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DELEPLANQUE Jonathan – Anglais – S1

Métiers de l'Enseignement, de l’Education et de la Formation

Mention second degré

Année universitaire 2023-2024

Dossier :
Utilisation et valorisation de la LV dans les
enseignements professionnels

Prénom : Jonathan
Nom du formateur : Mme DENEUVILLE

365 bis rue Jules Guesde – BP 50458 – 59658 Villeneuve d’Ascq cedex / 03 20 79 86 00
DELEPLANQUE Jonathan – Anglais – S1

Explain your educational background.

Regarding my academic background, I completed a professional high school diploma in

culinary at Savary-Ferry High School in Arras. I chose to pursue this high school diploma
with the aim of learning and in a field that has been my passion for many years. During my
high school diploma, I had the opportunity to do an internship in Dublin.
After obtaining my high school diploma with honors, I decided to continue my studies on a
BTS MHR at LHIL, specializing in culinary arts. After my two years of BTS, and consistently
with the goal of becoming a culinary teacher, I pursued in a licence and I’m on a 1st year of

1. Ensure progress in the learning of all students in relation to the set objectives.

I want to enhance this skill with the aim of continuing to uplift the students, to better train
them in line with the expectations of the profession, and to enable them to further develop
their theoretical and practical skills.

2. Supports students in the development of their social and civilian’s skills.

Supporting students in the civic and social actions they undertake is important, in the sense
that it is crucial to remind young people of their rights, whether it be the right to vote, the
right to strike, to demonstrate, freedom of expression and other. All of is essential for the
development of their autonomy.

I plan to incorporate English concepts into my teaching with a technical terms, a video in
English or a reportage with a subtitles and other methods.

365 bis rue Jules Guesde – BP 50458 – 59658 Villeneuve d’Ascq cedex / 03 20 79 86 00

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