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1. Day=?


(1) Jan 29 was a Tuesday.

If it's a normal year, there would be no Feb 29th. If it's a Leap year, there would be Feb 29th.

That would lead to different days for 14th Nov.


(2) July 17 was a Wed.

We don't need to know about Feb as it has passed.
Nov 14th can be calculated.

Hence, the answer is Option (B).

2. Given: v = (w)^2(y)(z)
Required: Number of positive factors of v

We can find the number of factors of N = (x^a)*(y^b)*(z^c) if x, y and z are different prime numbers.
Number of factors = (a+1)(b+ 1)(c+1)

Statement 1: w, y and z are integers greater than 1

If w,y and z are prime, we can find the number of factors. If they are not, we cannot find.

Statement 2: w, y and z are distinct prime numbers

This clearly tells us that w,y and z are distinct prime numbers.
Hence we can find the number of factors.
Number of factors = 3*2*2 = 12 (Not needed to calculate for the question)

Option B
3. Required: q = ?

Statement 1: qr + qs = r + s
Or q (r + s) = (r+s)
(q-1)(r+s) = 0 (i)
Either q = 1 or r = -s

Statement 2: r ≠ -s (ii)
Nothing about q.

Combining Statement 1 and Statement 2:

From (i), we have (q-1)(r+s) = 0 (i)
And from (ii) r ≠ -s

Hence q = 1

Option C

The rate of the machine drawing molasses from the tank is m/s liters per second or 60 * (m/s) =
(60m)/s liters per minute. Since the supply tank can hold l liters of molasses when it’s full, it will take
the machine l/(60m/s) = l * (s/60m) = ls/(60m) minutes.

Answer: E

You should know 3 properties:
1. Consecutive angles in a parallelogram are supplementary, add to 180°.
2. The interior angles of a triangle always add up to 180°.

From (1): 5x + (2x + 5) = 180° --> x = 25°.

From (2): 5x + x + 2y = 6x + 2y = 150 + 2y = 180° --> y = 15°.

Answer: B.
6. Sale on 8th Feb = 70.
With a minimum of 1 sold and different number of refrigerators sold each day,
we have the count of refrigerators sold in the 27 days as
1+2+3+4+....27 =(27 * 28 )/2
= 378

Total refrigerators sold in the month

= Count of refrigerators sold on 8th Feb + Count of refrigerators sold on the remaining days of the
=70 + 378
=448 (OPTION D)

7. If 49 < x < 54 what is the value of x?

(1) x is not a prime number.

Possible values of x are 50, 51 and 52. We don't know which one.

(2) x is odd.
Possible values of x are 51 and 53. We don't know which one.

From both statements, we can deduce that x=51


8. Target question: What is the value of a?

Let's jump straight too....

Statements 1 and 2 combined

Statement 1 tells us that c = 5.
Statement 2 tells us that a < b
There are several values of a, b and c that satisfy BOTH statements. Here are two cases:
Case a: a = 3, b = 4 and c = 5. Notice that the Pythagorean Theorem holds true: 3² + 4² = 5². In this
case, the answer to the target question is a = 3
Case b: a = √11, b = √14 and c = 5. Notice that the Pythagorean Theorem still holds true: (√11)² +
(√14)² = 5². In this case, the answer to the target question is a = √11
Since we cannot answer the target question with certainty, the combined statements are NOT

Answer: E
9. You actually don’t need to know the sign. When you use statement 1 alone and multiply both sides by z,
you either get yz > x (if z is positive) or yz < x (if z is negative). It’s either greater than or less than
with no room for equals, so you don’t need the sign. So statement 2 isn’t always necessary, but if it
appears to give assistance you’ve got to look – you have to at least consider whether it’s important,
because that’s where the GMAT has set up the difficulty. On the most difficult problems, the GMAT will
tend to reward those who can leverage all available information to think critically and make a good
decision, so it pays to at least take a fairly-obvious-on-its-own statement and look at it in the context of
the other statement, just in case. As Statement 1 gives a definitive ‘no’ as an answer

Answer: A.

