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Moon Signs Characteristics

(… Tell me where your Moon is, I will tell you what your opponent is whispering to you!)

The Aries Moon reactive nature says…

- Everything is personal
- I’ll sort out everything by myself.; I don’t need anyone
- I am depressed when I “fail”
- My fuse is soooo short
- People don’t understand me
- It’s me against the world; I feel alone

The Mother in your Moon says…

Let’s do things quickly
I have no time for this nonsense
I am often irritable
(I am so young, I shouldn’t be a mom!)
Get on with things and stop being a crybaby!

The Taurus Moon reactive nature says…

- Nothing happened
- Bad doesn’t exist; in my world it’s all good
- It will be OK; why worry?
- All Problems will disappear on their own
- I am in complete denial
- Don’t push me; I don’t like it
- If you do, I will see “red” and be really angry

The Mother in your Moon says …

All is well, did you eat?
No there isn’t any earthquake….
Mom is not going anywhere
You have to do as I say, mum is always right

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The Gemini Moon reactive nature says…
- I will prove you wrong even if I change my mind in 2 seconds!
- I am always on the side that’s dominant in the conversation
- I want to be noticed and acknowledged
- I can’t stop talking
- When it’s tough, I can laugh my way through things
- I am sooo confused about what I feel
- Being cynical is no problem for me

The Mother in your Moon says …

Dear, the most important thing is the appearances
Reason yourself please
It’s just a little problem dear
Have you heard the last rumor?
I just love socializing!
I always know everything that’s going on….

The Cancer Moon reactive nature says…

- I am deeply hurt even by little things
- My family is my refuge
- The world is a hostile environment
- I am miserable and depressed so let me grab a bite
- I am a victim of a conspiracy
- I am not good enough; I just knew it

The Mother in your Moon says…

I love you, but sometimes I dislike you
I am very needy, so just take care of me
You don’t love me; love me now
Why aren’t you calling? Family is everything…
You should have always listened to me
Do not take any risks, dear…
Bad things happen all the time; look for security!

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The Leo Moon reactive nature says…

- I am so melodramatic, I could be an actor

- I am arrogant to protect myself
- How dare they talk to me that way
- I don’t want to lower myself to anyone
- My pride is my best friend
- Who needs anyone…I can just get it done by myself
- I am too good for these people
- I am so hurt I need to go to my cave for a while

The Mother in your Moon says…

Make me proud! The whole world is looking at us….
What do you mean you can’t do it!
The world revolves around my feelings
Look at me! I am sooo special!
You should do as I say, got it?

The Virgo Moon reactive nature says…

- I will kill everyone with my speech
- Their life is a mess anyway
- I have to make order or else
- I am often antisocial
- Intellect is my weapon
- They don’t deserve a second chance
- But really …no one sees how much I care

The Mother in your Moon says…

I am working all the time
I am exhausted
Told you I was sick…
Emotions and feelings are not welcome here
You should work and work like our family
No nonsense, please…
This is not good enough

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The Libra Moon reactive nature says…
- I am not sure about anything
- Everyone is right in a way and it’s making me crazy
- I don’t know what to decide
- I am feeling threatened and not loved
- I am unclear about my feelings
- I feel guilty about everything
- I knew it was a mistake

The Mother in your Moon says…

Dad and I don’t get along, but we should stay together,
don’t you think?
Go talk to your Dad and convince him…
Love will always be disappointing, so what can we do?
What do you mean you are not in a relationship?
I am so vain and eccentric sometimes…
Am I beautiful?

The Scorpio Moon reactive nature says…

- I am very critical to protect myself
- I see all your faults
- I must cut off all the people that hurt me
- They want to destroy me; I am deeply insecure
- I can feel everything and it’s difficult for me to handle it
- I feel the need to isolate myself
- I have to defend myself , because no one else will
- I cannot trust anyone…

The Mother in your Moon says..

Control yourself
No one should know anything
Everything is a secret; never open up
You cannot trust anyone
What I feel and what I reveal are not congruent
(I hate my life; you are not welcome in it)
Never get too far or too close
Life is a bitter journey

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The Sagittarius Moon reactive nature says
- I am very smart; I always know better
- Don’t bother telling me what you think …
- I have no tact; I am a bully
- I will attack you in front of everyone
- Who cares anyway? Life is waiting
- It’s not about feelings; it’s about the brain
- I will never be in your shoes, are you kidding?

The Mother in your Moon says…

The birds are singing, life is happening, so what’s your
Oh, don’t be a wimp...
You have to learn; education is essential
We know better than these people
No time for all these feelings; let’s go!
Under certain circumstances:
God will punish them; they don’t know what they are

The Capricorn Moon reactive nature says

- All my emotions are stuck in my throat
- I can’t speak, but I can’t forget
- I am very sensitive, but hush no one knows it
- I really cannot trust anyone
- I know I will be the one forgotten
- Life is too much work; it’s so hard
- I am suffering always

The Mother in your Moon says…

I am too overwhelmed to give you warmth
It’s all about responsibilities, don’t you get it?
I’d love to drink and forget
You need to be a trooper in life; no time for laughter.
It’ll never happen the way you want it anyway
Life is terribly disappointing and so cold…

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The Aquarius Moon reactive nature says
- My ideas are my refuge
- I must isolate myself to think
- I am a visionary; I am a seer, don’t they get it?
- They will never understand; we’re not at the same level
- I am closing myself, because I don’t want to doubt myself
- I am out of reach; they‘ll see I was right in the end
- This is my universe, and you are trespassing…
- Relationship? What relationship?

The Mother in your Moon says…

…Your mom doesn’t resemble anyone
I need my independence
Do not tell me what to do
We should move every month!
Come on! You and I are friends, aren’t we?
Emotions are a waste of time; the world is most

The Pisces Moon reactive nature says

- I will never confront
- I will stay silent and stoic
- I take refuge in my illusionary world
- Nothing exists… just my fear and pain
- I don’t want to feel anything anymore
- Everyone hates me
- Where is my bottle? I need to numb myself
- I’d rather go into madness than suffer
- I am really gifted; I wish I could show it
- I am so attracted to the dark…

The Mother in your Moon says…

I am so weak; life is overwhelming
I am confused, so maybe I should turn to God
I am failing everyone
I need to disconnect now
Life is not suitable to me, I could have done so many

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