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Why might poor sleep quality lead to depression?

A role for emotion regulation

Kimberly O’Leary, Lauren M. Bylsma & Jonathan Rottenberg

To cite this article: Kimberly O’Leary, Lauren M. Bylsma & Jonathan Rottenberg (2016): Why
might poor sleep quality lead to depression? A role for emotion regulation, Cognition and
Emotion, DOI: 10.1080/02699931.2016.1247035

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Why might poor sleep quality lead to depression? A role for emotion
Kimberly O’Learya, Lauren M. Bylsma b
and Jonathan Rottenberga
Department of Psychology, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL, USA; bDepartment of Psychiatry, University of Pittsburgh,
Pittsburgh, PA, USA


Disordered sleep is strongly linked to future depression, but the reasons for this link Received 9 January 2016
are not well understood. This study tested one possibility – that poorer sleep Revised 29 August 2016
impairs emotion regulation (ER), which over time leads to increased depressive Accepted 3 October 2016
symptoms. Our sample contained individuals with a wide range of depression
symptoms (current depression, N = 54, remitted depression, N = 36, and healthy Major depression; emotion
control, N = 53), who were followed clinically over six months and reassessed for regulation; sleep quality;
changes in depressive symptom levels. As predicted, maladaptive ER mediated both sleep; physical activity
cross-sectional and prospective relationships between poor sleep quality and
depression symptoms. In contrast, an alternative mediator, physical activity levels,
did not mediate the link between sleep quality and depression symptoms.
Maladaptive ER may help explain why sleep difficulties contribute to depression
symptoms; implications for interventions are discussed.

Consequences of poor sleep have been highlighted found that sleep problems in childhood put children
recently in both public incidents (e.g. Exxon Valdez at four times the risk for internalising problems 18
disaster) and in commentary concerning the substan- years later (Touchette et al., 2012). Similarly, follow-
tial social and economic burdens of sleep loss (Kessler up studies reveal sleep problems are a primary risk
et al., 2011). In tandem, the worldwide burden and factor for depression in those not currently depressed
prevalence of depressive disorders has increased (Livingston, Blizard, & Mann, 1993). In multiple
(Moussavi et al., 2007). Disordered sleep is strongly reviews, early sleep problems predict later depression
associated with depression (e.g. Goldstein & Walker, – but not the other way around (e.g. early depressive
2014), as well as key emotional difficulties that occur symptoms do not significantly predict later sleep pro-
therein (e.g. emotion regulation [ER], Baglioni, Spiegel- blems, Alvaro, Roberts, & Harris, 2013). In fact, insom-
halder, Lombardo, & Riemann, 2010). In fact, although nia symptoms for a period of more than two weeks
not required for a diagnosis, sleep disturbances are predict an increase in developing depression within
among the symptoms used to diagnose a major 1–3 years (Riemann & Voderholzer, 2003). Although
depressive disorder (DSM-V; American Psychiatric the relationship between sleep and depression is
Association, 2013). Relative to other inpatients, complex and likely bi-directional (Kahn, Sheppes, &
suicidal depressive patients have worse reports of sub- Sadeh, 2013), it is fair to say that sleep problems
jective sleep quality, sleep latency, sleep duration, and often precede depression.
habitual sleep efficiency (Aĝargün, Kara, & Solmaz, One key unsolved question is why disordered sleep
1997). A comprehensive review found strong relation- might precipitate depression. Conceptually, there are
ships between sleep alterations and depression several mechanisms to explain why poorer sleep
(Tsuno, Besset, & Ritchie, 2005). quality predicts increased depression symptoms,
Recent work also indicates that disordered sleep including sleep-induced physiological changes (rapid
often precedes depression. Longitudinal studies have eye movement [REM]-related mechanisms, blunted