10. Let score in first and second game be x and y respectively

x+y = 400
3x = 200+y

Simplifying the above equations

y = 250

D is correct

We can simplify the given equation:

x/(x+y) = 6

x = 6x + 6y

-5x = 6y

x = 6y/-5 = -6y/5

We can substitute -6y/5 for x in the expression y/(y+x) and we have:

y/(y + -6y/5)

y/(5y/5 - 6y/5)
y/(-y/5) = 5y/-y = -5

Answer: A

Given that AB>BC>AC. So, AB is the hypotenuse of the triangle.

BC = √1432 − 552 = √(11∗13)2 − (11∗5)2 = 11√132 − 52 = 11∗12.

The area = 1/2*BC*AC = 1/2*(11*12)*55 = 66*55 = 3630.

Answer D.

13. Slope of X axis =0 & slope of y axis=ND . Thus any line which do not have slope equal to 0 or ND must
pass through 3 quadrants.

(1) 1 < m < 3 ==> +ve slope ---> always pass through QI & QIII ........ Thus Sufficient

(2) Line J passes through point (0,6) ----- this line could be ll to x axis , y axis itself a line with +ve slope
, or a line with -ve slope ......... Thus Insufficient

option A.

14. This question can be done very easily if you are familiar with the properties of absolute value.
For all real x and y, |x+y|≤|x|+|y|

|x+y|=|x|+|y| when x and y have the same sign (e.g. x = 4, y = 6 OR x = -2, y = -3) or at least one
of them is 0.
When x and y have opposite signs, |x+y|<|x|+|y|

So the question asks us whether x and y have opposite signs or not.

(1) | x | ≠ | y |
Doesn't tell us anything about the signs of x and y. Not sufficient.

(2) | x – y | > | x + y |
When will | x – y | be greater than | x + y |? Only when x and y have opposite signs e.g. | x – y | = |3 -
(-2)| = 5 but | x + y | = |3 - 2| = 1
If x and y have the same sign or one of them is 0, | x + y | will be greater or equal to | x – y |.
Hence this statement tells us that x and y have opposite signs. So it is sufficient alone.

Answer (B)
15. All answer choices but D are odd. In order odd number to be the sum of two prime numbers one must
be even, so 2, and another odd.

Now, 53=2+51. Since 51 is not a prime (51=3*17) then 53 cannot be written as the sum of two prime

Answer: E.


If Mary and Sue enter a 750 meter swimming competition in which Mary gives Sue a 2 minute headstart, will
Mary overtake Sue over the course of the race?

(1) Mary swims at a constant rate greater than 1.5 meters per second
(2) Sue swims at a constant rate less than 1.3 meters per second

Total distance = 750m. Mary's time = Sue's + 120sec

(1) Mary swims at a constant rate greater than 1.5 meters per second
If mary's speed = 1.5m/s, time taken would be 750/1.5 = 500s (max time)

This is not sufficient since we do not know about Sue's speed

(2) Sue swims at a constant rate less than 1.3 meters per second
If sue's speed = 1.3m/s, time taken = 750/1.3 = 576s (min time)
This is not sufficient since we do not know about Mary's speed

Combining both statements together, mary's time < 500, if speed = 2m/s, time = 375s
sue's time > 576, if speed = 1m/s, time = 750 s

In this scenario Mary will definitely overtake.

However, if mary's speed is close to 1.5, time slightly less than 500s
similarly if sue's speed is close to 1.3m/s, time taken is slightly more than 576s
The difference is < 120 sec
In this scenario Mary will not overtake.

Both statements together are not sufficient.

Option E

This is a yes/no divisibility question. If we use the variable d to represent the number of dogs, and v to
represent the number of volunteers, then the question is whether d/v is an integer.

Obviously, d and v must be integers, because half a dog or volunteer would make no sense. According to the
question stem, then, d = 43, 44, 45, 46, or 47.

Testing numbers is probably the best way to evaluate the statements. Start with Statement 1. If v > 5, v could
equal 6. If v=6, then d/v is definitely not an integer, because none of the possible values of d are multiples of 6.
But what if v=9? If v=9 and d=45, d/v would be an integer. Thus, it’s possible that d=43 and v=6 and the
answer is “no”, or that d=45 and v=9 and the answer is “yes”. Statement 1 alone is not sufficient. Eliminate A
and D.

