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It is believed that the only good reason for working is the salary.

Regarding this topic, i will

explain why i disagree about this idea, and furthermore i will mention three different reasons why
people could work not only for a good quantity of money.

Firstly, not only do some professions requiere a degree for working but also they have to study
lots of years to be ready for that. Even though, after being graduated they have to keep learning.
Moreover, for some people, learning is a hobby and a challenge to accomplish in their lives.

Secondly, it is known that people spend more hours at work than in their houses or with their
friends. This is why, having a good environment at the office is something which is outlined by
enterprices in their web pages and interviews. They known that it is a remarkable point for some t

Finally, despite the fact that there are families whom may not need having an income from a a
job to have a good life, every person and family have their own priorities, which it includes that
having a flexible schedule to manage their responsabilities at work would be more than enough.

To sum up, I consider that earning money is not the main and only reason for everybody. There is
a reason why for each person and necessity, a superb environment at work, a flexible schedule or
a work which might challenge their knowledge.


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