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Dosen pengampu :

Ditulis Oleh :
Nama : Idarman waruwu
Semester : II (dua)
Prodi : PAK
Matakuliah: bahasa inggris

Sekolah Tinggi Teologi IKSM Jakarta T. P 2020/2021

 Meditations about covid-19
Corinthians 10:13

“The trials you experience are ordinary trials, which do not exceed human strength. For

God is faithful, and because of this he will not let you be tempted beyond what you are able

to do. When you are tested, he will give you a way out so that you can endure it. "

In dealing with this epidemic, we must change our mindset, which is to always think

positively and always be grateful to God.

believe that the illnesses we experience are ordinary trials which the Bible says will

certainly not exceed human strength. We will definitely be able to get through it with the

power of Allah. Sometimes, given illness, we will draw closer to God and feel His

participation more in our lives.

God may not immediately heal our illnesses, but one thing is certain that He will

accompany us and give us the strength to go through the suffering we experience,

Currently, we are faced with the Covid-19 virus outbreak, known as the corona virus

pandemic. Not knowing it, it turns out that we have been living side by side with the virus

for a year. The World Health Organization (WHO) states that this virus outbreak is a

pandemic which is a global problem.

The Indonesian government also determined the Covid-19 virus to be a National Disaster.

This new type of virus started late last year in Wuhan, China, and has now spread to

nearly 152 countries in the world.

Whereas in Indonesia, citing the latest data as of December 20, 2020, the accumulation of

664,930 people was confirmed positive for Covid-19, with an additional number of cases of

5,551 people. So until recently,a total of 541,811 Covid-19 patients recovered and have
tested negative. Meanwhile, the number of cases died increased by 221 people. The

cumulative total so far has 19,880 Covid-19 patients who have died in Indonesia.

The massive spread of this virus has caused several countries or regions to go into

lockdown to break the chain of spread of the virus, until now the second phase of the

Covid-19 wave has been discovered and several European countries have returned to


This case of the corona outbreak is part of a non-natural disaster. In the perspective of

Islamic teachings, a disaster can be interpreted as a disaster that can happen to anyone,

anytime and anywhere. Disaster is a necessity that must be faced by every human being.

Calamity or disaster is something that must be faced by every human being. Disaster,

whatever its form, is actually a form of divine affection for humans. Various events that

befell humans are essentially tests and trials of faith and behavior that have been carried

out by humans themselves.

The obedience of a believer will be proof that the various events that befall humans are not

a problem or a problem, because living people will definitely be tested with various

problems. An event which is a disaster is the destiny of Allah. Destiny here is meant by a

decree and provision of Allah that has happened before us. Only Allah knows His statutes

and provisions.

Humans can only know it when these provisions and conditions occur. Whereas when the

rules and regulations that will occur in humans also do not know it, only Allah alone is

'omniscient'. Thus, humans are obliged to ask Allah and try to respond with full patience in

order to change the situation they are facing for the better.

The corona virus cases that we are facing today are part of a non-natural disaster in the

form of an epidemic or an outbreak. An epidemic is an outbreak of an infectious disease in

a community where the number of sufferers has significantly increased beyond the normal

condition at a certain time and in a certain area and can cause disaster As part of a

disaster, this case of the corona virus must be addressed quickly and appropriately.

In dealing with this epidemic, we must change our mindset, which is to always think

positively and always be grateful to God. We should be grateful especially if we live in a

comfortable house filled with adequate food and entertainment facilities. Stop saying

boredom and boredom, imagine some people who are still working outside to make ends

meet, and are struggling to get the necessities of daily life.

People who are affected by Covid-19 or people who are being treated in hospital are

currently struggling with death and we should be grateful that they are still given

chance of healthy life. Stop thinking of ourselves as the healthiest and not afraid of this

virus, and being arrogant and confident that you won't be affected by Covid-19 because

you feel young and healthy.

And do not also feel the most faithful and not afraid to die because it is "fate" sure that age

is in the hands of God. But do we know that God has reminded us to avoid the plague and

this does not mean that we are afraid.

So give thanks to Allah, if we have to stay at home, because regardless of everything, with

difficult or happy conditions with work or without work, being at home is the best thing.

Make this incident as material for self-reflection and self-evaluation, do we care about

others, do we care about our family and whether we are obedient to Allah and we should

be grateful that God still gives us health, a long life and can benefit people Lots. Let us

always be grateful for what we receive because being grateful adds to the enjoyment.
In life, not everything we want will come true. So it is with everything we fear will happen.

Learn to be grateful for what we already have, don't just try hard so that everything we

want comes true without being grateful for what is ours.

And one thing, everything we fear may not happen, so we must be more confident and

believe more. As long as what we do is in truth there is no need to be afraid to step up. It is

enough that Allah is our judge, don't just count what has not been realized. Don't just

focus on all the things you want.

In life the most important thing is appreciating what has been achieved and being grateful

for what is already owned. Because life is not just about getting what we want, but about

being grateful for what we already have. So that we don't just pursue targets so that

everything we want is achieved.

Life is not about getting everything we want. Life is not about realizing everything we want

but more about being grateful and appreciating whatever we already have.

Friends, I can understand that today we may be sad, disappointed, worried, or afraid to

face a big problem. But on the other hand, I also want us to understand that God is so

much greater than all of that. God is able to help and fix us. He is a good Father and we are

His beloved children. "The Word of God in 1 Peter 5: 7 says," Give Him all your cares, for

He is to you. "

That is my reflection about covit-19 disease

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