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A. Y. 2021-2022




1. Find out what is the theory of Brain Lateralization

The theory of brain lateralization states that the brain is divided into two
halves, the left and right hemispheres that have different functions but are cannot
function without the other or interdependent to each other. In anatomy, the brain is
divided into two hemispheres which are connected by the corpus callosum, these
division of the brain controls and regulate the body movement and receive sensory
stimuli from the two opposite portion of the body, one side of the brain may be
dominant according to studies in psychology depending on the task being performed
by the body.

2. Describes the differences between left brain and right brain.

The brain is divided into two hemispheres, the left and right, each have
different functions and characteristics. The left brain hemisphere is more of analytical
which focuses mainly on details, this side of the brain handle or process information
from tasks like reading, writing and speaking. This side of the brain is responsible for
reasoning, logic, rationality, discipline and rules, dealing on information more likely
objective in nature or simply facts. Individuals with a strong left hemisphere of the
brain are more likely inclined to subjects regarding science, mathematics and
technology, because these topics requires great focus and concentration to be able to
grasps multiple information. These individuals tend to have a clear picture of their
goal due to their ability to create a concrete plan easily and efficiently. In society,
most of these individuals are extroverts, meaning they do not interact with others most
of the time, the left hemisphere controls the right portion of the body. The right brain
hemisphere on the other hand is more subjective or it deals with the values in life. In
the sense that it deals with emotions, feelings, spatial knowledge, creativity and
pattern recognition. The right hemisphere is good at developing a strong sense of self-
awareness, the right hemisphere controls the left portion of the body. This allows the
individual to perform activities like dancing, sports and playing easily, allows
flexibility and risk enduring capabilities. These individuals who have a strong left
hemisphere are usually introverts, they interact with ease within the society.

3. What is the lateralization of brain functions

The normal brain function, information travels from the left hemisphere and
pass through the corpus callosum to the right hemisphere of the brain and vice versa.
Both division or hemisphere of the brain are interdependent to each other and the
information is not only processed by one hemisphere. However in psychology, the
theory of lateralization states that one hemisphere tends to dominates while carrying
out a specific task, an example would be an intellectual man who is good at analysis
and logic but less talented in dancing or any kind of sport. The level or degree of
lateralization usually depends on the individual, as we know it everyone is unique and
have different kinds of intelligence. One example is a right handed man, the language
control function is processed or control by the left hemisphere, while left handed
people are mostly controlled by the right hemisphere of the brain. Different task
requires various skills which will trigger one hemisphere to dominate, the other
hemisphere will also function during this state because they harmoniously function
with each other, for example when dancing, you need to memorize the movement and
execute it, another is when playing basketball, there are rules and regulations as well
as strategies in winning the game which is handled by the left brain hemisphere and
movement is handled by the right brain hemisphere, basketball is considered to be one
of the best brain training sport because both hemisphere of the brain is used while
playing it.

4. Explain the abnormal lateralization manifestation of a brain stroke.

A brain stroke also known as cerebrovascular accident or CVA occurs when
the blood supply to a part of the brain is interrupted or reduced, this prevents brain
tissues from receiving oxygen and nutrients needed for regulation. This causes the
brain cells to die in minutes, as we all know the brain is only 2% of the body weight
yet it consumes 20% body’s oxygen, dehydration also cause brain tissues to lose
water, shrinkage and pain surrounds the brain. Dehydration also lowers blood flow
and oxygen to the brain, without minerals and nutrients the brain cease to function
and worse causes brain stroke. Symptoms are paralysis or numbness of face, arm or
leg, particularly one part of the body, frequent headaches with vomiting, confusion
including trouble with speaking, difficulty swallowing, trouble in walking, agnosia,
alexia and dystonia. Abnormal lateralization is present in various Neuropsychiatric
and neurological diseases like parkinson’s disease, epilepsy, autism, schizophrenia
and many more, but this talks about the brain stroke which causes paralysis on one
side of the body and unable to function properly. The brain is contralateral in most
people, which means that the left hemisphere controls the right side of the body and
the right hemisphere controls the left side, if a person has a stroke in the motor areas
of their right hemisphere, this will affect the functioning of the left side of the body,
this may also affect the visual field processed by one side of the brain rendering it
useless. This may be temporary or permanent depending on how long the brain lacks
blood flow and which part is affected.

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