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BCDE103 ERDs #2 Class Exercise

15 August 2022


A music enthusiast wants to write a book called “100 Albums You Must Listen To”. They are planning
to provide information about each album as follows. The name of each album, the date it was
released, the length (total time), the name of the artist who created the album, and the name of the
album’s producer (a person) will be in the book. For this exercise, we will simplify the name of the
artist to a single piece of data, even if it is a person; e.g., some example artists are: “Pink Floyd”,
“Bob Dylan”, “Talvin Singh”, and “Massive Attack”. For the purposes of the exercise we will say that
an album can be produced by only one person; however, a person can produce more than one
album. The book author also wants to list the names of the tracks (pieces of music; songs) that are
on an album and the order they are in on the album. They also want to provide the name of the
record label that released the album; record labels can release more than one album, but an album
has only one record label associated with it. The author is also going to indicate the genre(s) of each
album (“Rock”, “New Wave”, “Post-Rock” etc.) – some albums have more than one genre.

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