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(Estructuras verbales con verbos introductores)

1. VERBO + infinitivo con TO

-Agree -Promise
-Claim -Refuse
-Decide -Threaten

Ex: We refused to go to the meeting.

2. VERBO + c.indirecto + infinitivo con TO

-Advise -Order -Tell

-Beg -Permit -Warn
-Encourage -Persuade
-Invite -Remind

Ex: She persuaded me to lend her some money

I told him to keep the secret

3. VERBO + (that) + oración

-Accept -Explain -Suggest

-Admit -Promise
-Claim -Recommend
-Doubt -Say

Ex: She recommended (that) we should visit the museum

4. VERBO + c. Indirecto + (that) + oración

-Promise -Tell
-Remind -Warn

Ex: He warned us (that) he might be late.

5. VERBO + infinitivo en -ING
-Admit -Regret
-Deny -Suggest

Ex: He suggested visiting the museum

6. VERBO + preposición + -ING

-Apologise for
-Insist on
-Object to

Ex: She apologised for being late

7. VERBO + c.indirecto + preposición + -ING

-Accuse sb of -Discourage sb from

-Blame sb for -Forgive sb for
-Congratulate sb on

Ex: She discouraged him from going to university.

8. VERBO + question word + infinitivo con TO

-Describe -Know
-Explain -Wonder

Ex: I wonder where to go

9. VERBO + c. Indirecto + question word + infinitivo con TO


Ex: The manager told us what to expect in the interview.

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