CONTACT Jonathan Rottenberg

© 2016 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

pituitary ACTH responses; Novati et al., 2008), cogni- measured by actigraphy (objective measurements of
tive deterioration (Manber et al., 2008), or emotional sleep-related somatic activity; Vriend et al., 2013),
deficits (e.g. emotional information processing; Kahn experimental deprivation (Baum et al., 2014), or self-
et al., 2013). Surprisingly, despite the suggestions reports (Tavernier & Willoughby, 2014). People who
that dysregulation of emotional reactivity underlies report poor sleep for the past week exhibit worse
sleep–depression relationships (e.g. Baglioni et al., emotion-regulation ability in the laboratory (Mauss
2010), we are unaware of studies providing specific et al., 2013).
empirical tests of emotion-based pathways. Such
tests are important for understanding the process by
ER and depression
which depressive symptomology emerges, and for
presenting potential points for clinical intervention. Likewise, there is evidence that maladaptive ER is
In this paper, we take a first step, proposing ER difficul- associated with a diagnosis of depression. Depressed
ties (Gross, 1998) as one potential pathway between and depression-vulnerable groups report elevated
sleep problems and depression symptoms. In the sec- use of maladaptive ER strategies (Gilbert & Gruber,
tions below, we define ER, and review work that has 2014; Kovacs, Joormann, & Gotlib, 2008). Initial data
linked problematic ER to both disordered sleep and indicate that ER deficits may be a risk and maintaining
to depressive symptoms. factor for Major Depressive Disorder (MDD, Berking,
ER refers to a variety of efforts to modify the experi- Wirtz, Svaldi, & Hofmann, 2014), since poorer self-
ence and expression of emotions, including how reported ER predicts later increases in depressive
emotions are monitored and evaluated (Gross, 1998). symptoms.
Researchers have increasingly been interested in Theoretically, within a process mediation model, it
examining maladaptive ER, often using “broadband” is plausible that problems in ER would predict worse
measures (e.g. difficulties in ER strategies overall) or functioning over time, including increases in depress-
scales that assess specific problematic ER strategies ive symptoms. Maladaptive ER has been shown to
(e.g. worry or rumination). mediate processes related to individual adjustment,
such as the relationship between sleep problems
and detrimental social ties in university students
Disordered sleep and ER ability
(Tavernier & Willoughby, 2014) or between insomnia
Disordered sleep has been shown to disturb many and negative mood (Xia & Zhou, 2010). Maladaptive
aspects of emotional experience (for a review, see ER has specifically predicted increased depressive
Baglioni et al., 2010), including ER capacity (i.e. symptoms at a five-year follow-up (Berking et al.,
Mauss, Troy, & LeBourgeois, 2013). Recent reviews 2014), and, conversely, endorsement of successful ER
highlight the unique impact of poor sleep on ER, par- strategies predicts recovery from depression (Arditte
ticularly on regulating negative emotions (Palmer & & Joormann, 2011). Additionally, treatments that
Alfano, 2016). Disordered sleep has commonly been purport to increase ER skills are associated with
associated with altered neurological functioning (e.g. decreased depression symptom severity – whereas
Yoo, Gujar, Hu, Jolesz, & Walker, 2007; decreased the opposite is not true (decreased depressive symp-
emotional expressiveness, Minkel, 2010) and difficulty toms do not always predict better ER skills; Radkovsky,
in regulating behaviour (e.g. poor impulse control, McArdle, Bockting, & Berking, 2014). Similarly, success-
Peach & Gaultney, 2013); therefore, it logically ful application of ER skills predicts lower depressive
follows that poor sleep would impair ER. Impaired symptom severity, even when controlling for the
sleep quality and shorter sleep duration are both effects of initial depression symptoms (Berking et al.,
associated with poorer ER reported by individuals 2014).
and observers (Baum et al., 2014; Vriend et al., 2013).
Most research has focused on the consequences of
The present study
acute sleep loss (i.e. artificially shortened night sleep)
on subsequent emotional functioning (Pilcher & Huff- Although ER has strong ties to both sleep and
cutt, 1996). For instance, a shortened night sleep depression, impaired ER has not been examined as a
among young adolescents has been associated with mediator of links between sleep problems and
worse ER; this has been found when sleep loss is depression. Our primary goal was to examine

