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Being neighborly

There were two houses :

1)marches house which is very old house and seems like haunted and the
owner’s name is marches who has 4 daughters i)joe ii)may iii)beth iv)amy main
character who is discussed in this chapter is joe and she is very friendly, who likes
to talk with other people,
2) Mr laurence’s house: this house is in front of marches house, mr laurence’s
house is a huge mansion(A mansion is a very large, expensive house) , and nearby
this house there are many trees and plants, and has a garden as well, mr laurence
has a grandson (पोता) whose name is laurie,

So the story is about joe and laurie, and joe wanted to know about laurie, because
laurie is always stays at home/ never comes out(introvert ), as if bird is captivated
inside a cage of gold, so now you can notice the behaiviour of both is exactly
opposite of each other, joe is extrovert, joe wanted to do friendship with laurie,
and she wanted to ask him why he doesn’t comes out of his house and never
spoke to anyone so she was curious to know, so she wanted to clear her doubts,
Its a season of winter and there is snowfall occuring at this time, now one day mr
laurence goes out of his home, so joe finds out that its a good chance to go to
laurie and ask him, now joe reaches to laurie’s home and from the window she
looks at laurie, so she finds that laurie’s face is looking too sad, so she starts
thinking that poor him how could he live his life lke that being at home without
talking to anyone, and joe thinks that how could she divert laurie’s mind towards
her, and now joe picks up a snow and makes a snowball out of it, and she throes it
towards laurie, and laurie turns towards joe and joe finds that laurie’s eyes were
bright, and now he is smiling and looks happy, this how the conversation starts
between joe and laurie , joe ask’s him if he is fine? And that he is looking sick, so
lauries replies that he is fine, and added that he is having little bit of cold and
cough and nothing else, and now joe asks him if there’s no one at his home who
can entertain him? so laurie replies that he has no one in his home to entertain
him, she asks does he read books? he says that doesn’t reads and he dont like it,
sometimes his grandpa reads book for him, but i still does not like it, she asks
him if he has any friends? He says he not even goes out of home how come he’ll
have friends, she asks if he would like to do friendship with her , would he like or
not? The he says obviously, he would like. And she says that she would take
permission of her mother as well, and wents away. Then her mother also gives
her permission to talk with laurie, as he is disciplined , rich and also has 6/7
servants in his house, and now joe returns back to laurie’s house, with a plate of
Blancmange ( custard ), and he says that he use to notice mr marches house and
looks at it, and joe is orphan(does not have parents), now suddenly a door bell
rangs and she was frightened , might grandpa arrived, but they finds out that it
wasn’t grandpa but he was doctor of laurie, while the checkup was going on
another bell rangs the gate open and now this time he was grandpa, grandpa says
that he had heard joe saying to everyone that mr marches is more handsome
than mr laurence, mr laurence claims that he is more handsome than joe’s
grandpa, mr laurence asks if joe’s grandmom is fine and what is she doing at
laurie’s home? she says that she came here to become neighborly, and wanted to
be a friend of lauries. grandpa says that this is not a girl’s job, and goes away, joe
also returns back to home with happiness as she made a friend.

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