. The author introduces Lilly, and then describes her clothes and her mother. The author introduces Lilly, and then describes her in relation to the four seasons. The author introduces Lilly, and then explains why autumn is her favorite season. The author discusses the four seasons, and then describes which one Lilly likes best. B) ° D) © s€duCon» 6acunumnaps. ——— E) 6. Howis Lilly's new town different from her old town? 1. It snows in her new town. Il. Lilly wears different summer clothes in her new town. lll. Lilly wears a Halloween costume in her new town. | A) lonly 5) Honly ©) Mlonly D) Land Ill only E) Mand Ill only AHTAMUCKU A3bIK 7, ‘What is the passage mainly about? A) Lilly's favourite season. 8) Lilly's clothes. ©) Lilly's favourite activities during winter. ©) Lilly and the four seasons. ©) Lilly's favourite Halloween costumes. At the library Today, Mike 7 and his mom are going to the library. Mike wants to find a book to read. His mom wants to use a computer there. ‘When they get to the library, Mike finds a book about detectives. He also finds a book with chapters about a friendly ghost. Then he takes a book about new planets and discoveries. Finally, he finds a book about a man who lives in the woods without food or water. He puts the books on the front desk and waits for his mom. Mike's mom sits at one of the computers in the library. She checks her email and looks at pictures of flowers on the internet. Then she reads a news article on a website. Mike's mom leaves the computer and walks over to Mike, holding up something out for him. Mike looks at her quizzically. It takes him a moment to recognize what she is holding. “I got that movie for us to watch tonight," says Mike's mom. “Are you ready to leave?” “Sure,” Mike says, now holding the movie out in front of him. He reads the cover while walking back to the library entrance. He puts his books and the movie on the front desk to check out. A tibrarian stands behind the counter holding an electronic scanner. "How long can we keep them?" Mike asks her. "Three weeks,” says the librarian. Suddenly, Mike is surprised. His mother is Checking out something else that is too big to put on the desk. It's a picture of the ocean, “What is that for?” Mike asks, “To put on our wail at home,” says Mike's mom, ‘You can do that?” Mike asks, Mike's mom smiles at the librarian, "Yes," she says, “but we have to return it in three months." 8. Based on the books Mike finds to check Out, what genre is NOT Mike interested in? A) Detective 8) Comedy C) Mystery D) Science £) Adventure 2 : 9. While at the computer, Mike's mom 5 |. checks her mail 3 IL sends flowers 2 IN. reads about oceans 3 A) Loniy 3 8) Ilonly 7 C) tand tl only sad D) Mand il only © A iand in 10. Which of the following things can you check out from the library? |. pictures furniture Hl. computers A) lonly 8) Honly © Sand It only ©) Mand tll only ©) Il and it HCL NED Sleep Well " Getting a 00d night's sleep is very important for . your health, Not getting enough sleep makes you feel tired during the day and can have negative effects on your health. So what can you do to Set a good night's sleep? Read on to find out. One important thing in getting a good night's sleep is to make sure your bedroom is conducive to sleep. It is important to keep your bedroom dark. Research has shown that even 4 small amount of light in your bedroom can Prevent a good night's sleep. Your bedroom should also be the right temperature. Most People sleep well in a room that is around 18° C (65° F). If your bedroom is too hot or too Cold, this can interfere with a good night's sleep. Another important factor in getting a good night's sleep is staying on a sleep schedule. This means going to bed and waking up at the same time each day. This includes weekends and holidays. Going to sleep and waking up at irregular times disrupts your body's sleep clock and this can lead to poor quality sleep. People who exercise regularly often generally sleep better. This is because your body uses sleep to rest and recover. If there is nothing for your body to recover from, this can lead toa lower quality of sleep. The time you exercise is important. Morning and afternoon are the best. If you exercise too close to bedtime, you will make yourself more awake and then have trouble getting to sleep and staying asleep. It is best to refrain from exercise 3-4 hours before bed. Eating a snack before bed can also help you sleep better. Tryptophan is a chemical that can help you sleep better. itis found in foods such 3S €88 whites, cod (a type of fish), soybeans, Pumpkin seeds, cheddar cheese, turkey, and wo ee AHTIMUCKUI A3bIK wheat. Combining these foods wi foods with carbohydrat: , an (bread, Potatoes, cereals, ete)in_* Whats the main idea ofthe text? oad ae help you fall asleen, ) Exercise js important