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JANUARY, 2023.

1. Watching out for pitfalls on the digital highways.

 A Promised Land to Consider?

Technology-mediated interactions are part of our everyday lives. This means that we use digital
platforms like social media to do many things, like learning, working, and connecting with
others. The pandemic made us rely on these digital technologies even more. It also changed how
we do things, like having online classes and meetings instead of meeting in person. We can now
access information and communicate with people from all over the world because of the Internet.
Technology is also advancing, and we are seeing machines that can make decisions for us and
even measure our emotions. However, there are still many questions that need to be answered as
our digital world continues to change.

 Pitfalls to avoid.

This section discusses how the expectations of the digital revolution have not been fully met.
There is still a "digital divide" where many people lack access to basic needs and communication
technologies. The "social media divide" is also becoming more pronounced, as platforms that
were supposed to bring people together have instead deepened divisions. The text also mentions
the pitfalls of the digital highway, where commercial interests have taken over and people's data
is sold without their full understanding or consent. Additionally, the emphasis on the distribution
of information has made it difficult to verify sources and accuracy. Artificial intelligence is used
to solve the problem of content overload.

 Weaving relationships.

In a time of increasing division and isolation, social media is leading many towards indifference,
polarization, and extremism. Instead of treating each other as human beings, people view others
as mere expressions of differing opinions. This contributes to a culture of indifference and a lack
of hope. To counteract this, we need to cultivate a culture of encounter, promoting friendship and
peace among different people. It is urgent that we engage with social media platforms beyond
our own echo chambers and meet others who hold opposing views. This may not be easy, as we
often try to justify our indifference and draw lines between "us" and "them". However, the
parable of the Good Samaritan challenges us to step out of our comfort zones and make an effort
to reach out to others, emptying ourselves of preconceived notions and showing compassion.

2. From Awareness to True Encounter.

 Intentional listeners
In this part of the book, the author reflects on our use of social media and the challenges it
presents. They argue that while social media can encourage individualism and self-promotion,
we have the ability to resist these attitudes. They suggest that true communication begins with
listening and recognizing the presence of the other person. They use the parable of the Good
Samaritan to illustrate the possibility of meaningful encounters between strangers, where
compassion and understanding can break down social divides. The Samaritan in the parable
listens to the wounded man's story and is moved to help him. The author suggests that social
media relationships can be inspired by this example, promoting empathy and genuine dialogue.

 Robbing our attention.

The importance of listening and how our devices are filled with information is discussed here . It
mentions that social media platforms allow us to explore this information network, but our
interactions with each other are still limited. It also discusses the benefits and challenges of
having an abundance of information available to us.

 With the ear of the heart.

This part of text emphasizes the importance of listening in our fast-paced digital culture. It
suggests that a contemplative approach to listening can be transformative for individuals and
society as a whole. The text argues that social media should be a platform for genuine
communication and connection, rather than just a space for data analysis and marketing. It calls
for intentional listening with an open heart, which is crucial for establishing meaningful
relationships. This part of the text also highlights the need for inner dialogue and a relationship
with God to enhance our listening skills.

 Discerning our social media presence.

Beginning From a faith perspective, how and what we communicate on social media is not just a
practical matter, but also a spiritual one. Being active on social media requires discernment and
the ability to communicate effectively. It is important to approach this with the question of who
our neighbor is, and to consider how God is present in our interactions on social media.
Neighbors on social media are not only those we are connected with, but also those we cannot
see, such as bots and deep fakes. Social media platforms are controlled by external authorities
and contribute to the online "neighborhood." Recognizing our digital neighbor’s means
recognizing that every person's life matters, even if their presence is mediated through digital
means. Being a good neighbor on social media involves being present to others' stories,
especially those who are suffering. Advocating for better digital environments does not mean
losing focus on the individual experiences and needs of others.
3. From encounter to community.

Face to face.

