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María Paula Puentes G


Task 5:

In my neighborhood there are more than 3 problems but I will mention the main ones.
1. insecurity, the streets should be more illuminated and there should be more surveillance
systems such as personnel, more cameras, more alarms
2. the garbage, with security they must check that the garbage is not stolen. So when you go
out with your pets you can leave the bags in the bins and not on the floor.
3. The streets have holes, this is why many cargo vehicles pass through when the area is
residential, there are two solutions:
a. They build streets for heavy traffic
b. or they do not allow heavy vehicles to travel

Task 6:

My favorite hobby is playing puzzles and this requires a lot of patience.

Also lately I like to paint canvas
To be able to paint canvases it is important to have time and dedication, the materials are not
expensive if you want to start you can buy materials sold in any store
You also have to have creativity and if you don't have it you can develop it with ideas from books,
the internet or networks.

Task 7:
Fernando Botero Angulo (Medellín, April 19, 1932-Montecarlo,
September 15, 2023) was a Colombian artist, painter, sculptor and
figurative draftsman.234
He is recognized for his characters with round and voluptuous shapes.
His work Still Life with Mandolin, dating from 1957, constitutes the
first manifestation of his work inspired by popular art. Having
ironically nicknamed himself "the most Colombian of Colombian
artists", his career truly began in 1958, when he won first prize at the
Salón de Artistas Colombianos.
1. When did you become famous? when I make artwork and
sculptures of fat women
2. What are your important achievements? his paintings and
sculptures. It also generated a very important artistic movement throughout the world.
3. Task 7:
Task 8:

dear Robert

I am writing this letter to apologize for not going to the appointment, you will think bad things
about me and I don't blame you.
María Paula Puentes G

I tell you that that day I had a very bad stomach and I vomited at work. The truth is I was very bad.
I was calling you but you didn't answer so I guess you weren't going out.
I was surprised that the next day I had a thousand calls and messages for not seeing it arrive. I'm
sorry I was already asleep and in a lot of pain I hope you can forgive me

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