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Kampanye 02

Assalamualaikum, Best wishes for all of us, Om Swastyastu, Namo Buddhaya, Salam Kebajikan. Hello,
I’m Bagas Rizqianda Giantara, a presidential candidate, and Mohammad Bagus Firman Loveansyah a
vice president candidate. We are the candidate number 2.

Vision and Mision

Bagas : Indonesia is a big country. Indonesia has thousands of islands. Indonesia has a hundred million
citizens. Indonesia has many ethnicities, religions, and cultures. So Indonesia needs a leader who can
lead the country to be better. we need a leader who can unite this country. Because by being united and
united, we can work together for Indonesia's progress towards a Golden Indonesia 2045.

Bagus : To achieve that goal, we have made a plan or mission if we are elected as president and vice
president. We will continue to maintain the Pancasila ideology because it is the result of the hard work
of previous fighters. Then we will continue the development that has been carried out or planned by the
leaders before us. utilize natural resources, because Indonesia is a very rich country. then improve our
national defense system and national security. improve education in our country, improve the education
system and meet the needs of the nation's young generation. reduce poverty and corruption. if we can
eliminate corruption. We will also improve the economy to maintain the stability of this nation.

Ideas, Problems in Indonesia and Solutions

Bagas : In the current era, strengthening Pancasila as the foundation of the nation is crucial. Pancasila is
an ethical guideline in determining policies. The principle of democracy is to ensure that all citizens
have equal opportunities to participate in development. The country belongs to the people. as leaders, we
must not see the people miserable. Our society has human rights that must be fulfilled.

Bagus : In the era of the previous presidential leadership, many changes have occurred. for that, we
want to continue the infrastructure development that already exists and has been carried out. IKN, IKN
is a change that has been made. we must continue development and complete the IKN. IKN was built so
that development is evenly distributed across all islands in Indonesia.

Bagas : Indonesia has many natural resource assets. but many are controlled by foreign countries. Like
Freeport, Freeport has been controlled by the United States, and in Pak Jokowi's era it was successfully
taken over to become Indonesian property of 51%. and we want to increase that number to 60%. so that
our children and grandchildren can enjoy the mining result of our natural resources. there are still many
other mines that are still controlled by foreign countries. We want to take over these mines and create
jobs for the Indonesian people.
Bagus : then downstream, Indonesia is the number 1 nickel-producing country in the world. but we
often export raw nickel to foreign countries. And what happens? Yes, foreign countries can sell nickel at
a much more expensive price. Therefore, we at least send semi-finished goods, so that we are not fooled
by foreign countries.

Bagas : National security and defense are the current priority. many foreign countries can threaten our
sovereignty. especially after the downstream policy. For this reason, we must improve our country's
defense system. We must add defense equipment to maintain the sovereignty of our country. but highly
confidential data defense. we have the best-armed forces even in the world. We have defense equipment
which is still a secret that cannot be revealed to the public.

Bagus : then, national independence. Indonesia has a pretty good economy. We have many sectors that
support the nation's economy. agriculture and maritime. we are a maritime and agricultural country. In
2021, the agricultural sector grew 1.84% and contributed 13.28% to the national economy. Then in Q2-
2022, the agricultural sector showed consistency with positive growth of 1.37% and contributed 12.98%
to the national economy. This positive trend also helps maintain the welfare of farmers with the highest
Farmer Exchange Value achieved in March 2022, namely 109.29, while the NTP in July 2022 was
recorded at 104.25. therefore we want this number to continue to rise.

Bagas : Currently, our nation needs young people who are brave and wise, who can lead this nation in
the future. However, education in our country is still behind neighboring countries, for example
Singapore. There education is very advanced, many people want to study there. For this reason, we want
to send the nation's best sons and daughters to study and explore knowledge in depth in countries with
very advanced education, and also bring in professors from foreign countries such as Japan, Singapore,
Korea and other European countries. And we will also improve the welfare of teachers, we will increase
teacher salaries so that there are no more teachers whose lives are less fortunate

Bagus : In Indonesia currently, our stunting rate is 21.6%. We want this figure to decrease to 14% this
year, 2024. Also for the following year, we want the stunting rate to be below 10%.
Promising Programs
Bagas : One of our programs is free lunch and free milk for school children. We want children to
maintain their nutrition. then we want the nation's children to be able to bring this nation to a better

Bagus : Village development throughout Indonesia. Poverty is a problem that is also a priority at the
moment. There are many villages whose residents still live in poverty. Therefore, we want to continue
providing cash assistance to underprivileged people.

Bagas : Opening more faculties of science, medicine, mathematics and physics at universities
throughout Indonesia to improve education in this country and we will also improve the welfare of
teachers, we will increase teacher salaries so that there are no more teachers whose lives are less

Bagus : The most priority problem is corruption. old problems that have not been resolved until now.
We want to eradicate corruption and provide the most severe punishment for perpetrators of corruption,
including if someone in government commits corruption. We want this nation to be truly free from
corruption. for the younger generation also not to try to commit corruption.

ALL : The younger generation is the nation's successor. For Indonesia Gold 2045. Don't forget to
choose 02. Thank you very much, and assalamualaikum

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