Communication begins with connection and progresses towards building relationships,

community, and communion. True communication requires genuine encounters. To
communicate is to establish relationships and be present with others. Being part of a community
involves sharing fundamental truths and a sense of belonging. Maintaining social ties and space
through communication practices is essential. Building a community through communication,
even among physically distant individuals, has been a long-standing challenge. The letters of the
Apostles highlight the tension between mediated presence and the longing for face-to-face
interaction. The Apostle Paul, for example, maintained a presence through his letters even when
physically absent. His writings connected different communities. In today's interconnected
world, it is important to move beyond a binary mindset and recognize the value of both physical
and mediated presence in human relationships.

 On the road to Jericho.

Digital media allows people to connect with others beyond physical boundaries and cultural
differences. These connections, although not physical, can still be meaningful and impactful.
They provide an avenue for sincere engagement, meaningful conversations, solidarity, and
support for those who may feel isolated or in pain. However, just like in face-to-face encounters,
being "Christian" or religious on social media is not enough. Many profiles may claim religious
content but fail to engage in genuine relationships. Hostile interactions and violent language
contradict the teachings of the Gospel. Instead, we should strive to be like the Good Samaritan,
who showed compassion and took action to care for the wounded. Similarly, we should aim to
make social media a more human and relational space.

 Go and do likewise.

The importance of relationships and community, as well as the challenges and opportunities
presented by digital culture are dealt with here. It highlights how loneliness and isolation have
been exacerbated during the COVID-19 pandemic, leading many to seek connection and
solidarity in online spaces. However, it also acknowledges that some online communities can
foster polarization and adversarial attitudes. The text emphasizes the need to see others as
neighbors and to engage in dialogue and reconciliation, rather than perpetuating division. It
criticizes those who use their social media presence to create conflict instead of promoting unity.

 Sharing a meal.

In the Church, we come together to celebrate the Eucharist, which is like a special meal with
Jesus. During the pandemic, when we couldn't go to church, we watched the Mass on social
media. While this was helpful, it made us realize that being physically present in the church is
important too. We need to remember that our homes can also be a place where we celebrate and
pray together as a family. We should connect our family meals to the Mass and remember that
the Eucharist is a special way to be close to Jesus.

4. A distinctive style.
The what and how: The Creativity of Love.

This is about how to communicate with others in a loving and effective way. It says that
communication is not just about having a strategy, but about giving all of yourself. The text also
talks about how Jesus taught us to love one another, and that we should reflect God's love in how
we communicate on social media. It says that what we say and how we say it is important, and
that we should make sure we are sharing truthful and helpful information.

 Tell it with a story

Good stories are important because they capture our attention and help us imagine things. They
also help us understand the world and answer our questions. Stories bring people together and
are especially important in digital culture where there is a lot of information and chaos. Stories
help us make sense of things and connect with others. Sometimes, when people say mean things,
it's better to tell a story instead of arguing back. Jesus did this when he told the story of the Good
Samaritan. He wanted people to understand that everyone is our neighbor and we should help
each other.

 Building a community in a fragmented world .

People are looking for someone to guide them and give them hope. Sometimes they find this in
traditional places, but now they also look to people on social media who have a lot of followers.
These people are called influencers. Being an influencer means you can inspire and motivate
others with your ideas or experiences. It's important for everyone to take their influence
seriously, even if they don't have a lot of followers. Every Christian has the potential to make a
positive impact on others, no matter how big or small their circle of relationships is. But we also
need to remember that the value of our message doesn't depend on how popular we are. Our
responsibility increases as we gain more followers.

 Mark a witness

The text is talking about how Christians should act on social media. It says that Christians should
not just share information, but also listen to others and treat them with respect. Christians should
be known for being patient and understanding. The text also talks about martyrs, who are people
who sacrificed their lives for their beliefs. It says that all Christians should be willing to sacrifice
themselves in some way to show God's love.
Sometimes we see people who are hurt and need help. It could be someone we know or even
ourselves. When this happens, we stop and remember the good things we learned in church. We
remember that we should treat others with kindness and love. We remember that Jesus said when
we help someone who is hurting, it's like we are helping Him. And if we are the ones who are
hurt, we can trust that Jesus will take care of us too. When we are kind to others, even online, it
helps us feel closer to God and brings us happiness. We can make a difference in someone's life
by being there for them and showing them love.

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