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Philippines is in a state of turmoil.

We are combating a virus (COVID-19) with no

foreseeable solution that is too great to bear. We are in great fear, which causes us to
stop and question what God has clearly told us to do. We don’t know what lies ahead of
us, so we become apprehensive. Our imagination can magnify problems until they seem

Life under quarantine lockdown is giving so much suffering to Filipinos. There are
scarcities of food, relief goods, and protective gears. People are into panic-buying,
hoarding, and overpricing their goods. Also, there are losses in business and
employment that has greatly affected the economy of the country. Sadly, our
government can’t handle COVID-19 cases beyond its capacity because of the surging
number of infected patients, death, and shortage of isolation rooms. Obviously, we’re all
caught in surprise and we’re not prepared for this situation.

At home, we’ve managed to survive our day by being productive. We do the household
chores and prepare stuff for charities which serve as a bonding moment for our family. It
is also a time to reconnect with our Savior in preparing for Lent. It nourishes our spirit
whenever we watch mass and pray the novena. Thus, I immense myself daily in the
Word of God because if I don’t guard my heart, I will grow cold in my love for Christ. In
moments like these, I learned to count my blessings. To count what we’ve left. Counting
our blessings gives us comfort and strength in times of crisis. It cushions our sufferings
from any kind of loss or failure. Realizing that we still have a lot of things to look forward
to and enjoy can give us a sense of hope. There is no reason to live in fear when we
have the mighty presence of the Holy Spirit within us. God didn’t promise a trouble-free
world. He allows us to suffer difficulties for a purpose. He allows people to hunger so
they could experience His provisions and develop a deeper level of trust within Him.

Filipinos must learn that in these times of distress, when our devotion and obedience are
put to the greatest test, we must focus on God, not on the problem. For we can do all
things through Him who gives us strength, learn to be patient, do it in God’s way. Never
let the faithlessness of others determine what we should do, for our Lord knows our
every need and He will not replenish us in the same way; His response to us will always
perfectly correspond to our present need. We must foster good in our community and
expand the horizon of our generosity, preferably for those in situation of dire need.
Furthermore, I’m hoping that we will all be a ray of hope to each other in the midst of
despair. We can’t recover on our own, only Him knows how to heal and rejuvenate a

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