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Post-colonial theory

traductionne). Pet
sIstques et omrtement Major figures and history
nNmitteraire au littéraire. Poetique 44 (1980): As one of the leading practitioners of post-co
lonial theory, *Edward Said, has shown else
Ámes dinterterences de systèmes sémio where, it is always difficult to find beginnings.
tiues" n Semietis UnfNding: Proceedings of the Presumably post-colonial theory could be said
Crrs f the.Internatienal Assxiatien for Se-
ioti Stxdis Ed. Tasso Barbé. Berlin: Mouton. to begin with the first colonial who discussed
198. 671-8. his or her state. However, most present-day
commentators begin with Frantz Fanon's Black
Skin, White Masks and The Wretched of the
Earth. Fanon's major contribution was his fo
Post-colonial theory cus on the colonial subject as colonized and as
Post-olonial theory is a term for a collection subject, and his use of a psychoanalytic frame
work. His depiction of the colonized as always
ftheoretical and critical strategies used to ex situated as other and unable to assume the
amine the culture (°literature, politics, history, necessary role as self has provided the central
and so forth) of former colonies of the Euro terms for the post-colonial debate. (See "self/
pean empires, and their relation to the rest of other.)
the world. While it embraces no single method In the Anglo-American critical tradition, the
or school, post-colonial theory- or, more ac colonial subject becomes prominent with the
curately,theories - share many assumptions: publication of Said's Orientalism in 1978. Still
they question the salutary effects of empire very influential, this work looks at European
(visible in phrases such as the gift of civiliza representations of the Middle East to consider
tion, the British literary heritage' or even 'the how a mind-set of orientalism shaped aca
Renaissance') and raise such issues as racism demic study. The political import of the work
and exploitation. Central to all, although not lies in claiming that while the portraits of the
always presented in such terms, is the position culture did not represent reality, their contours
of the colonial or post-colonial subject. (See were a product of real conditions of imperial
*subject/object.) Post-colonial criticism offers a ism and racism. After Said, the most important
COunter-narrative to the long tradition of Euro
pean imperial narratives yet its pose' prefix is
theorists are probably GayatriChakravorty
Spivak and Homi K. Bhabha. While Said has
not always easily worm. Whereas historically made much use of Foucauldian theories, he re
these cultures are after the colony, many theo mains in opposition to many of their elements.
rists would present the post-colonial, often (See *Michel Foucault.) On the other hand,
without a hyphen, as like poststructuralism Spivak has creatively extended her own com
and postmodernism, a word best seen as pre bination of Althusserian Marxism and Derri
senting an almost completely different state of dean deconstruction, while Bhabha has taken
Consciousness from the antecedent enclosed. up the work of those associated with British
Screen magazine on *semiotics and representa
Methods tion. (See also *Louis Althusser.)
Recently a number of major European theo
Post-colonial theorists use a variety of meth rists have devoted attention to colonial prob
ods and theories, and the bricolage so often ev lems. Jacques Derrida and Tzvetan Todorov,
ident is usually presented as a positive move originally from Algeria and Bulgaria respec
away from totalizing European traditions. (See tively, have become pillars of the French intel
"totalization.) Many aspects of the develop ligentsia. Their emphasis has not been on their
ment of post-colonial theory can be particu own backgrounds, however, but in the case of
larly compared to the rise of cultural studies, Derrida's 'Racism's Last Word,' South Africa,
feminist studies and to the more political ver and in Todorov's The Conquest of America,
sions of comparative literature. (See also Latin America.
*deconstruction, *feminist criticism, "psychoan Any consideration of post-colonial theory as
alytic theory, "Marxist criticism, "cultural ma a general study must recognize the post-colon
terialism, New Historicism, "materialist ial critical traditions in each nation and region.
criticism.) Definition of what is post-colonial is a prob

