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1. What is a music magazine?

A music magazine is one that focuses solely on the latest music news, but most importantly it looks
at the musical cultural and explores whats happening around the world that is musically related in
order to present it to the readers.
2. What content (text/copy/writing/articles/stories)
Typically you would expect to find news on artist or bands depending on the genre. A music
magazine would generally contain most of the conventional features of your everyday magazine
except with the twist that the majority of its content focusing on music around the world or in a
specific country. Naturally I would expect there to be a main article where the magazine would have
a large image or the artist or band in order for it stand out. Another thing you would expect from a
music magazine is things such as events, e.g. musical shows are frequently seen on there. Magazine
now have been found more likely to be hosting music awards, such MTV awards and so on. You are
more likely to now find reviews on things such as songs and music videos based on expert analysis,
which more or less gives the readers the expectation of what a song is going to be like. New song
releases or new artist can sometimes be featured on the front cover in order to help get their names
out there to be the public.
Images that are typically found within the music magazine are usual a large one showing off the
artist in some sort of way, especially if they just released a hit single, however when looking beyond
the front cover itself you can expect all sorts of music related images, an example of this is if an artist
was interviewed, you can expect to find that an image taken of them during the interview will be
there. Another thing you may expect to find is little snap shots of the
artists new official music video, usually also detailing what the song is
about. Merchandise can often be shown on the music magazine especially if
its related to a specific artist; an example of this is if an artist is releasing a
new cologne line or new clothes line.
Main images are the most important characteristics of a music magazine;
its usually a very large image showing off a particular artist or a band

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