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Computer Graphics Assignment

In groups of about 10, each prepare a presentation on any of the following areas
Design and implement a simple computer graphics program that allows users to draw and manipulate
geometric shapes on a canvas. Your program should support the following functionalities:

1. Drawing Shapes: Users should be able to draw various geometric shapes such as lines, circles,
rectangles, and polygons on the canvas.

2. Manipulating Shapes: Users should be able to select and manipulate shapes by clicking and
dragging them with the mouse. They should be able to move, resize, rotate, and delete shapes.

3. Color Selection: Users should be able to choose different colors for drawing shapes.

4. Undo and Redo: Users should have the ability to undo and redo their actions, such as drawing
shapes and manipulating them.

Ensure that your program provides an intuitive user interface with clear instructions and visual

Explain your program

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