Post-colonial theory
with little connectionto the
lem here. For example, in
Cadence, Country,
tures in English or French, post-
Silence: Writing in Colonial Space,'
Earl Fitz have produced although-colonicraitlics Cullik- e
difficulty of ov
Lee, a Canadian, examines the original voice,
ercoming colonialism to find an overlaid by
comparative studiesat of
'American' literatures. On the
when he studies a settler culture
least until the recent
Indian subcontinent spurred inter
by Spivak
est in the
an English tradition. The Canadian Bhabha and their colleagues,
Anglo-American concern has the
account the fact that the
also must take into
French were the first major colonizers. This can literatures. been
The same has been with
fact has always complicated constitutional and French and German scholars. A true of
cultural debate in Canada. Canada is officially particular
bilingual, a political and economic construction phasis has been found in the United em-
of two of the most potent European powers, where much of African studies has
been cul.con-
France and Britain. The increasingly multicul nected to the roots of African American
tural nature of the country also complicates ture. (See *Black criticism.) Recently, however
the relation between indigenous and settler an exploration of various aspects of what has
countries. In the francophone cultures of Af been termed the Third World, most notably
rica, various statements on negritude by Aimé through the work of Chandra Mohanty and
Cesaire can be seen as post-colonial. It is also Trinh T. Minh-ha, has become central to
too often the case that literary critics in West American post-colonial scholarship.
ern Europe and North America have over
looked Russian, Japanese, Chinese and other Issues
colonizations and their cultural consequences.
Since at least the early 1960s the field of The Empire Writes Back: Theory and Practice in
English literature has recognized a subset
called 'Commonwealth Literature, often asso Post-Colonial Literatures by Bill Ashcroft, Gar
eth Griffiths and Helen Tiffin demonstrates the
ciated with two scholars, William Walsh, of
the University of Leeds, and Joseph Jones, of agenda for post-colonial studies in English.
the University of Texas. For the most part This book is of particular interest in that the
Commonwealth literature has consisted of authors are all representative of the younger
studies of individual national literatures, but generation of scholars of ommonwealth liter
there has always been some comparative ature, the descendants of'CWalsh and
work. Both early and notable is J.P. Matthews' However, unlike their forebears they Jones.
Iradition in Exile, an examination of Australian ly conversant with the work of are higt
and Canadian poetry. For the individual re Bhabha and Spivak ana
the poststructuralists in general.
gions, the first major commentators
were Their approach
ably creative writers from the Caribbe an - prob- from the
past, inrepresents
a major change
George Lamming and Wilson Harris - and showed which
little interest in the such as Spivak
from Africa - Chinua Achebe, Wole Soyinka of traditions
and Ngugi wa Thiongo. As well,
lesser known scholars have labouredgreat many
to nre.
monweal th literature th literature and the Com-
scholars even less in
serve and develop their national
Most working on their national literatures postSalThemstanruEmpicturraelistWritestheoryBack. takes its title from
have done so with some
awareness of the
larger issues of Commonwealth pire Rushdie's
Strikes Back With polemical piece, a phrase The Em-
literature, al.
though this has generally been less
Canada. true in represent ative of the *ideology of the book.
ialSaid, Spivak and
a Vengeance,'
While all the cultures which
of European nations can be were colonies rialistcritivique,ews anof theBhabha havedissection
pursued colon-
treated as post oppositional of impe-
colonial there are many spedal cases and ex
ceptions. For example, Ireland is seldomn tthorshemsesuchlves as colonialthetextsproduct of areau-
ant i -c olo ni al,
considered in this context, nor is the United
States. Latin American literatures, at least emphas izes Rushdi e.
thwirothugh which termsThe'hybridization,"
whatit Empire Writes Back
partly because of the language of
usually considered only in their own context are imperenial reimnant
newlycalls n di g enous
s to traditions

