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Aesthetic Idealism

-is devoted to philosophical thoeries of nature and in all forms of life.

Religious Idealism

- believes that people are Gods Creatures with souls and the potential for virtue within them.

Augustine believes christianity to platonic and neo platonism schools of thought. He envisioned the city
of God is the World of Ideas and the city of man is the world of matter.

Mystic Idealism

-a mystic is made by knowledge,by the opening out of the way whereby the inner splender may escape.
It is yhe consioucenes of the soul and the sense of unity.

Practical Idealism

-Those two words are normally considered opposites. I’ve heard for years that “idealists” aren’t
“practical.” “Practical” is grounded in reality. “Idealism” is wishful thinking that can’t be achieved. But
by the same token, “idealists” challenge us to improve and go beyond our current performance,
whereas “practical” approaches are stuck in the current paradigm. If we could put them together,
practical idealism could lead to an innovative approach that is transformational.

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