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1 Substrate Specificity shapes of the substrate and the enzyme's

active site.
10.1.1 Understanding of Substrate Specificity
• The substrate-binding region of an enzyme
Enzymatic Reaction Overview: possesses a specific geometric shape that
matches that of the substrate molecule.
• Enzymatic reactions commence with the
• This implies that enzymes interact selectively
binding of a substrate to the enzyme.
with compounds possessing a structurally
• As the substrate approaches the enzyme's similar geometry.
active site, the electrostatic microenvironment
in the substrate-binding region undergoes "Lock and Key" Model:
• The specificity of enzyme-substrate interactions
• These changes facilitate and guide the
is elucidated by the "Lock and Key" model.
progression of the reaction toward the
• In this model, the enzyme corresponds to the
formation of the final products.
"lock," while the substrate represents the "key."
Significance of Correct Substrate Binding: • Only when the key (substrate) precisely
matches the shape of the lock (active site) can
• The precise and accurate binding of the
the reaction occur.
substrate to the substrate-binding site of the
• This theory relies on the "rigid enzyme" model,
enzyme is crucial.
emphasizing the importance of geometric
• The specificity of an enzyme is intricately linked congruence between the enzyme and the
to both the binding configuration and the substrate.
affinity of the substrate to the active site of the
• The traditional "Lock and Key" model, which
assumes a rigid enzyme structure, is not always
Example of Substrate Specificity - Protease: applicable in explaining experimental
• Proteases serve as an exemplary illustration of
substrate specificity. Induced-Fit Theory:
• Proteases encompass various types, including
• The "Induced-Fit Theory" posits that enzymes
trypsin, chymotrypsin, and thrombin, all of
undergo structural alterations upon substrate
which share the common function of cleaving binding.
peptide bonds.
• The resulting enzyme shape is tailored to
• However, they act on distinct peptide bonds,
accommodate the substrate with the correct
demonstrating their specificities: configuration.
a. Trypsin: • Some compounds can bind to the enzyme
without undergoing a reaction, a phenomenon
Acts on peptide bonds involving lysine or arginine. explained by this theory.
b. Chymotrypsin: • Only specific substrates induce the appropriate
configuration of the substrate-binding site.
Acts on peptide bonds involving tyrosine, tryptophan,
or phenylalanine. Predicting Substrate Specificity:

c. Thrombin: • To predict substrate specificity, an in silico high-

throughput method was suggested (Tyagi and
Acts on arginine-glycine peptide bonds. Pleiss, 2006).
Complementarity in Enzyme-Substrate Interaction: • This method involves docking the substrate into
the enzyme, yielding transition state analogous
• Classical models explaining enzyme-substrate intermediates.
reactions are founded on the concept of
complementarity between the geometric
• By analyzing side chain orientations and the Directed Evolution: A Non-Structure-Based
affinity of the enzyme-substrate complex, Approach:
substrate specificity can be predicted.
• Directed evolution is a non-structure-based
• This predictive approach has practical
protein engineering method.
applications, including virtual screening of
• It doesn't require prior knowledge of
potential substrates and enzyme engineering.
enzyme structure or mechanism (Arnold
10.1.2 Engineering Substrate Specificity and Volkov, 1999).
• Achieved through DNA shuffling or error-
Enzymes in Industrial Applications:
prone PCR.
• Increasing interest in using enzymes for • Practical and effective results can be
industrial chemical, biofuel, and obtained without structural information.
pharmaceutical production. • However, it involves multiple rounds of
• Enzymes offer advantages in these processes, evolution and screening, making it time
including safety, energy efficiency, and and labor-intensive.
environmental friendliness. • Still widely used due to its practical
Limitations of Natural Enzymes:
Limitations of Random Approaches:
• Natural enzymes have finite catalytic
capabilities, often tailored for their natural • Random approaches, like directed evolution,
functions rather than human industrial needs. don't consider the structure-function
• Natural enzymes may not be suitable for many relationships in enzymes.
industrial applications or meet the • Understanding the role of applied mutations in
requirements of industrial biotechnology. enzyme catalysis is challenging.
• Development and improvement of biosynthetic
Rational Design Based on Protein Structures:
pathways using only natural enzymes can be
hindered by limited catalytic diversity. • Rational design relies on protein structure data
to propose mutations.
Engineering Enzyme-Substrate Specificity:
• These mutations can be introduced via site-
• Modifying the active site structure of enzymes directed mutagenesis.
is essential for altering enzyme-substrate • Advantages of rational design:
specificity. Increases the likelihood of effective mutations.
• Rational and computational approaches are Reduces the size of the mutation library.
commonly used for this purpose. Saves time and effort in library screening.
• The key steps in the engineering process include Doesn't require a high-throughput assay system,
selecting mutation sites in the binding pocket reducing experimental costs.
and then mutating selected residues to
Reshaping the Substrate-Binding Pocket:
appropriate counterparts.
• Rational design typically involves reshaping the
Rational and Computational Approach:
structure of the substrate-binding pocket.
• With increasing enzyme crystal data and • This is done by considering geometric and/or
knowledge, rational and computational physico-chemical complementarity between
methods, or semi-rational design, are gaining the enzyme and the target substrate.
Common Strategies in Rational Design:
• These methods are more favorable for
engineering enzyme-substrate specificity. Strategies in the redesign process include:
• Provide comprehensible information to
Increasing the binding pocket space to
understand the structure-function
accommodate larger substrates.
relationships involved in enzyme specificity.
Decreasing the binding pocket space to fit Reversible Inhibitors:
smaller substrates.
• Reversible inhibitors bind to the enzyme but
Controlling the substrate-binding mode by
can dissociate from it relatively easily.
adjusting molecular interactions between the
substrate and amino acid residues in the active • This binding does not permanently damage the
site (Manna and Mazumdar 2010; Mouratou et enzyme, allowing for activity recovery upon
al. 1999; Sinclair et al. 1998). inhibitor dissociation.

Qualitative Nature of Rational Design: Irreversible Inhibitors:

• Rational design, despite being based on • Irreversible inhibitors, such as mercury and
structural information, is a qualitative lead, form strong and lasting bonds with the
approach. enzyme's amino acid backbone.
• It heavily relies on the insight and expertise of • This binding leads to a time-dependent loss of
researchers. enzyme activity, and recovery is usually not
• Primarily focuses on the "binding"
characteristics of enzymes. Types of Inhibition:
Semi-Rational Approach Overview: There are three primary types of enzyme inhibition:
• Combines elements of both rational and Competitive Inhibition: Inhibitor competes with
random approaches for enzyme improvement. the substrate for the active site on the enzyme.
• Utilizes saturation mutagenesis on the Noncompetitive Inhibition: Inhibitor binds to a
enzyme's active site. different site on the enzyme, altering its
• Widely employed for designing enzyme- conformation and reducing substrate binding.
substrate specificity (Andrews and McLeish Uncompetitive Inhibition: Inhibitor only binds
2013; Gao et al. 2013; Xie et al. 2014). to the enzyme-substrate complex, preventing
the release of the product.
Focused Mutagenesis on Active Site:
Models for more complex enzyme kinetics
• Unlike the entirely random approach, semi-
rational approach concentrates on the active
• This targeted mutagenesis enhances the
efficiency of the design process.

Synergistic Effects:

• Semi-rational approach capitalizes on the

strengths of both rational and random
• Pragmatically efficient for enhancing enzyme

4.2.1 Inhibition Kinetics

Enzyme Inhibitors:

• Enzyme inhibitors are compounds that reduce

the rate of an enzyme reaction.
• The loss of enzyme activity can be either
reversible or irreversible.

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