trast pos t -co lo ni al

pire in create
empire senttheengl. upper
ish, language
to a
a which n-
156 -casloewerEngl-caseish which
blend in con-
Post-colonial theory
Points of debate with Empire demonstrate difficulty in the work of those like Ashcroft,
primaryproblems of the field in general. Em-
for authors, such as
Griffiths and Tiffin, especially when most im
presents little support aginative and creative, as in the work of Ste
pire who write in an indige- phen Slemon, is that disparate cultures such as
Ngugi na Thìongo,
nNuslanguage and reject english as but part of India and Canada begin to look alike, both
Engish. Second. Empire seems to have the in exemplars of the post-colonial imagination.
less interest in a text which speaks for Moreover, cultures such as the indigenous
digenousthan that which speaks against the peoples of Canada, New Zealand and Aus
imperial. Third. its desire to establish the im-
tralia are designated post-colonial while still
ortance of the post-colonial statement colonies within settler nations (Narogin, Gol
to some questionable emphases and evalua die). However, some indigenous writers, such
tions, as in the claim that Wilson Harris came as Thomas King, have deemed settler cultures
to the same conclusions before Derrida or the colonial, because indigenous peoples of allthe
statement that what appears to be postmodern colonized nations had their own developed
in contemporary texts from the post-colonial cultures before their encounter with Europe
word is just post-olonial. ans. Divergent views on these topics, as on
kis diffñcult to subsume post-colonial theory other theoretical problems, are likely to persist
under any one topic but the question of sub (see Hart).
ject pusitions comes closest. This is at least the JONATHAN HART and TERRY GOLDIE
Constant subtext of Robert Young's White My
thalogies: INriting History and the West, to date Primary Sources
the best encursion through the central theorists
and central concepts in the debate, from Hegel Achebe,Chinua. Morning Yet on Creation Day. New
and Marx to Bhabha and Spivak. A considera York: Doubleday, 1975.
tion of the titles of some recent central texts is Ashcroft, Bill, Gareth Griffiths, and Helen Tiffin. The
Empire Writes Back: Theory and Practice in Post-Co
revealing of preoccupations: Trinh's Woman, lonial Literatures. London: Routledge, 1989.
Native, Other, Spivak's In Other Worlds, and Benitez-Rojo, Antonio. The Repeating Island: The Car
two collections, Bhabha's Nation and Narration ribean and the Postmodern Perspective. Trans.
and Third World Women and the Politics of Fem James Maraniss. Durham: Duke UP, 1992.
irism, edited by Mohanty et al. The issue of Bhabha, Homi K. 'Difference, Discrimination and the
subject positions, in all their manifestations, Discourse of Colonialism. In The Politics of The
has led post-colonial scholars to make signifi ory. Colchester: U of Essex, 1983.
cant use of African American critics, especially The Other Question.'Screen 24:6 (1983). 18-35.
bel hooks and "Henry Louis Gates, Jr. ed. Nation and Narration. London: Routledge,
Since the early 19gos post-colonial studies Cesaire, Aimé. Cahier d'un retour du pays natale.
seem to be growing rapidly. (For significant Paris: Présence Africaine, 1971.
COmments since 1990 besides the above, in a Derrida, Jacques. Racism's Last Word.' Trans. Peggy
wide variety of methods and regions, see Beni Kamuf. Critical Inquiry 12.1 (1985): 290-9.
tez-Rojo, Ftz and Miller.) Many major scholars Eagleton, Terry. Nationalism, Colonialism and Litera
who work primarily in other areas have re ture. Derry: Field Day Pamphlets, 1988.
cently turned to or made comments on coloni Fanon, Frantz. Black Skin, White Masks. Trans.
Charles Lam Markman. New York: Grove P.
alism, such as TerTy Eagleton and Fredric
Jameson. With this turn comes a variety of im 1967.
The Wretched of the Earth. Trans, Constance Far
portant new insights but also a variety of dan rington. New York: Grove, 1968,
gers. A number of commentators have claimed Fitz, EarlE. Rediscovering the New World: Inter-Amer
that 'post-colonialism' threatens to become one
ican Literature in a Comparative Context. lowa City:
more totalizing method. The Commonwealth Uof lowa P, 1990.
is often seen as a political anachronism, a view Gates, Henry Louis, Jr. The Signifuing Monkey: A
which in part explains the gradual shift in the Theory of Afro-American Literary Criticism. New
universities of the former British realm from York: Oxford UP, 1989.
courses in 'Commonwealth to courses in Goldie, Terry. Fear and Temptation: The Image of the
´post-colonial. Yet the post-colonial seems Indigene in Canadian, Australian and New Zealand
simpBy to regroup under a dilferent heading. A Literatures. Montreal: MeGill-Queen's UP, 1989.

