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Lesson 6: Interpret Manuals

Types of Manuals

User Manual
-User manuals are interpreted for both professional and
inexperienced equipment users, and they provide instructions for the
configuration, service, and maintenance of a product. Security
precautions and troubleshooting chars and guides are usually included
in user manuals.

Training Manuals
-Individuals use training manuals to prepare for a procedure or
skill, such as using a respirator, flying an aircraft, or filing an insurance
claim. Training manuals can be handwritten, or he can be distributed
electronically or online.

Operators Manual
-Operator manuals, which are written for professional
operators of building, manufacturing, electronic, or military
equipment, contain important guidance and safety alerts. They
are often written in a format that enables operators to use
them on the job.

Service Manual
-Service manuals assist qualified technicians in repairing
appliances or devices on the customer’s premises. Troubleshooting
guides for finding technical problems are often included in such

Special-Purpose Manual
-Programmer reference manuals, overhaul manuals, handling and
setup manuals, and safety manuals are examples of manuals that are
needed by certain users.

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