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DIRECTIONS: For each sport you are planning to participate in, you are designing an action
plan to show what skills you need to be focusing on, and how you plan on incorporating those
necessary skills. This means, you are aware of the skills that should be included in film and
the proper procedure for completing them.
Use the activity guide for each sport you are participating in. (The activity guide is located
under your sport heading). Identify the skills which are to be focused on in your sport and the
proper mechanics for showing the completion of those skills. This means knowing how to
properly execute those skills, focusing on form, which is a big part of the grading process.
Remember, your grade will be based on not only showing the skills, but also your mastery of
those skills.
As you are planning the filming process for the sports you are participating in, showing
progress in your mastery of those sports is another key detail. It is expected that you choose a
sport you have knowledge of, and ability in. But it is also expected that you show
improvement in that sport. So, your films should be showing both. (The final film submitted
will show your best completion of the sport being sure necessary skills from the activity guide
are included.)
As we begin utilizing class time to begin your sport training, you must come up with a training
plan that can be utilized during our class time. Remember, time is being given for training so it
must be used for that purpose, and your grade will be dependent on that. Not every sport can
be practiced in our outdoor setting, However, training can be done in many forms so even if
you cannot do your actual sport, you can work on body technique and skills to help improve
your overall performance when you do complete your sport.
Below, state the sport(s) you are focusing on and list how you expect to train for those sports
during class time. This is about practicing/training during class time, and you will be receiving
a grade on your class time participation. Your answers below must show proper utilization of
time and have a solid method of practice and/or training. Use websites and videos to help
guide you as you map out a plan for excelling in the sport you are participating in. __________

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