Artiis t - E Hettu Meseine Aar Poststructuralism

The term pstsTtr
IWest;et Comn: eenw tus theoretical sge i the
ACative Iuralis The Het
Hart nathan
Methxts an the Case f
engeneity of
Fktinal cois Lvotard) pOstoinis
and deronstution Bandlar
nent in the erterr al
Rst Suth Etr, t . thors ost
Jamesn Fti Thint ilortLiterature in the Era
requentiy labeled
((acques Derrida
of Multinational Capitalis Sra Text i5 land Barthes) seliom"Mictel Foaaut
Nori Li as such., and confess
King Thomas Gaila vs ost-Coorial.' commitment to 2 sirgle etoi
Lamming Gene. The Plezsars fExie. Lendon: a sepial even subversive
Michael Joseph. taô tage and 'projet of moderi
Le. Dennis Cadence. Countrv, Silene: Writing in bermas Modernity) does brg
Colonial Spae.'runiary 2 I(Fall t974 family of relations works c sact
151-68. politics and interests s Derrida's
Matthews, JP. Trziitien in Exle. Toronto: Uef metaphysics, Foucault's
TorontoP, 1962 mations of powa and "eisee te
Miller, Christopher L Thevries ef Africans Fra cal feminist critique of "phaoer
phone Literature and Antkropleg in Africa. Chi
cago: U of Chicago P, 1990o Irigaray, *Hilène CiOUS) (See zs
Minh-ha. Trinh T. Wemer, Natire Otker. Blooming course.)
ton: Indiana UP, 1989. Poststructurzlism and p o s z
Mohanty. Chandra Talpade, Ann Russo and Lourdes terms often used interhangezh sp,
Torres Third Werld Wemen and the Ptitis ef Fem besides an ercess of lzbels, hat he s
inism. Bloomington Indiana UP, 1991. cf theorv is often seen as 2 S
Narogin, Mudrooroo. Writing frem the Fringe: A very malaise it illuminates the s
Study of Modern Aberiginal Literature. Melbourne: condition' (Lvotard Coriti) I
Hyland House, 19g90. simulara, the cisis, ideei e
Ngugi wa Thiongo. Decolerising the Mird: The Peli process of the destrutionof r
tics of Language in African Literature. London: Cur
rey, 1986. rillard 'On Nihilism) winsed
Rushdie, Salman. The Empire Strikes Back with a domain. This confusion of eand her
Vengeance.' The Times (London) 3 July 198z. mains hitherto consideradi t i T
Said, Edward. Beginnings: Intention and Method. New Continuous, often generates
York: Columbia UP, 1975. for criticism if not for theov:
- Orientalism. London: Routledge and Kegan
Paul, 'post-theory as a iagnosis of an
as is
social reality serving epsentati
Slemon, Stephen. 'Monuments of Empire: Allegory/
9-3 (1987; 1-16. Writing." Kunapipi radical turn (against
ent) by theory. This qonfusim
Soyinka, Wole. Myth, Literature and the African vated when students of Arthur
World. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1976. (lhab Hassan, Hal Foster,"subversinà
Spivak, Gayatri Chakravorty. In Other Worlds: Essays
in Cultural Politics. cover the same spirnt of
New York: Methuen, 1987. avant-garde painting cinema.
Todorov, Tzvetan. La Conquète artiis
Seuil, 1982. Trans. as The de l'Amrique, Paris: rative, thus exposing their
Trans. Richard Conquest of America. and transgressing yet
Young, Robert. WhiteHoward. New York: Harper,
Mythologies: Writing 1gS4. of medium and message.

Routledge, 199o. History

and the West. London: ent.) theoretic turt
Art also takes the in
the assault on reality already
theory and culture in the ra!
While this weakening

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