whether problematic ER mediates the relationship Method

between impaired sleep quality and elevations in
depressive symptoms, modelled both concurrently
and prospectively. In light of the evidence that disor- We report how we determined our sample size, all
dered sleep impacts ER and that ER impacts depress- data exclusions (if any), all manipulations, and all
ive symptoms, our primary hypothesis was that that measures in the study. Specifically, the sample was
ER would mediate the relationship between impaired collected originally for a study of autonomic nervous
sleep and later depressive symptoms. system functioning in depression and sample sizes
Our secondary hypothesis examined the specificity reflected the requirements of the parent study (see
of ER as a mediator by considering physical activity in Salomon, White, Bylsma, Panaite, & Rottenberg, 2013
alternative mediating models. The logic for consider- for details of recruitment and screening procedures);
ing physical activity is that physical activity level has the current sample size, however, was also adequate
similar relationships to the other variables, as does to assess mediation effects using bootstrapping
ER. That is, poor sleep quality is likewise associated (Koopman, Howe, Hollenbeck, & Sin, 2015). Commu-
with diminished levels of physical activity (e.g. nity participants were recruited and visited the labora-
Calhoun et al., 2011). Moreover, low physical activity tory for clinical and psychophysiological assessments,
is likewise related to elevations in depression symp- as well as completing self-report scales. Our sample
toms (e.g. McKercher et al., 2013; Uebelacker et al., contained individuals with a wide range of depression
2013). Thus, it is conceivable that the relationship symptoms, specifically 143 community-recruited par-
between poor sleep and depression can be (partially) ticipants who met criteria for MDD (N = 54), remitted
understood through the lens of diminished physical MDD (N = 36), or healthy controls (N = 53) as assessed
energy and reduced daily activity level rather than with the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV (SCID;
worse ER. To address the issue of specificity of ER, First, Spitzer, Gibbon, & Williams, 2002). Subjects were
we included physical activity level in a series of excluded for reported diagnosed cardiovascular
alternative mediator models. disease, use of medication with known cardiovascular
To ensure we had an adequate variability and side effects, history of a head injury, hearing impair-
range in sleep, depression, and emotional problems, ment, bipolar disorder diagnosis, substance abuse, or
our sample included groups of individuals diagnosed history of primary psychotic symptoms. Other psychia-
with current major depression, remitted depression, tric comorbidity was permitted and as might be
and healthy controls (e.g. Allen, Byrne, & Crosby, expected was relatively common in the sample.
2015). To represent maladaptive ER, we used to Notably, 74% of the depressed group had a history
derive a factor score from commonly used ER scales of anxiety disorder.
(worry: Penn State Worry Questionnaire, Meyer, Six months after initial testing, data were collected
Miller, Metzger, & Borkovec, 1990; rumination: on depression symptoms and ER in 95 participants.
Response Style Questionnaire, Butler & Nolen-Hoek- Attrition analyses revealed no differences between
sema, 1994; Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale, study completers and non-completers on key vari-
Gratz & Roemer, 2004). We assessed sleep quality ables (including sleep quality, depressive symptoms,
using the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI; and emotion regulation scales; all p’s > .4). Although
Buysse, Reynolds, Monk, Berman, & Kupfer, 1989) our primary mediation analyses collapsed the
and depression symptoms six months later with the sample across diagnostic group, models were tested
Beck Depression Inventory II (BDI-II; Beck, Steer, & for moderated-mediation (with depression status)
Brown, 1996). and did not differ on mediation analyses. All pro-
The current study addressed three questions: (1) cedures were approved by the relevant ethics com-
Does maladaptive ER mediate the concurrent relation- mittees and subjects consented.
ship between poor sleep quality and increased
depression severity? (2) Does maladaptive ER
mediate the prospective relationship between poor
sleep quality and increased depression severity (six Participants completed measures in the lab at both
months later)? (3) Are these mediating relationships Time 1 and Time 2. At Time 1, participants received
specific to maladaptive ER or would they also hold a clinical interview, reported on sleep quality, ER,
for an alternative mediator, physical activity level? and depressive symptoms. At Time 2, six months