to make sure you bedtime. This mean nite and caffeine before 2) Steere cists sleep The drug nicoti No smoking before bed, leeping well is not an easy thing to do Tar bet scr is found in cigarettes, a =~ only be done after talking to i it will keep you awak 4 SOS id also avoi i = You ° shaw tak aad Caffeine, Caffeine is found in ) B20) habits such us smoking or drug comme colate, tea, and coffee. There D) Heater us from sleeping well. e also Some drugs, such as pain kiles, tht Healy food during the day ls more cond idea to aval eee eer think that itis a €) There are several differen thi goo to avoid caffeine completely becauce ere se several different things you itcan stay in your body for up to 12 hours lo to make sure you sleep well. Sleeping well is essential for a happy and healthy life. Not sleeping well can negatively affect your energy levels and your health. So if you find yourself not getting a good night's 15. What does the word it refer to in the text? A) Cigarettes 7 8) Bed sleep, follow some of this advice and you'll be ©) Nicotine sleeping well in no time, a iBiccartege = ©) Stimulant 411. The most common reason of sleep 2 problems is... lag A) carbohydrates & Roddites: — 8) snack é n we are C) stress g young, we learn D) caffeine = . £) tryptophan ° dangers animals. We 12. What does the word avoid mean? ~~ ncfiooske A) Start of them because Bi Buy they are big and powerful. As we get older, ©) Drink however, we learn that sometimes the most D) Stop dangerous animals are also the smallest animals. In fact, the animal that kills the most people every year is one that you have probably killed yourself 13. What does NOT help to get a good night's many times: the mosquito. sleep? While it may seem that all mosquitoes are A) Your room should be dark. biters, this is not stil oe cee a os i mosquitoes eat plant nectar. On the C Paes scree: me hand, female mosquitoes feed on animal blood. D) Physical exercises just before sleep. They need this blood to live and produce eggs. hydrates. When a female mosquito bites a human being, B Teratanhen Sa are it transmits a small amount of saliva into the blood. This saliva may or may not contain a weee ne + asermatrwnat OA £) Use deadly disease. The result of the bite can be as minor as an itchy bump or as serious as death, Because a mosquito can bite many people in the course of its life, it can carry diseases from ‘one person to another very easily. Two of the most deadly diseases carried by mosquitoes are malaria and yellow fever. More than 700 million people become sick from these diseases every year. At least 2 million of these people will die from these diseases. Many scientists are working on safer and better ways to kill mosquitoes, but so far, there is no sure way to protect everyone in the world from their deadly bites. Mosquito nets can be placed over beds to protect people against being bitten. These nets help people stay safe at night, but they do not kill any mosquitoes. Mosquitoes have many natural enemies like bats, birds, dragonflies, and certain kinds of fish. Bringing more of these animals into places where mosquitoes live might help to cut down the amount of mosquitoes in that area. This is a natural solution, but it does not always work very well. Mosquitoes can also be killed with Poisons or sprays. Even though these sprays kill mosquitoes, they may also harm other plants or animals. Although mosquitoes may not seem as scary as larger, more powerful animals, they are far more dangerous to human beings. But things are changing. It is highly likely that one day scientists will find a way to keep everyone safe from mosquitoes and the diseases they carry. © «EduCon» 6acuinumgapel 16. As used in paragraph 2, minor most nearly means: A) Small 8) Deadly C) Important D) Poisonous £) Dangerous 17. What does the word they refer to? A) Plants B) Mosquitoes ©) Animals D) Sprays ©) Dragonflies 18, Based on the information in paragraph 2, we can understand that |. male mosquitoes and female mosquitoes have different eating habits II. male mosquitoes are harmless to humans Ill, female mosquitoes are responsible for transmitting diseases to humans lonly and Il only ©) Mand ttl only D) 1,1, and ti ©) Vand Ill only A) B) 19. It can be understood that the introduction of dragonflies might reduce the number of flies in a given area because dragonflies ... . A) cannot be killed by poisons or sprays 8) attract bats ©) kill mosquitoes D) are afraid of mosquitoes ©) work together with mosquitoes 20. According to the author, some people are more afraid of tigers and sharks than mosquitoes because these animals... . A) kill more people than mosquitoes 8) are enormous and strong © poison the most people every year ) are found all over the world E)_ have no natural enemies

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