Test numbers again to evaluate Statement 2. If v < 8, v could equal 6. We already tried v=6 for Statement 1
alone, and we found that the answer would be “no” when v=6. But what if v=2? If v=2 and d=44, then d/v
would be an integer. Thus, it’s possible that d=43 and v=6 and the answer is “no”, or that d=44 and v=2 and
the answer is “yes”. Statement 2 alone is not sufficient. Eliminate B.

With both statements combined, we know that v=6 or v=7. If v=6, then every value of d would yield a “no” to
the yes/no question. What if v=7? Same scenario. None of the possible values of d – 43, 44, 45, 46, or 47 – is
divisible by 7. Thus, with the question stem and both statements combined, we have sufficient information to
answer the yes/no question. Specifically, the answer to the yes/no question is a definite “no”, d/v is definitely
not an integer. The correct answer is C.


So Is (x+y)(x-y)>0 ? Yes/No
Let (x+y)= m , (x-y)= n
True ,when m and n have the same sign (+ve•+ve or -ve•-ve)
Question becomes Is (m•n) > 0 ?

(1)(x+y)(x-y)> (x-y)
m•n > n. Let m =2 ,n=3
2•3 > 3 , so m•n >0
But , Let m= 1/2 ,n = -2
1/2•-2 > -2 , but m•n <0
(Not Sufficient)

(2) (x+y)(x-y) < (x+y)

m•n < m. Let m =2 ,n=3
2•3 < 2 , but m•n >0
But, Let m=-1/2 ,n=2
-1/2•2 < -1/2 , so m•n <0
(not Sufficient)

(1+2) so in (1) we had m+ve,n+ve

.: (x+y)(x-y)>0 , Also m+ve ,n-ve
.: (x+y)(x-y) <0
Again, in (2) we had m+ve,n+ve
.: (x+y)(x-y)>0 ,Also m-ve,n+ve
.: (x+y)(x-y)<0
Clearly from the above, we have two overlap of answers:
x^2-y^2 >0 and x^2-y^2 <0

So E


To solve this question one should fundamentally understand two things:

1. What does the question ask: "How many play 2 instruments?" So, we should find the sum of the sectors
1, 2, 3, and 4. Notice that those who play two instruments include also those who play all three instruments,
(sector 4);

2. What happens when we sum all three groups, 10 piano players, 11 guitar players and 14 violin players?
When we add these three groups, we'll get 10+11+14=35 but some sections are counting more than once
in this number: sections 1, 2, and 3 are counted twice and section 4 thrice. Now, if we subtract those who
play only one instrument (inner white sections on the diagram), we'll get 35-20=15, so twice sections 1, 2, and
3 plus thrice section 4 equals to 15.

Since, 15 counts section 4, those who play all the instruments, thrice then of 15-3=12 counts these section
twice. So, now 12 counts all sections 1, 2, 3 and 4 twice. We need to count them once thus divide this number
by 2 --> 12/2=6 play 2 instruments.

Answer: B.


We are given that Donald spends on advertising in battleground states and New York City only. We are also
given that he plans to spend $360,000 in the battleground states and 20% in New York City. Since he only
spends the money in battleground states and New York City, the $360,000 he plans to spend in battleground
states is 80% of the total he plans to spend on advertising. If we let x = the total he he plans to spend on
advertising, then:

360,000 = 0.8x

x = 360,000/0.8 = 3,600,000/8 = 450,000

Since he has $520,000 available and he plans to spend $450,000, he will have 520,000 - 450,000 = $70,000

Answer: C


As we know the average speed is total distance/total time.

A quicker method to solve the problem would be through the allegations technique..

All we need to remember that Speed is inversely proportional to time.

Cloudy Sunny
A| | |B
time < y >|< x >
speed < s+1 >|< s >
distance <---y(s+1)--------->|<------xs------------ > Distance=Speed*Time[/color]
Question asks = xs/(xs+y(s+1) ??

From Allegation : (s+1 - 2.8)/(2.8-s)=x/y

I see three unknowns! I realize that I have to carefully look for the value of one of the unknowns...
Ahh..Average Speed! S+1 > 2.8> S (Problem mentions that S is an integer) Hence Average speed has to lie
between 3 and 2. ie 3>2.8>2 (notice relationship between S and S+1)

Substitute S=2
x/y=0.2/.08=1/4 (Ratio of time)
Distance covered when Cloudy = y(s+1) = 4*(1+2) = 12 miles
Distance covered when Sunny = xs = 1*2 = 2 miles

Required answer = 2/(2+12) = 1/7

Option E


Target question: Is ab odd?