later, participants were re-interviewed and were variance, with the next potential factor accounting
assessed for ER and depressive symptom severity. for only 6.80% of the variance. The alpha for the com-
bined scale was α = 98 at Time 1 and α = .97 at Time
2. Therefore, we used the emotion regulation factor
score, which we refer to below as maladaptive ER, in
Beck Depression Inventory II our hypothesis testing.
The BDI-II is a 21-item self-report measure that
assesses depression severity. We used a 20-item
Paffenbarger Physical Activity Scale
version because of Institutional Review Board con-
This is a widely used self-report scale devised to assess
cerns (the suicidality item was not included). The
physical activity based on daily activities of life. Ques-
BDI-II has previously shown good psychometric prop-
tions include type and duration of sport or recreational
erties (Beck et al., 1996), and Cronbach’s alphas for this
activities, which are converted to measures of caloric
sample were adequate at both time points (α = .77 at
expenditure (Simpson, 2011). A total score was com-
Time 1 and α = .95 at Time 2).
puted via summing caloric expenditure for all activi-
ties, using standard scoring.
Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index
The PSQI is a 19-item self-report questionnaire,
which assesses sleep quality over the last month.
Hypothesis testing
Items are rated on 0–3 scales (with 3 indicating
worse functioning). Although the PSQI can be used To ascertain whether ER problems mediate the
to derive different sleep component scores (subjec- relationship between sleep quality and depressive
tive sleep quality, sleep latency, sleep duration, symptoms, three overarching mediation models
sleep efficiency, sleep disturbances, medicine to were utilised. We first modelled the variables concur-
sleep, and daytime dysfunction), it is typical to rently (depression symptoms at Time 1 as the
combine these components into an overall sleep outcome) and second modelled the variables prospec-
quality index (Buysse et al., 1989; α = .84, within tively (ER as the mediator at Time 2 and depression
this sample). symptoms at Time 2 as the outcome). The third mod-
elled the variables prospectively using maladaptive ER
Maladaptive Emotion Regulation at Time 2, controlling for maladaptive ER and
Three commonly used measures were used to rep- depression at Time 1. Accounting for these variables
resent the domain of maladaptive ER: the Penn State at Time 1 provided a more stringent test of the pro-
Worry Questionnaire (PSWQ; designed to assess patho- spective model. In all models, the dependent variable
logical worry, with questions concerning excessive was depression and the predictor was sleep quality
worry, duration, and uncontrollability, Meyer et al., (PSQI; Buysse et al., 1989). To test specificity to mala-
1990), the Response Style Questionnaire (RSQ; which daptive ER, we tested parallel mediation models
measures overall tendencies to respond to low using physical activity level in place of maladaptive
mood with rumination, Butler & Nolen-Hoeksema, ER.
1994), and the Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale The indirect effect for all models was tested using
(DERS; a broadband ER scale that covers the aware- maximum likelihood bootstrapping with 10,000 boot-
ness, understanding, and acceptance of emotions, strap samples at the 95th percent confidence interval.
Gratz & Roemer, 2004). On each of these scales, Bootstrapping tests whether the mediator carries the
higher scores indicate more maladaptive emotional influence of the predictor on the outcome – the indir-
functioning. ect effect (Mallinckrodt, Abraham, Wei, & Russell,
Not unexpectedly, emotion regulation scales were 2006). A particular advantage of the process, boot-
correlated >.7. As a data reduction strategy, we per- strapping involves repeatedly and randomly resam-
formed exploratory factor analysis (EFA) using an pling from the data, with a recommended 10,000
orthogonal rotation to potentially simplify hypothesis iterations minimum (Preacher & Hayes, 2004).
testing. In our EFA, we limited the number of factors to PROCESS bootstrap methods were used for each
those with eigenvalues >1. Analyses supported a mediation model; in bootstrapping, the convention
single factor solution, with all items loading on that for statistical significance is when lower and upper
factor; the single factor accounted for 41.56% of the confidence intervals do not contain zero.

