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CARD 03 ‫׀‬Colors

You have just moved to a new house and you intend to decorate the house
yourself. You are
wondering how to pick paint colors for interior rooms to make your space
at the best while
reflecting your personal sense of style. You are asking your friend for
some advice.
You may use the following ideas:
 How to create a color scheme that matches your home’s furniture
 How to match the color to the feeling you want in each room
 How to use colors artistically
 How to combine different colors in the same room
 Others

A:Hello,what are you doing?

B:Hello,I’m great
A:Yeah!not bad and you
B:Not very well
A:What is happening
B:Next month I will move into a new house so currently I don,t know
what colors will be suitable for my new room and interior.May you help
A:That sounds so great!Do you have any idea for any colors design.
B:Yes, want to design a lot of colors into my house but I don’t.How to
create a color scheme that matches your home’s furniture?

Hội thoại 2:
A: I just moved (di chuyển) into my new house and I'm eager to decorate it myself.
I could use some advice on picking paint colors for the interior rooms. Do you have
any tips?
B: Of course! I'd be happy to help. First, think about how to create a color scheme
that matches your home's furniture. Are there any specific colors or patterns(hoa
văn) you'd like to highlight or complement (bổ sung)?
A: That's a great point! I do have some furniture pieces that I absolutely love and
would like to work around. For example, my living room sofa has a bold blue color.
How can I choose a paint color (màu sơn) that complements it?
B: You can consider using a color wheel (bánh xe) to find complementary colors
(màu bổ sung).Since blue is a cool color, you can pair it with a warm color (màu
ấm) like a soft orange (cam mềm mại) or a warm gray (xám ấm áp). This will create
a nice contrast and balance in the room. Additionally, you can use lighter or darker
(sáng hoặc tối) shades of blue as accent colors for the walls or accessories (phụ
kiện) to tie everything together.
A: That sounds like a great idea! What about matching the color to the feeling I
want in each room? I want the bedroom to feel cozy and relaxing, but the home
office to have a vibrant (sôi động) and energetic vibe (tràn đầy năng lượng).
B: Absolutely! Color psychology can help with that. For your bedroom, you might
consider using calming colors (màu dịu) like muted blues, or soothing greens. These
colors are known to promote relaxation. For your home office, you can go for
energizing colors like vibrant yellows(màu vàng rực rỡ), energetic oranges.
A: That makes sense. I want my house to feel artistic and visually appealing. How
can I use colors artistically to achieve that?
B: One way to use colors artistically is by creating focal points. Choose a bold color
that draws attention and use it on an accent wall or in a specific area. This can add
visual interest and create a sense of depth in the room. Additionally, you can play
with color contrasts and harmonies by using different shades and tones of colors
within the same room or adjacent spaces.
A: That sounds like a fun approach. I want to experiment with combining different
colors in the same room. Any suggestions on how to do that effectively?
B: A great way to combine colors in the same room is by using the 60-30-10 rule.
Choose a dominant color that covers around 60% of the room, then a secondary
color for 30% of the space, and finally, an accent color for the remaining 10%. This
ensures a balanced and cohesive look (gắn kết).
A: That rule is helpful! I appreciate all these tips. You've given me plenty of ideas
to work with. Thanks for your advice!
B: You're welcome! I'm glad I could help. Have fun decorating your new

Card 4:Colors

Imagine that you are visiting your friend’s home. You are taken around
the house to see the
interior rooms. What you like best is the wall’s paint color that matches
the room’s
furniture. Make a conversation based on the situation.
You may consider the following points:
 The room decoration.
 The reasons she/he chose the wall’s paint color.
 How long it took her/him to decorate the room.
 Others (cost, comment from other people …)
A: Wow, I really love the paint color on your walls! It matches the
furniture perfectly. Can you tell me more about how you chose this color?

B: Thank you! I spent quite some time deciding on the paint color for this
room. I wanted something that would complement the furniture and
create a cozy ambiance. After considering various options, I finally
settled on this warm beige color.

A: That's a great choice! It really adds a touch of elegance(sang trọng) to

the room. How long did it take you to decorate the entire room?

B: It took me a few weeks to complete the room decoration. I wanted to

ensure that every detail was just right. It involved selecting the furniture,
painting the walls, choosing the right curtains, and adding some
decorative elements.

A: I can tell you put a lot of thought and effort into it. It's paid off
because the room looks fantastic! Did you face any challenges during the

B: Thank you! Yes, there were definitely some challenges along the way.
One of the main challenges was finding the perfect balance between the
furniture and the wall color. I wanted them to complement each other
without overpowering the room. It took some trial and error, but I'm
really happy with the end result.

A: I can understand how that could be tricky. It's great that you persisted
until you achieved the desired balance. Have you received any comments
or feedback from others about the room?

B: Yes, I've received many positive comments from friends and family
who have visited. They appreciate the cohesive and inviting atmosphere
of the room. Some have even asked for advice on how to create a similar
look in their own homes.

A: That's wonderful to hear! Your room has certainly inspired others. Did
you have any budget constraints while decorating?

B: I did have a budget in mind, so I had to be mindful of the costs. I tried

to strike a balance between quality and affordability. I focused on finding
furniture pieces that were reasonably priced but still of good quality.
Additionally, I shopped around for paint and decor items to get the best
A: It sounds like you were able to achieve a beautiful room while staying
within your budget. That's impressive! Is there anything else you'd like to
share about the room's decoration?

B: I'm just really happy with how everything turned out. The room has
become a cozy retreat for me and my family. It's a space where we can
relax, unwind, and spend quality time together. I think that's the most
important aspect of any room's decoration - creating a space that brings
joy and comfort.

A: Absolutely! Creating a space that brings joy and comfort is what

makes a house feel like a home. You've done an incredible job with this
room, and I'm sure it will continue to be a source of happiness for you
and your family.

B: Thank you so much for your kind words! I'm glad you appreciate the
room's design. It was a pleasure sharing the process with you.

A: It was my please.
CARD 7 ‫ ׀‬Colors

You are about to have a job interview. Discuss with your partner what to wear and
how to prepare to make a good “first impression” on the interviewer.
You should mention:
 the outfit in different colors
 the meaning of these colors
 good manners in a job interview
 several tips to make a good first impression.
A: Hey, I'm getting ready for that job interview next week. Do you have any
suggestions on what to wear?

B: Sure! You'll want to dress professionally. I'd recommend a suit in a classic color
like black, navy, or grey. These colors convey professionalism and confidence, which
are great for making a strong first impression.
A: I was thinking of wearing a vest suit,it’s associated with trust and confidence.
What do you think about that color?

B: Vest is an excellent choice,which are great qualities to convey during an interview.

Just make sure the suit fits well and is well-pressed.

A: Got it. And what about manners during the interview?

B: It's important to be punctual, greet the interviewer with a firm handshake and a
smile.Active listening is also key—show that you're engaged and interested in the

A: That makes sense. Any other tips for making a good first impression?
B: Definitely. You'll want to communicate clearly and concisely, demonstrate your
interest in the company and role, and express gratitude for the opportunity at the end
of the interview. Showing your professionalism and enthusiasm will leave a positive

A: Thank you for the advice. I feel more confident now.

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