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Name: Trần Hoàng An ID: 3123380009

Effect of social media on relationship

In today's world, social media is like a giant playground where we can meet new friends and
keep in touch with old ones. It's like magic because we can chat with people from all over the
world without stepping out of our homes! It’s like having a pen pal, but way faster and cooler.
Platforms such as Facebook, Locket, and TikTok are where the action happens. We can share
photos, videos, and messages with our friends anytime, anywhere. It's feels like a never-ending
party! And when we're feeling a bit down, lonely or bored, social media is there to cheer us up
with funny memes, adorable animal videos, and interesting stories from people we follow. But,
just like any playground, social media has its ups and downs. Sometimes, we see things that
make us feel a bit blue about ourselves, like when our friends post about their amazing
vacations or perfect lives, or when we come across sad stories or deep quotes that shared
online. It's easy to forget that what we see online might not show the whole story. And if we
spend too much time on social media, we might forget to spend quality time with our real-life
friends and family. So, while social media is a fun way to connect with others, it's important to
use it wisely and remember that real relationships are the ones that matter most.

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