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(Performance Task)
Our body is precious to us. We must take good care of it so we can live the
most of our lives. Hence, our body consists of systems, glands and other
important structures that helps us work thoroughly. Glands are for one of those
that helps us with our body’s processes.
Glands are special tissues in our body that creates and releases substances.
Endocrine to be exact makes and release hormones directly to our bloodstream. It
serves as a messenger system in an organism comprising feedback loops of
hormones that are released by internal glands directly into the circulatory system
and that target and regulate distant organs. In vertebrates, the hypothalamus is
the neural control center for all endocrine systems.
Every part of our body plays a vital role in order for us to survive and be
functional. Every details of our body parts has connections that makes each part
work on its special tasks. Glands creates substances that revolves our body in its
glowing sense balancing our hormones for sustaining good complexion and
radiance towards particles that causes it to be stressed. Taking good care of it
means making our lives way healthier.

Grade 10-Fatima

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