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the role of the Holyspirit stands in when looking at Gods plan for ______________,
transformation and _______________
________________ restoration

the Bible precisely describes Gods agency for personal life transformation.

_______________ fruit of the spirit stands as the first and is important when dealing with others?

Galatians 5:22 -23

Love, Joy, Peace are some fruits of the spirit as stated in _________________

The bible emphasizes the importance for one to be careful in the way he lives. This is clearly
Ephesians 5:15
highlighted in ____________

Romans 8:16
The HolySpirit as one bears witness for His children. this can be seen in ______________

The bible states the place of anger in a mans life and as a result says “there would be judgement
Matthew 5:22
for anger” in ___________

For with sin we came into the world and to this, the bible refers to all as sinners in
Romans 5:12

Every part of our being is corrupted by sin. As stated in this study, we refer to this as

Hebrews 4 Sabbath
God ensures rest for all as He clearly states this in ____________________ /
What nation is East of Israel? Jordan

Shepards are to Rome as Doctors are to Greece


All of these Bible passages talked the Holy Spirit of God except ?

A. 2 Tim 3:16

B. Matt 4:4 -12

C. 1 Samuel 13:2

D. John 5:39
What book in the Bible is about man's question about suffering? Job

"Now Moses, in the law, command us that such should be stoned. But what do you say?" What passage in
the bible is this.

A. John 8:5

B. Psalm 16:8

C. John 8:6

D. Matt 4:4

"So be careful how you live. Don't live like fools, but like those who are wise." What passage in the bible
is this?

A. 1 Kings 4:1

B. Ephesians 5:15

C. Romans 2:6

D. 2 Tim 3:16

Sin is universal.

True /False

How many books are in the new testament?

A. 29



The old testament was written in what language?

A. Greek

B. Hebrew

C. Japanese

D. Spanish

______ number of books were after the death of Christ

______ / 1500 before birth

Old testament was written in Hebrew year
______ wrote the first 5 books

Spirit /soul
Body and ______
We are made of 2 parts which are _______

Which bible passage says "sin entered the world through 1 man and death throght sin"?

Romans 5:12
1:27 bible passage statement that we were created in God's image

What does Testament mean? covenant or

Writing of the bible spanned through how many years and how many events does it have 1500 years 1101000 events
Old testament was written between 1400-80131 48-128 AD
_______ while new testament was written between_____

Genesis 1-11 was written between when? 0-2500 Be

Bookr 8-22 in the old testament are

A. Books of upliftment

B. Books of poetry

C. Book of song

The first 5 books of the bible are called? Torah

Acts book in the bible contains history about the first 30 years of christainity

If messiah is for hebrewChrist

______ is for greek

Book 6 - 17 in the old testament were written between 1400

80 BC

What does BCE mean Before the common [Christian] Era

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