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New Manager’s Five-week Success System

Week 1: Personal Effectiveness

Monday: Self-confidence
Do This Self-talk
Picture success
Adopt power poses
Walk tall

Tuesday: Personal Time Management

Do This Know what is important
Distinguish important from just urgent
Use OATS planning
To don’t list

Wednesday: Assert Yourself

Do This Respect x 2
Dress the part
Use assertive language
Use assertive body language

Thursday: Problem Solving

Do This Define your problem as ‘how to…’
Look for root causes – ‘why?’
Generate multiple options
Make a rational decision

Friday: Presenting
Do This Prepare well
Structure your presentation
Take a power pause
Slow down
New Manager’s Five-week Success System

Week 2: Managing Individuals

Monday: Goal Setting

Do This Play to strengths
Define ‘done’
Set a time target
Write it down

Tuesday: Delegation
Do This Match task to person
Brief well
Secure commitment
Monitor and review

Wednesday: Feedback
Do This Start with the evidence
Recognize achievement
Praise success
Embed learning – both positive and negative

Thursday: Poor Performance

Do This Be honest
Be timely
Set the standards
Offer support

Friday: Coaching
Do This Make the time
Focus on your questions
Listen hard
Use silence
New Manager’s Five-week Success System

Week 3: Communication Skills

Monday: Listening
Do This Be curious
Turn off your inner voice
Suspend your judgment
Pay attention to your listening

Tuesday: Motivating
Do This Address hygiene
Be fair
Find the right levers
Create milestones

Wednesday: Meetings
Do This Prepare well
Create structure
Secure commitments
Follow-up on committed actions

Thursday: Negotiating
Do This Do your research
Build relationships
Separate relationships from results
Only make a concession if you can
get something in return

Friday: Conflict
Do This Declare the breakdown
Build a bridge
Determine your strategy
Look for multiple options
New Manager’s Five-week Success System

Week 4: Team Management

Monday: The Power of Teams

Do This Select for diversity
Make use of strengths
Create a respectful environment
Use raw information

Tuesday: Team Development

Do This Right amount of assertiveness
Right amount of support
Provide information and resources
Be a lightning rod

Wednesday: Team Maintenance

Do This Be sensitive to changes
Get the right balance: tasks and relationships
Welcome in new joiners
Fill the gaps

Thursday: Four Essentials of Team Management

Do This Get to know and value each individual
Build a plan
Build a team spirit
Encourage network communication

Friday: Team Meetings

Do This Generate pace and energy
Structure your meetings
Celebrate success
Be dispensable
New Manager’s Five-week Success System

Week 5: Manager’s Toolkit

Monday: Emotional Intelligence

Do This Build self-awareness
Exert self-control
Understand the people around you
Harness your relationships

Tuesday: Transactional Analysis

Do This Stay in ‘Adult’ state
Notice how others respond
Call out bad behaviors
Walk away from game playing

Wednesday: The SCOPE Process

Do This Stop and think
Clarify the situation
Find and assess your options
Evaluate your outcomes

Thursday: Selecting Management Styles

Do This Diagnose the situation
Select the right balance of direction and support
Apply ways to manage the risk
Share your thinking

Friday: The Powerhouse Loop

Do This Identify the outcomes you want
Analyze your situation
Plan your approach
Act decisively

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