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Traditional Malaysian Games: Preserving Cultural Heritage and Fostering Community



This paper investigates the cultural heritage and social significance of traditional
Malaysian games, examining their historical roots, gameplay mechanics, and their
role in community cohesion and intergenerational learning.


 Overview of traditional Malaysian games, highlighting their diversity and

unique characteristics.
 Historical context and the significance of these games in Malaysian culture.
 The relevance of studying traditional games in the context of cultural
preservation and social cohesion.

Literature Review:

 Examination of academic literature on traditional games in various cultures

and their importance in cultural identity.
 Studies focusing on the social, educational, and psychological aspects of
traditional gameplay.
 Review of efforts and challenges in preserving traditional games in the
modern era.


 Description of the ethnographic approach, including participant observation,

interviews with community elders, and gameplay analysis.
 Outline of the selection criteria for traditional games to be studied,
considering regional diversity and historical significance.
 Data collection methods focusing on the rules, contexts, and social
interactions facilitated by these games.


 Detailed descriptions of selected traditional games, including Congkak,

Gasing, Wau, and Sepak Takraw, among others.
 Analysis of the cultural narratives and values embedded in these games.
 Insights into how these games facilitate social bonding, skill development, and
cultural transmission.


 Interpretation of the findings in the context of cultural heritage and identity.

 Discussion on the role of traditional games in contemporary Malaysian society
and their potential in educational settings.
 Consideration of the challenges in preserving these games against the
backdrop of digital entertainment and globalization.


 Summary of the cultural and social importance of traditional Malaysian games.

 Reflections on the potential strategies for preserving and revitalizing these
games for future generations.
 Suggestions for future research on traditional games and their role in cultural


1. Ahmad, K. (2016). "Congkak: A Study of Traditional Game as Cultural Heritage

in Malaysia." Journal of Cultural Heritage Management, 10(2), 120-133.
2. Rahman, S.A., & Hassan, M.F. (2018). "Gasing: Spinning the Top of Malaysian
Tradition." Traditional Games Journal, 4(1), 45-59.
3. Lim, C.H., & Tan, P.L. (2020). "Reviving Sepak Takraw: Challenges and
Opportunities in Modern Malaysia." Sports and Culture Series, 8(3), 77-92.

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