Results maladaptive ER and depression was also significant

(Effect = .18, SE = .01, p < .001), as was the relationship
Preliminary analyses
between sleep quality and maladaptive ER (Effect =
A total of 143 participants’ data for Time 1 were 7.39, SE = 1.08, p < .001, R 2 = .32).
entered into the Hayes Process Model for Mediation The indirect effect, indicating the mediation of
in SPSS (36 remitted, 54 depressed, and 53 healthy maladaptive ER, was significant and can be labelled
controls). At Time 2, 95 participants’ data were a large effect (see Table 2). The maladaptive ER
entered for bootstrapping; when missing data were mediated the indirect effect, accounting for 47% of
accounted for, total sample size for Time 2 was 64. Par- the relationship between poor sleep quality and
ticipants showed adequate variability in depression depression at Time 1. Thus, as hypothesised, maladap-
severity and sleep quality at both Time 1 and Time tive ER partially mediated the link between poor sleep
2. Participants reported on sleep quality (M = 7.09, and depression symptoms at Time 1, and accounted
SD = 4.27, N = 117) at Time 1 and (M = 5.14, SD = for substantial variance therein.
3.00, N = 64) at Time 2, depression severity (M =
14.23, SD = 14.75, N = 139 at Time 1 and M = 10.55, Does ER mediate the prospective relationship
SD = 11.24 N = 95 at Time 2), and maladaptive ER (M between poor sleep quality and depression?
= 177.91, SD = 56.57, N = 128 at Time 1 and M = Two prospective mediation models were tested. Both
172.96, SD = 49.04, N = 73 at Time 2). Additionally, par- models tested sleep quality at Time 1 as a predictor,
ticipants reported on their total energy expenditure Time 2 maladaptive ER as the mediator, and
(M = 975.48, SD = 1601.26, N = 120) at Time 1. Given depression symptom severity at Time 2 (six months
the potential for diagnostic group as a moderator, later) as the outcome. The second prospective
models were checked for moderated-mediation, but model was identical, except it added control for
analyses for diagnostic group as a moderating variable Time 1 maladaptive ER and depression.
were nonsignificant. Furthermore, diagnostic groups The direct effect of the prospective relationship
did not differ on demographic variables (age, sex, between sleep quality and depressive symptoms
socioeconomic status; p’s > .250). Inclusion of demo- was significant (Effect = .89, SE = .24, p < .001, R 2 = .65
graphic variables as covariate mediators did not for overall model). Additionally, the path between
change model significance in any case; thus, we did maladaptive ER at Time 2 and depression was also sig-
not consider demographic variables further. There nificant (Effect = .13, SE = .02, p < .001), as was the
was no missing data on key variables. relationship between sleep quality and maladaptive
Before testing mediation models, we first assessed ER at Time 2 (Effect = 6.72, SE = .95, p < .001, R 2 = .42).
whether the main study variables (sleep, depression, Time 2 maladaptive ER was a mediator in first pro-
and maladaptive ER) were correlated as expected spective model, significantly mediating the indirect
(see Table 1 for full correlational matrix). Specifically, effect between initial sleep quality and later depress-
sleep quality was correlated with maladaptive ER (r ive symptoms. Maladaptive ER accounted for 23% of
= .56, p < .001). In turn, maladaptive ER was correlated the variance across time (kappa of .23), essentially
with depression severity (r = .85, p < .001). In the replicating the pattern found in cross-sectional
overall longitudinal model, sleep quality alone pre- results, with maladaptive ER partially accounting for
dicted depression severity (B = 1.65, SE = .18, p < .001, the indirect effect in the sleep quality-prospective
R 2 = .48). depression relationship.
Results were similar (maladaptive ER continued to
mediate the sleep–depression relationship) in our
Does ER mediate the concurrent relationship more prospective mediation model that controlled
between poor sleep quality and depression? for Time 1 both maladaptive ER and depression (see
The first set of models were tested at Time 1 for all Table 2).
variables, with sleep quality as a predictor and
depression symptom severity as the outcome and Was maladaptive ER specific in mediating the
maladaptive ER as a potential mediator (see Table 2). relationships between poor sleep quality and
The direct effect of sleep quality on depression was depression?
significant (Effect = .73, SE = .18, p < .001, R 2 = .77 for To test for specificity, we replaced maladaptive ER
overall model). Additionally, the path between with an alternative mediator, physical activity. As

