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Nowadays I think that relationships are becoming more digital and via texting. Social media, like
Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram can affect personal relationships from the frequency that we talk with
friends and put alike in a post of another person, which can cause jealousy between the couple.

First, I think that social media can improve human communication and relationships because we can
see and hear another person so far away through phone calls and speak more frequently with texting, an
example of this facility talking on the internet is a friend’s relationship or love relationship that is created
only in social media. But social media also can destroy personal relations when we see a perfect life and
relationship that many people have on their profile and we want to transform our real life into the same
perfect life of celebrities.

Social media are usually the first and last thing that we do during the day. This frequency of usage of
social media can change for bad our relationships because in a majority of cases one person stay more time
speaking, texting, or updating your status than hearing and speaking with your companion, this difference of
importance can lead to the destruction of the relationship. We can see this argument in our lives every day,
from the time that we arrived at school, where we can see many friends’ groups don´t speak but all use
social media or video games, to return home, especially the time on the bus, where many people sitting
alone and go social media or to Spotify to listening music, by habit or for spending time getting home.

Finally, I think that people are spending more and more time on social media, and this cause
problem in real life, since destroyed love relationships until too many people want to have the same lives
that they see on social media, and the addiction of social media can change the form of communication, like
with texting instead of speaking face to face.

I advised all people to spend less of their time off on social media and don´t try to have a similar life
that they see on social media, because many times this is an unreal life, it is a life that followers want to see.

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