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To: Nancy Myers

From: Meagan Eirls

Date: October 17, 2022

Subject: APLED 121- Chapter 15 Summary

Chapter 15
Instructions, User Manuals, and Standard Operating Procedures
Why Write Instructions?
Almost every manufactured product comes with instructions. These instructions help, construct, set up,
maintain, or operate the product it came with.

Criteria for Writing Instructions

There may be a chance that you’ve ready poorly written instructions, this can happen when an author
doesn’t consider their audience.

 Audience Recognition: Instructions such as: “place the belt on the pulley” are not ideal when
your audience is unsure what a pulley is or how to place the belt correctly. A high-tech reader
may understand the instructions, while others may be left confused.
 Ethical Instructions: Writing needs to be professional, and all sources must be cited properly
to avoid plagiarism.
o Legalities in User Manuals: By communicating any potential harm, hazards, or dangers
that may befall the customer while operating the company’s equipment you are
adhering to your legal responsibilities to the company as well as the customer.
o Practicalities in User Manuals: Over time it is likely that a company will add to or
redesign a product. Keeping up to date on user manuals keeps customers informed and
up to date on all changes made.
 Components of Instructions: Some instructions will be heavily detailed, while others may
have short simple instructions.
 Title Page: Prefacing instructions with a title page that explains the topic and the purpose of
the instructions as well as a graphic depiction is helpful to the customer and is more
 Safety Requirements: If a certain step of instructions presents a potential hazard, safety
instructions must be placed before the step instructions.
o Access: When calling attention to a potential danger, make it obvious. This can be done
with larger text, graphic depictions, or a warning box.
o Definitions: Use the hierarchy of definitions before using them, these are as follows:
1. Danger- Potential death
2. Warning- Potential injury
3. Caution- potential equipment damage
4. Note- Important information for the task
o Colors: Adding a colored window or text box can help emphasize the potential hazard.
Usually danger is written in red, warning in orange, caution yellow, and note in blue,
black, or green.
o Text: Your text should have the following to clarify terminology:
1. A one- or two-word identification alerting the readers- “High Voltage”, “Sharp
Objects”, or “Hot Equipment” are words that will warn readers or potential
2. The consequences of the hazards, in three to five words- “Can Cause Burns”,
“Cuts Can Occur”, or “Electrocution can Kill” informs readers of potential harm.
3. Avoidance steps- Tell the readers how to avoid the potential consequences in
three to five words. This may include, “Wear rubber shoes” or” Wear protective
o Icons: For equipment that is sold internationally, use picture icons. This helps everyone
understand the hazard.
 Table of Contents: Instructions with several sections should include a table of contents. This
helps the customer find specific instructions.
 Introduction: To help keep user manuals user friendly use personal pronouns such as, “you”
and “your”. Using positive words like “Thank you” helps promote good customer relationships.
 Glossary: If instructions include abbreviations such as CPR, will the reader know that it stands
for “continuing property records”? A glossary added will help the reader understand the
terminology if they are unfamiliar with the terms.
 Required Tools or Equipment: Providing a list and a graphic depiction of all the tools required
for the task will help the reader completer the task efficiently.
 Instructional Steps: To successfully write your instructions, follow these steps:
o Organize the Steps Chronologically: Don’t tell the readers to do steps 3, then 7, then 1.
This will cause your instructions to become disorganized and confusing.
o Number Your Steps: Using numbered steps will help the reader understand the
instructions in order.
o Use Highlighting Techniques: Using boldface, different font sizes, text boxes, warning
words, or color to call attention to the specific area.
o Limit the Information Within Each Step: Keep instructions short and to the point.
o Use Short Words, Short Sentences, and Short Paragraphs: Help your readers complete
their task quickly and easily by keeping the information short, to the point, and
o Begin Your Steps with Verbs: Instructions should start using words like, “organize”,
“Number”, or “Develop”
o Do Not Omit Articles: Articles such as a, an, and the will make your texts readability
more smooth.
 Additional Components: Your instructions may include the following:
o Technical Descriptions: Sometimes there will be times when technical descriptions
are used in instructions, using specified instructions allows for more readability.
o Warranties: A warranty protects both customer and manufacturer. A warranty
protects customers if the product malfunctions sooner than the manufacturer
suggested. A warranty protects manufacturers if the product malfunctions after the
designated time by the manufacturer. Disclaimers are common id warranties to
protect the manufacturer.
o Accessories-: Companies will sometimes sell accessories that are not required for
the products operation.
o Frequently Asked Questions: Including a FAQs that answer common customer
concerns will save customer supports time by answering repeated questions.
o Corporate Contact Information: Add your corporate address, phone number,
website, or other ways for the customer to contact the company.
 Graphics: Using photographs, drawings, or screen captures that contains text with big, simple,
clear, and correctly labeled words may help clarify any misunderstandings.

Collaboration to Create User Manuals

User manuals are often lengthy and complex. They are typically written by multiple individuals with
different jobs. A project manager is put in charge when this happens to help maintain organization,
budget control, and schedule for the manual. They will oversee the following things: accounting,
business analytics, software development, and quality assurance.

Instructional Videos
Instructional videos are another way of delivering instructions to the customer. This will benefit the
customer by animated videos preforming a step successfully, excellent communication, podcasting or
downloadable content, or instructional videos with user interaction.

Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)

A set of written instructions the document routine or administrative activities followed by a business

 Reasons for Writing an SOP: An SOP ensures that regulations are being followed. They’re also
used for:
o Calibrate and standardize materials
o Collect lab samples
o Handle and preserve food
o Analyze test data
o Troubleshoot equipment
o List mathematical steps and equations
o Access hardware and software data
 Components of SOPs: SOPs may contain many of the same components.
o Title Page: Preface your SOP with a title page
o Scope and Applicability: In three to five sentences to explain the purpose of the SOP
o Summary Method: A brief summary might tough on any of the following:
1. Title of people involved
2. Their roles and duties
3. Sequence of their involvement
4. Sequence of activities
o Interferences: Any components that may interfere with the final product. These may
include humidity, temperature, altitude, weather, or contamination.
o Personnel Qualifications/ Responsibilities: This section lists the qualifications and
experience of the individuals preforming the SOP.
o Equipment and Supplies: This section may include tools, equipment, reagents needed
for the procedure, or biological specimens.
o Data and Records Management: Calculations to be performed, forms for reports,
required reports, report recipients, report intervals, and process to follow.
o Quality Control and Quality Assurance: Explain the verification of your work, include
specific process to follow, include self- check intervals, and state how and to whom
you’re reporting to.
o References: Cite your sources of information properly to avoid plagiarism.

Test for Usability

To test the usability of instructions or an SOP select a test audience, ask the audience to test the
instructions, monitor the audience, time each member, and quantify the audience’s response.

Sample Instructions
A visual of an order of procedures.

The Writing Procedures at Work

 Prewriting: Brainstorming
 Writing: Composing the prewriting
 Rewriting: Revised rough draft

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