Table 1. Pearson product–moment correlations between key variables.

PSQI 1 .65** .56** .65** −.20* .56** .67**
BDI1 .65** 1 .85** .74** −.25* .42** .79**
ER1 .56** .85** 1 .80** −.19* .28* .64**
ER2 .65** .74** .80** 1 −.16 .51** .76**
PAS −.20* −.25* −.19* −.16 1 −.17 −.26*
PSQI2 .56** .42** .28* .51** −.17 1 .54**
BDI2 .67** .79** .64** .76** −.26* .54** 1
Notes: PSQI: Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index; Time 1 BDI: Time 1 Depression Severity; ER1: Maladaptive Emotion Regulation Time 1; ER2: Mala-
daptive Emotion Regulation Time 2; PAS: Physical Activity Scale; Time 2 BDI: Time 2 Depression Severity; PSQI2: Time 2 Pittsburgh Sleep Quality
Index; PAS2: Time 2 Physical Activity Scale.
*p ≤ .05.
**p ≤ .001.

above, the first model tested was at Time 1 for all vari- this direction, examining whether sleep problems
ables, with sleep quality as a predictor and depression might be associated with depression because of dis-
symptom severity as the outcome. Physical activity did turbance to emotion regulatory mechanisms (Gruber
not significantly mediate the indirect effect of the & Cassoff, 2014).
relationship between sleep quality and depressive Consistent with our main hypothesis, problems in
symptoms at Time 1 (confidence intervals included ER partially accounted for concurrent and prospective
zero). Because mediation was not significant at Time relationships between sleep quality and depressive
1, we did not examine mediation at Time 2. symptoms. Maladaptive ER accounted for substantial
Similarly, when we re-run our models including variance in the sleep–depression relationship. More-
physical activity alongside maladaptive ER, maladap- over, maladaptive ER exhibited specificity as a
tive ER remained significant (results from above rela- mediator. Another plausible candidate, physical
tively unchanged) and physical activity did not activity levels, did not mediate the sleep–depression
mediate the indirect effect between initial sleep relationship in alternative models. Maladaptive ER
quality and depressive symptoms (confidence inter- remained a significant mediator when physical activity
vals included zero). Results are included in Table 2. was included in the model. Overall, then, our major
In sum, the combined model found that maladaptive results were consistent with the idea that ER difficul-
ER continued to significantly mediate the indirect ties may be implicated in the process by which disor-
effect, whereas the physical activity was dered sleep leads to depression. Although this study
nonsignificant. provides initial evidence with a longitudinal design,
it should be acknowledged that the mediator and
dependent variables were measured at the same
Discussion time point, precluding definitive statements about
Understanding how poor sleep might contribute to the temporal relationship between sleep problems
depression is important given the high social and and ER
economic burdens of sleep loss (Kessler et al., 2011) These results invite speculation concerning the
and the alarming increases in depression prevalence various intervening steps in the chain between sleep
(Moussavi et al., 2007). Surprisingly, we know little problems to depression. Future research should
about the pathways by which poor sleep begets address possible causal steps in each part of this
depression symptoms. This study was a first step in chain, such as, how do sleep difficulties translate