Since there's no information stating that b is an integer, we can jump straight to.....

Statements 1 and 2 combined

There are several values of a and b that satisfy BOTH statements. Here are two:
Case a: a = 2 and b = 1, in which case ab = (2)(1) = 2. So, ab is NOT odd
Case b: a = 2 and b = 1.5, in which case ab = (2)(1.5) = 3. So, ab IS odd
Since we cannot answer the target question with certainty, the combined statements are NOT SUFFICIENT

Answer: E


Looks like we have 2 variables (A - Andy's present age and B - Betsy's present age)
The question stem gives an equation: 4 + A = 2 (B + 4)
A = 2B + 4
We see that we will get another equation from each statement. So you might feel that since it is a DS question
and you don't really need to solve to get the answer, you should mark D and move on. But this is a DS pitfall.
You have to ensure that the two equations are distinct for you to get a unique solution.
(1) Four years ago, Andy was twice as old as Betsy is now.
A - 4 = 2B
Note that this is same as A = 2B + 4
Hence, we do not have 2 distinct equations and hence we will not be able to solve for A and B.

(2) Four years ago, Andy was four times as old as Betsy.
A - 4 = 4*(B - 4)
A = 4B - 12
This does give us a different equation and hence we will be able to solve for A and B.

Answer (B)


In this question, we know that the polygon is a regular polygon i.e. all sides are equal in length. As the number
of sides keeps increasing, the area of the circle enclosed in the regular polygon keeps increasing till the number
of sides is infinite (i.e. we get a circle) and it overlaps with the original circle. The diagram given below will
make this clearer.

Let’s look at each statement:

Statement I: The length of one of the diagonals of the polygon is equal to the length of the diameter of the
Do we get the number of sides of the polygon using this statement? No. The diagram below tells you why.
Regular polygons with even number of sides will be symmetrical around their middle diagonal and hence the
diagonal will be the diameter. Hence the polygon could have 4/6/8/10 etc sides. Hence this statement alone is
not sufficient.

Statement II: The ratio of area of the polygon to the area of the circle is less than 2:3.

Let’s find the fraction of area enclosed by a square.

Side of the square = √2 * Radius of the circle

Area of the square = Side2 = 2∗Radius2
Area of the circle = π∗Radius2 = 3.14∗Radius2
Ratio of area of the square to area of the circle is 2/3.14 i.e. slightly less than 2/3.

So a square encloses less than 2/3 of the area of the circle. This means a triangle will enclose even less area.
Hence, we see that already the number of sides of the regular polygon could be 3 or 4. Hence this statement
alone is not sufficient.

Using both statements together, we see that the polygon has 4/6/8 etc sides but the area enclosed should
be less than 2/3 of the area of the circle. Hence the regular polygon must have 4 sides. Since the area of a
square is a little less than 2/3rd the area of the circle, we can say with fair amount of certainty that the area of
a regular hexagon will be more than 2/3rd the area of the circle. But just to be sure, you can do this:

Side of the regular hexagon = Radius of the circle

Area of a regular hexagon = 6*Area of each of the 6 equilateral triangles = 6∗(√3/4)∗Radius2=2.6∗Radius2

2.6/3.14 is certainly more than 2/3 so the regular polygon cannot be a hexagon. The regular polygon must have
4 sides only.

Answer (C).

We are given that a child received 6 different soccer team flags, including Liverpool and Arsenal. We need to
determine the number of arrangements that are possible when the flags are displayed 4 at a time and the
Arsenal and Liverpool flags are not displayed at the same time.

To start we can create the following equation:

Total number of ways to display the flags = (number of ways to display the flags when both the Arsenal and
Liverpool flags are displayed together) + (number of ways to display the flags when the Arsenal and Liverpool
flags are not displayed together).

Let’s first determine the total number of ways to display the 4 flags from a choice of 6 flags.

This is a permutation problem because the order in which the flags are displayed is important.

