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To: Nancy Myers

From: Stephen Shaw

Date: 1/25/2022
Subject: APLED 121 Chapter 15 Summary

Chapter 15 Instructions, User Manuals, and Standard Operating Procedures

Why Write Instructions: Instructions help people do things the right way. Effective
communication through instructions saves lives, time, and money.
Criteria for Writing Instructions: You have most likely read some bad instructions before. The
following will help you know how to write instructions efficiently.
 Audience Recognition: Consider the audience to who you are writing to. If it is a
children’s toy, you should probably not use long and complicated words.
 Ethical Instructions: Correctly citing the sources of information will help you avoid
 Components of Instructions: Using numbered steps make instructions easier to read
one at a time.
 Title Page: The title page is meant to look bold and stand out. It lets the reader know
what they are about to read instructions about.
 Safety Requirements: Safety requirements are very important. You want to mention the
safety concerns to help prevent consequences.
 Table of Contents: The Table of Contents organize your instructions. If people only want
to read one step, they’ll know what page to go to.
 Introduction: A friendly and easy way to introduce your topic. Let the reader know what
they are dealing with.
 Glossary: A glossary is good for difficult words. Sometimes, they will need to be in the
instructions, so be sure to define what you are putting into them.
 Required Tools or Equipment: This provides an organized list of what the user needs to
have or find.
 Instructional Steps: The actual actions required by the audience to complete a task.
 Additional Components: Extra material the customer needs to know that isn’t related to
the task, such as technical descriptions, warranties, accessories, frequently asked
questions, and corporate contact information.
 Graphics: Clarifying your points graphically, by using drawings, photographs, and screen
Collaboration to Create User Manuals: Having other people to help you make user manuals
provides more information and critiques on what you had wrote.
Instructional Videos: Videos are another way to depict the instructional steps. They are also
easier to follow, as it will show on screen what to do to complete the task.
Standard Operation Procedure (SOP): A set of written instructions that documents routine or
repetitive technical or administrative activities followed by business and industry.
 Reasons for Writing an SOP: SOPs insure accurate job performance and consistent
quality and integrity of the product.
 Components of SOPs: SOPs contain a title page, scope and applicability, summary of
method, interferences, personnel qualifications/responsibilities, equipment and
supplies, data and records management, quality control and quality assurance, and
Test for Usability: Testing the SOPs and making sure they are usable and readable.
Sample Instructions: How to take a photo on a cell phone is an example of instructions.
The Writing Process at Work:
 Prewriting: Preview your ideas.
 Writing: Writing your paper.
 Rewriting: Edit and revise it.

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