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Helen and Steve looked at each other and burst out laughing because neither of them

wanted to go to work that day. Not only both of them worked as teachers in the same
school but also they were neighbours as they lived next to each other. They have been
friends since Helen moved to the city and they usually have tea every wednesday after

It was Wednesday and the two friends were returning to their houses walking when
they saw an advertisement with a photograph of a beautiful beach, which said:”50%
discount on flights to Spain this week with all costs included”. There was a contact
number written down the advertisement and Steve saved it on his phone.

Later when they arrived at Helen´s home to have tea, she turned on their computer to
do a research about the advertisement’s company to see if the sale was real or fake.
They looked up at the website and surprisingly the offer was real. No sooner had they
thought about it than they decided to buy the tickets. They booked the flight which
was going to take off the week after. It was a great opportunity for them as the
following week winter holidays were going to start.

Finally their day came and they happily took their flight to Madrid. In Spain they went
on excursions, eat in fancy restaurants and bought a lot of souvenirs for their friends
and families. In the end, their money had been well spend in this trip as it was a unique
opportunity to travel to another country and get to know their culture. After returning,
both teachers told their students all the details about their trip and give them sweets
they had bought them.

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