Number of ways to display the 4 flags from 6 flags = 6P4 = 6 x 5 x 4 x 3 = 360

Next we can determine the number of ways to display the flags when both Arsenal and Liverpool are displayed.
Since we know that the Arsenal and Liverpool flags are definitely selected, that leaves us with 4 flags for the 2
remaining spots, so there are 4C2 ways to select the two remaining flags, which equals (4 x 3)/2! = 6 ways.
Finally, there are 4! ways to arrange those 4 flags, which equals 24 ways. Thus, there are 24 x 6 = 144 ways to
select and arrange the flags in which both Arsenal and Liverpool are displayed.

Finally, there are 360 - 144 = 216 ways to select and arrange the 4 flags when Arsenal and Liverpool cannot be
displayed at the same time.

Answer: B


√4x2−4xy+y2 = √ (2x−y)2 = |2x−y|

Since x is negative and y is positive, then 2x - y = negative - positive = negative. Thus, |2x - y| = -(2x - y) = y -

Answer: C.

The question asks about the probability that in 3 spins the product of the 3 spins will be even.
What we know is that it only takes 1 even number in any multiplication for the product to result in an even

So, if we want at least 1 even, we can calculate the probability of not one even, or put differently all 3 spins end
up in an odd number, and subtract this from 1.

5 out of 10 numbers are odd. So, the probability of odd is 5/10, which is 1/2.

We have 3 spins, so we calculate (1/2)^3 = 1/8 = 0.125 and 0.125*100 = 12.5 %.

100 - 12.5 = 87.5, we go with A


The correct response is (C).

Let’s draw a third parallel line that goes through angle x.

We can split x into two angles, let’s call them a and b. We also know that the angle supplemental to 180-y will
be equal to y, since supplemental angles sum to 180 (180 – y + y = 180).

We know have two sets of alternate interior angles, which we know must be equal.

a = y + 25, and b = y.
The original angle x = a + b. Using substitution, x = y + 25 + y, or x = 2y + 25.

Since Statement (2) tell us that x is acute, we know x < 90. Therefore 2y + 25 < 90. We can solve for the
range of possible y values:

2y + 25 < 90 2y < 65 y < 32.5 Since all values that are less than 32.5 are also less than 35, the correct answer
is (C).


We multiply two two-digit integers and get 1995. The good thing is that we know the result of the multiplication
will be 1995. Usually, multiplication alphabetics are harder since they involve multiple levels, but here the
multiplication is actually a blessing. There are many many ways in which you can ADD two integers to give 1995
but there are only a few ways in which you can multiply two integers to give you 1995.

Let’s prime factorize 1995:

1995 = 3*5*7*19

We can probably count on our fingers the number of ways in which we can select AB and CD.

19 needs to be multiplied with one other factor to give us a two digit number since 5*3*7 = 105 (a three digit
number) so AB and CD cannot be 19 and 105.

19*3 = 57, 5*7 = 35 – This is not possible since two of the four digits are same here – 5.

19*5 = 95, 3*7 = 21 – This is one option for AB and CD.

19*7 = 133 – Three digit number not possible.

Hence AB and CD can only take values out of 21 and 95.

As of now, C can be 2 or 9. We need to find whether the given statements give us a unique value of C.

Statement 1: D is prime

D is the units digit of CD. So D can be 1 or 5.

1 is not prime so CD cannot be 21. Hence, CD must be 95 and AB must be 21.

Hence, C must be 9.

This statement alone is sufficient.

Statement 2: B is not prime

If B is not prime then AB cannot be 95. Hence AB must be 21.

This means CD will be 95 and C will be 9.

This statement alone is sufficient.

Answer (D)

Answer is D


Take smart numbers

L = 20: B = 10: H= 10 of initial box and Price = 50$

Therefore Price / cubic inch = 50 / (20*10*10) = 0.025

Now, when dimensions are reduced by 50% and price also reduced by 50%
L = 10; B=5; H=5 and Price = 25$

Therefore price / cubic inch = 25 / (10*5*5) = 0.1

Percentage change = (0.1 - 0.025) *100/ 0.025 = 3*100 = 300%


The smallest number of identical cubes that can fit into the box without any space left unfilled is one with an
edge that is the greatest common factor (GCF) of the three dimensions of the box. Since the dimensions of the
box are 54, 36 and 12, their GCF is 6. We should fit 6-inch cubes inside the box, and the number of cubes we
can fit is:

(54 x 36 x 12)/(6 x 6 x 6) = 9 x 6 x 2 = 108

Answer: D

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