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This chapter presented the summary of findings, conclusions and recommendedations

based on the data analyzed in the previous chapter.


The research focused on the coping mechanisms of students from broken families. The

study found that students from broken families experienced a range of emotional and behavioral

problems, including depression, anxiety, and academic difficulties. However, the research also

found that these students had developed coping mechanisms that helped them manage their

emotions and succeed academically. Some of the coping mechanisms identified included seeking

support from friends, some focused on themselves more to forget the problem, some entertained

themselves with video games, some focused on their studies, and one of them chose not to care.


Based on the answers of our participants, these were the coping mechanisms that helped

them build their resilience. (1)Seek support from friends and relatives. (2) Prioritize yourself

more. (3) Being alone.(4)Distracting myself.(5)Organizing and prioritizing tasks, setting

achievable goals, and breaking them down into manageable steps. So everyone should seek

emotional support, self-awareness or self-care, communication, counseling and therapy, personal

strengths peer support, and supportive relationships. These factors helped prevent the negative
thoughts of students and helped them build their resilience. The researchers therefore concluded

that this knowledge used to developed effective support systems for the students from broken

families because it helped us understand the specific challenges and effects that children from

broken families experienced. It allowed us to gain insights into their emotional, psychological,

and educational well-being. This knowledge was crucial for developing effective strategies and

interventions to support these students. Study on students from broken families was essential for

understanding their experienced, developed targeted interventions, advocating for their needs,

and improved educational outcomes. It enabled us to support these students effectively and

create a more inclusive.


Based on the above-mention findings and conclusions, the researchers recommended the

following: (1)lt was important for schools and mental health professionals to provided support

and resources to students from broken families. (2)Encourage students to seek social support and

engage in extracurricular activities.(3) Encourage students to set goals and provided them with

the necessary resources to achieve these goals.(4)It was also recommendeded for broken family

parents to had a healthy relationship for their children and both provided basic needs.

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