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During lectures, students tend to sleep in later and wake up sooner.

Because physiological demands and

sleep schedule are not satisfied, people frequently feel drowsy during the day. Students who struggle to
manage their schedules may experience sleep disturbances. (Gusmao, 2018)

Insufficient or inadequate sleep may have an effect on these people's capacity to control their emotions.
As one ages, Problems such as insufficient sleep might result in health problems and a decrease in
learning focus. People as a result grow more susceptible to negative emotions like sadness and fury. This
indicates a lack of emotional self-control (Nifilda, 2016).

It is crucial for people to be able to control their emotions in order to maintain emotional equilibrium
and control their mood. Both happy and negative emotions can have an impact on how well one
regulates their emotions. People with emotional regulation skills may assist adapt to the circumstances
in their surroundings, place themselves in suitable settings, and recognize the proper times and ways to
express their feelings. (Tyas, 2013)

Barnes, and Gunia [5] reported that

difficult conditions associated with sleep
may lead to low moral awareness. A
review of studies on the negative impact of
sleep loss
on decision-making supports the idea that
sleep deprivation may be linked to
difficulties in
making moral judgments. According to
these studies, sleep inadequacy may
affect neural
substrates related to decision-making,
especially areas involved in risk-taking
[6]. Thus, sleep deprivation impairs
major cognitive functions, including
and may impair the ability to integrate
emotion and cognition to guide moral
Barnes, and Gunia [5] reported that
difficult conditions associated with sleep
may lead to low moral awareness. A
review of studies on the negative impact of
sleep loss
on decision-making supports the idea that
sleep deprivation may be linked to
difficulties in
making moral judgments. According to
these studies, sleep inadequacy may
affect neural
substrates related to decision-making,
especially areas involved in risk-taking
[6]. Thus, sleep deprivation impairs
major cognitive functions, including
and may impair the ability to integrate
emotion and cognition to guide moral
Barnes, and Gunia [5] reported that
difficult conditions associated with sleep
may lead to low moral awareness. A
review of studies on the negative impact of
sleep loss
on decision-making supports the idea that
sleep deprivation may be linked to
difficulties in
making moral judgments. According to
these studies, sleep inadequacy may
affect neural
substrates related to decision-making,
especially areas involved in risk-taking
[6]. Thus, sleep deprivation impairs
major cognitive functions, including
and may impair the ability to integrate
emotion and cognition to guide moral
Barnes (2014) challenging circumstances brought on by sleep loss could cause a lack of moral
consciousness. The hypothesis that sleep deprivation may be connected to problems making moral
decisions is supported by a review of research on the detrimental effects of sleep loss on decision-
making. These findings suggest that sleep deprivation may impact the brain substrates involved in
decision-making, particularly those connected to risk-taking behaviors. As a result, lack of sleep affects
several cognitive processes, including decision-making, and it may also make it more difficult to combine
emotion and reason to form moral judgments.
emotion regulation, such as sleep
quality, are worth
investigating. Sleep is sometimes seen
to be a natural
emotion regulator [26
It is worthwhile to look at health-related variables like sleep quality that may have an impact on how
well an individual regulates their emotions. Loss of sleep might make it more difficult to control
emotions as sleep is sometimes seen to be a natural emotion regulator. Lack of sleep has often been
linked to increased sensitivity to unpleasant emotional sensations (Tempeste, 2020).


T. Gusmao. (2018) Hubungan kualitas tidur dengan kecerdasan emosional pada lansia
permaditlogosuryo malang, Nursing News: Jurnal Ilmiah Keperawatan.

H. Nifilda. (2016) kualitas tidur dengan prestasi akademik mahasiswa program studi pendidikan dokter
angkatan 2010 fk universitas andalas, Jurnal Kesehatan Andalas.

P.P. Tyas. (2013) Regulasi emosi pasca putus cinta pada remaja tahap akhir, Thesis, Muhammadiyah
Surakarta University, Surakarta.

Tempesta (2020) The impact of five nights of sleep restriction on emotional reactivity. Journal of Sleep
Research. 2020;29(5).

Barnes CM (2014) Sleep and moral awareness. Journal of Sleep Research. 2014;24(2):181-8

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