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Dear Students,

The centre in Durban will be utilizing a self-service online booking process to streamline the
student appointments. This will allow students to make appointments based on their availability. In
order to book an appointment, please book through the following link:

Booking for Student Counselling - Steve Biko Campus

You will see three options – one for Career Counselling, a second for Study Skills and a third for
Personal/Academic Counselling.

Please click on the service you require, then please select the date, time and counsellor with whom
you wish to book.
Once this has been completed, please enter your details as requested:

Once you have clicked on book, you will receive an email to confirm the appointment, and a
calendar invitation will be attached. Please open this and accept the appointment if you would like it
to show in your Outlook Calendar.

You are free to reschedule or cancel the appointment if necessary. You will then be contacted by
the Counsellor by email and will be guided as to the following steps regarding the consent form.

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