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Name: Asanda

Surname: Nkambule
Grade: 10A
Subject: Life Orientation

Source-based task 2024

1.1. Self-esteem is how we value and perceive ourselves.

1.2. Four factors that could lower one’s self esteem:

•Criticism and negative feedback from others.
• Failure or repeated failure in work is personal endeavours.
• Unhealthy comparison to others.
• Negative self-talk or Self-criticism.
1.3. Self-development refers to the process of working oneself to improve skills,
knowledge, and abilities, often with the goal of personal growth and self-
improvement. Self-confidence, on the other hand, is the belief in one’s own
abilities and judgment, and feeling assured in one’s own power and capabilities.
1.4. A self management strategy that learners may use to enhance their Self-
esteem is practicing positive self talk, which involves replacing negative thought
with positive affirmations.
1.5. Three strategies a grade 10 leaner may consider to enhance Self-esteem are:
• Setting and achieving personal goals.
• Engaging in activities that they are good at and enjoy.
• Building supportive friendships that provide encouragement and positive
1.6. Four ways in which human trafficking may negatively affect the victims self-
• Experiencing physical and emotional abuse.
• Being isolated from friends and family.
• Filling a loss of control over one's life.
• Suffering from shame and stigma associated with being trafficked.
1.7. Two negative impacts of human trafficking on the victims self-worth are:
• The victim may feel worthless due to being treated as a commodity rather
than a human being.
• The victim may internalize the abuse and blame themselves, leading to deep
sense of shame and a belief that they are not deserving of respect Or dignity.
1.8. Two negative effects of excessive use of social media on the self-worth of
teenagers are:
• Social media can create unrealistic expectations of life and appearance,
leading to feelings of inadequacy and low self-worth when comparing oneself to
• The pursuit of likes, comments, and online validation can lead to a fragile
sense of self-worth that is heavily dependent on external approval.
1.9. Low self esteem can make it difficult for you to assert themselves, recognize
their own worth, and feel confident enough to report abuse or seek help. It may
lead to a lack of trust in their own judgment, Making them more vulnerable to
manipulate and less likely to challenge inappropriate behaviour. They might also
fear not being believed or worried about the consequences of reporting, Such as
bullying or social ostracism.
1.10. One effective strategy could be establishment of a peer support group
within the school. This group could provide a safe space for learners to discuss
issues related to sexual abuse and offer mutual support. It could also facilitate
educational sessions to raise awareness about consent and personal boundaries,
and provide information on how to report abuse and access support services.
This strategy could empower learners by building a supportive community,
reducing the stigma around discussing sexual abuse, and providing the
knowledge and resources needed to take action if abuse occurs.
2.1 Gender stereotype refer to refers to the Overgeneralized Believes about the
characteristics attributes and behaviours that are deemed appropriate for men
and women based on the gender. These stereotypes can include assumptions
about personality traits, domestic behaviours, occupations, and physical
appearance that are considered normal for each gender.
2.2. Four Stereotypical views that may lead to gender inequality are
• Woman are not competent as men in leadership roles.
• Men are not as capable of caregiving and emotional labour as a woman.
• Woman should prioritize family and domestic Responsibilities over a career.
• Men should be the primary breadwinners and decision makers in a household.
2.3. Discrimination is the unjust or prejudicial Treatment of different categories
of people especially on grounds of race age or sex. Gender inequality on the
other hand refers to The unequal to equal treatment of precipitations Of
individuals based on the gender. It arises from difference in socially constructed
gender roles As well as biologically determined gender differences.
2.4. Gender stereotyping can lead to limiting that educational opportunities and
choices based on gender expectations, creating A hostile school environment
True gender based bulling or harassment, influencing teachers ‘and peers’
Expectations and evaluations of students abilities and potential.
2.5 Three ways in which gender in inequality could negatively impact the ability
of grade 10 leaners are:
• Gender inequality can lead to fewer resources and opportunities for one
gender, such as access to STEM Subjects for girls, which can limit their
educational achievements.
• It's can create a learning environment where one gender Is discouraged from
participating fully or is subjected to lower expectations affecting their
motivation and performance
• Gender paste violence and harassment in school can create an unsafe and
destructing Environment hindering the affected genders ability to concentrate
and succeed academically
2.6. Four reasons why gender inequality Could make families of victims of sexual
abuse not report such cases to authorities:
• Fear of stigmatization and victim blaming due to societal views that may hold
the victims responsible for the abuse.
• Believe in traditional gender rules that prioritize family reputation over
individual wellbeing, discovering reporting.
•Lack of trust in the justice system to fairly handle cases of sexual abuse ,
especially when it involves a gender that is typically marginalized.
• Economic dependence On the abuser Who may be a family member leading to
reluctance to report due to potential.
2.7. Ways in which fitness activities could promote gender equality:
•Fitness activities can provide environment. Where all genders can participate
equally challenging. Traditional generals and stereotypes about physical
• They can foster teamwork and respect among leaners of different genders
helping to break down social barriers and promote mutual understanding and
2.8. Two socio-economic factors that could sustain the cycle of poverty among
the youth are:
• Lack of access to quality education is a social economic factor that can sustain
the cycle of poverty among the youth. Education is a key terminate of future
employment opportunities and income levels. When young people do not have
access to quality education, they are less likely to achieve the skills. Need it for
well paying jobs which perpetuates poverty across generation.
• Unemployment and und the employment are significant social economic
factors that can't sustain the cycle of poverty among the youth. High
unemployment rates, especially among young people, limit their ability to lend a
stable income and become financially independent. Under employment way,
you are working in jobs that do not utilize their skills or provide educates
income. Also contributes to ongoing poverty
2.9. Communities can play a crucial roll in combating teenage pregnancy through
education and support systems. Community based problems can provide
comprehensive sex education, Promote the use of contraceptives and offer
counselling services. Additionally, communities can create a supportive
environment For the teenagers by addressing social norms and stigma
associated with technique pregnancy. Thereby counselling responsibility
behaviour and providing support for pregnant teens and young parents.
2.10. One effectively behaviour of the leaners can consider is the empowerment
through education on gender equality and learners being educated about their
rights and the importance of gender equality, leaners recognize and challenge
discriminatory practices. This knowledge can also lead to an increased
confidence in reporting inequality or abuse. And showing that both male and
female leaners receive this education promotes a culture of respect and safety
for all , as it encourages everyone to be accountable for their actions and to
stand up against gender based violence.

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