Table 2. Bootstrapping mediation: indirect effects between sleep quality and depression severity.
Time 1 Time 2 Time 2 (with controls)
Effect SE CI (lower) CI (upper) Effect SE CI (lower) CI (upper) Effect SE CI (lower) CI (upper)
ER 1.30* .21 .94 1.76 .87* .24 .49 1.43 .28* .16 .04 .67
PA .04 .03 .005 .12
Notes: ER: emotion regulation; PA: physical activity.
*Indicates significance (in bootstrapping, the convention for statistical significance is when lower and upper confidence intervals do not contain

into ER problems? Experimentally, sleep-deprived par- Mauss et al., 2013) have found that prior disordered
ticipants have shown reduced functional connectivity sleep leads to emotion-regulation deficits and abun-
in systems associated with cognitive control of dant data demonstrates that difficulties in ER are
emotional response (Yoo et al., 2007; but see Minkel stable predictors of depressive episodes (e.g. Berking
et al., 2012 for additional discussion). Furthermore, dis- et al., 2014). Regardless, future research with a
ordered sleep impairs executive function systems, clearer test of temporal precedence is needed. Thus,
which have direct consequences for the ability to while our prospective analyses were significant, even
regulate emotions (for a review, see Gruber & after controlling for demographic characteristics and
Cassoff, 2014). Time 1 ER/depression, it is important not to overstate
These findings also invite a consideration of clinical the strength of our prospective findings.
implications. Given the fact of existing interventions to Relatedly, although a six-month time frame is
improve sleep and/or maladaptive ER, our results meaningful, longer follow up period would be
suggest the possibility that such interventions could useful. More generally, a key question for future
also prevent the development of depression symp- research is whether these mediational relationships
toms. Whether erosion of ER is a byproduct of sleep hold for longer versus shorter periods of time (and
or occurs simultaneously, targeting ER may be a prom- as well as different developmental periods). Past
ising area for intervention as a means to interrupt the research has documented that the relationship
pathway by which both problems contribute to between disordered sleep evolving into depression
increased depressive symptomology. One critical is robust at an 18-year follow-up (Touchette et al.,
question in this work will be try to isolate whether 2012); this raises the possibility that ER scales may
these effects are specific to depression versus mediate this relationship over longer spans of time.
anxiety (or other psychiatric comorbidity), which was Work that examines why sleep problems yield
not possible in the current project because of the depression has lagged considerably behind our epide-
high levels of comorbidity in our sample. miological observations that it does. This study pro-
As an initial study in this area, our study also had vides a first step towards this goal. We hope this
some limitations. First, our design largely utilised work will be a springboard both to better the mechan-
self-report measures of the key constructs. Although isms of the sleep–depression relationship and to
the PSQI is the best accepted measure of poor sleep improve interventions to mitigate the harms of poor
quality, future research should examine whether sleep.
these relationships hold using other indicators of
sleep (e.g. actigraphy, Vriend et al., 2013). Additionally,
poor sleep quality generally signals disruption in circa- Disclosure statement
dian rhythm, we cannot speak directly to circadian No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.
rhythms because we did not measure them indepen-
dent of our index of sleep quality. Similarly, given
sometimes contextually specific nature of emotion Funding
regulatory problems (Aldao, 2013), it would be useful Jonathan Rottenberg was supported by the National Institutes of
in future work to acquire laboratory proxies of mala- Health [MH077669-02].
daptive ER in addition to trait-level measures.
Second, as noted above, our design does not allow
definitive statements about temporal precedence. Our ORCID
preferred interpretation of the results is that sleep pro- Lauren M. Bylsma
blems precede emotion-related problems. Although
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