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Name: ____________________________________________ Date: _______________ Score: ______


TEST I. Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the correct answer and write it before the number. 1 point

___1. Which kitchen tool is best suited for slicing vegetables into thin, uniform pieces?
A. Whisk B. Blender C. Grater D. Chef's Knife
___2. What kitchen equipment is primarily used for baking cakes and cookies?
A. Microwave B. Toaster C. Oven D. Electric Kettle
___3. Which of the following is a proper tool for measuring liquid ingredients?
A. Measuring Cups B. Kitchen Scale C. Rolling Pin D. Spatula
___4. To efficiently mix ingredients together, which tool would you use?
A. Cutting Board B. Colander C. Mixing Bowl D. Tongs
___5. What is the purpose of a strainer in the kitchen?
A. To measure ingredients C. To drain liquids from solids
B. To blend ingredients D. To chop vegetables
___6. Which kitchen tool would you use to peel potatoes or carrots?
A. Vegetable Peeler B. Grater C. Ladle D. Pizza Cutter
___7. Which equipment is primarily used for boiling water?
A. Frying Pan B. Saucepan C. Blender D. Microwave
___8. What kitchen tool is used to remove excess moisture from washed vegetables?
A. Whisk B. Salad Spinner C. Strainer D. Rolling Pin
___9. To prevent burns while handling hot pots and pans, which kitchen paraphernalia is essential?
A. Oven Mitts B. Apron C. Chef's Hat D. Wooden Spoon
___10. Which kitchen tool is used for stirring ingredients while cooking in a pan?
A. Ladle B. Whisk C. Spatula D. Tongs
___11. What is the primary function of a cutting board?
A. To measure ingredients C. To slice and chop ingredients
B. To mix ingredients D. To strain ingredients
___12. Which equipment would you use to make toast?
A. Microwave B. Oven C. Toaster D. Blender
___13. Which kitchen tool is primarily used for grating cheese or vegetables?
A. Blender B. Grater C. Rolling Pin D. Colander
___14. Which tool would you use to flip pancakes or omelets?
A. Ladle B. Tongs C. Spatula D. Whisk
___15. What is the purpose of a rolling pin in the kitchen?
A. To slice vegetables C. To flatten dough
B. To measure ingredients D. To whisk ingredients together
___16. Which kitchen tool is used for beating eggs or mixing liquids thoroughly?
A. Chef's Knife B. Whisk C. Blender D. Rolling Pin
___17. What is the primary function of a colander in the kitchen?
A. To measure ingredients C. To blend ingredients
B. To drain liquids from solids D. To chop vegetables
___18. Which kitchen equipment is primarily used for grilling meats and vegetables?
A. Microwave B. Toaster C. Grill Pan D. Blender
___19. What is the purpose of a pastry brush in the kitchen?
A. To measure ingredients C. To spread sauces or melted butter
B. To mix ingredients D. To drain liquids from solids
___20. Which tool would you use to crush garlic cloves or ginger?
A. Vegetable Peeler B. Garlic Press C. Colander D. Rolling Pin
___21. What kitchen tool is primarily used for cutting butter or shortening into dry ingredients when making
pastry dough?
A. Blender B. Chef's Knife C. Pastry Cutter D. Rolling Pin
___22. Which kitchen equipment is primarily used for deep-frying foods?
A. Microwave B. Toaster C. Deep Fryer D. Blender

___23. What is the purpose of a pastry blender in the kitchen?

A. To measure ingredients C. To chop vegetables
B. To blend ingredients D. To cut fat into flour
___24. Which kitchen tool would you use to scoop out cookie dough onto a baking sheet?
A. Whisk B. Ladle C. Ice Cream Scoop D. Rolling Pin
___25. How should you clean a chef's knife after use?
A. Place it in the dishwasher C. Wipe it with a damp cloth
B. Wash it with soap and water, then dry D. Leave it in the sink until later
___26. What is the best way to clean a blender after use?
A. Rinse it with cold water
B. Disassemble and wash the parts with warm, soapy water
C. Leave it to air dry
D. Wipe it with a dry cloth
___27. How often should you sharpen kitchen knives to maintain their effectiveness?
A. Once a month C. Every time they are used
B. Twice a year D. Only when they become very dull
___28. What should you do to prevent rust on metal kitchen tools?
A. Coat them with oil after each use C. Wash them with bleach
B. Leave them wet to air dry D. Store them in a damp environment
___29. How can you prevent wooden cutting boards from splitting or warping?
A. Soak them in water before each use C. Oil them regularly to maintain moisture
B. Store them in direct sunlight D. Use them as a hot plate for dishes straight from the
___30. Which of the following is a proper way to store kitchen knives?
A. In a drawer with other utensils C. Scattered randomly on the countertop
B. In a knife block or on a magnetic strip D. Wrapped in a damp cloth
___31. How should you clean cast iron cookware to maintain its seasoning?
A. Wash it with soap and water C. Dry it immediately after washing and rub it with oil
B. Scrub it with a metal brush D. Leave it to air dry
___32. What should you do to prevent wooden kitchen utensils from absorbing odors?
A. Soak them in vinegar C. Rinse them with cold water
B. Boil them in water D. Rub them with lemon juice
___33. How often should you clean the inside of a toaster to prevent buildup?
A. Once a week B. Once a month C. Every time you use it D. Never
___34. What should you do if you notice rust on stainless steel kitchen appliances?
A. Ignore it, as it won't affect performance
B. Scrub it vigorously with steel wool
C. Use a specialized stainless-steel cleaner to remove the rust
D. Coat it with cooking oil to prevent further rusting
___35. What should you do if you accidentally spill grease on the kitchen floor?
A. Leave it to dry
B. Clean it immediately with soap and water
C. Sprinkle flour on it
D. Ignore it until later
___36. How often should you clean the coils on the back of a refrigerator to maintain its efficiency?
A. Once a year C. Only when they appear visibly dirty
B. Once a month D. Never
___37. What is the recommended method for cleaning a microwave oven?
A. Spraying it with bleach
B. Wiping with a dry cloth
C. Heating a bowl of water and vinegar inside it, then wiping it down
D. Leaving it unplugged for a few hours
___38. How should you clean a clogged sink drain in the kitchen?
A. Pouring bleach down the drain C. Boiling water and pouring it down the drain
B. Using a chemical drain cleaner D. Ignoring it until it clears on its own
___39. What is the best way to remove stubborn stains from plastic food containers?
A. Soaking them in hot soapy water C. Spraying them with bleach
B. Scrubbing with a metal brush D. Placing them in the dishwasher
___40. How can you prevent cutting boards from harboring bacteria?
A. Washing them with cold water C. Washing them with hot, soapy water after each use
B. Using them only for dry ingredients D. Storing them in the refrigerator

1. D
2. C
3. A
4. C
5. C
6. A
7. B
8. C
9. A
10. C
11. C
12. C
13. B
14. A
15. C
16. B
17. B
18. C
19. C
20. B
21. C
22. C
23. B
24. C
25. B
26. B
27. D
28. A
29. C
30. B
31. C
32. D
33. A
34. C
35. B
36. A
37. C
38. C
39. A
40. C

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