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Paragraph A

Moreover, effective listening allows the listener to understand the perspectives and concerns of
others, enabling they to respond thoughtfully and constructively. By focusing on what others are
saying rather than simply waiting for their turn to speak, they demonstrate genuine interest and
openness to different viewpoints. This, in turn, enhances the quality of their interactions and
strengthens listener relationships with others. In essence, being a good listener is a fundamental
aspect of being a good communicator, as it facilitates meaningful dialogue, mutual
understanding, and effective collaboration.

Paragraph B
The expectation for instant communication and round-the-clock availability places immense
pressure on employees to always be accessible, even outside of traditional working hours.
Virtual meetings and video conferences, though convenient, can intensify stress by requiring
employees to navigate technical issues and maintain a professional presence in their own
homes. Moreover, the speed and volume of digital communication leave little room for
reflection or relaxation, contributing to burnout and decreased mental well-being. As a result, it
is crucial for organizations to prioritize strategies for managing and mitigating the stressors
associated with modern communication technology in the corporate environment.

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