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Climate change

Intro questions::

What environmental issue (problem) are you concerned (worry) about? Why ? What can
we do about it ?
Do you recycle? What do you recycle?
What is the biggest environmental problem in Russia? How can we solve this problem?


Obama’s new power plan:

Phrases used in the video:

backed up by (supported by/evidenced by)

overwhelming scientific consensus (agreement of the majority of scientists)
droughts (absence of rain for a long period of time)
wild-fires (uncontrolled fires)
asthma rates ( number of people suffering from asthma- a respiratory problem)
smog (fog that combines with smoke)
landing in the hospital (to end up in hospital/to go to the hospital)
clean power (power from less harmful sources, for example: solar power)
combat climate change ( to deal with the problem of climate change)
power plants ( the place where electricity is produced)
carbon pollution (carbon waste in the atmosphere)
dump pollution (to deposit/leave) (to throw away)
power companies (a company that provides electricity)
act on climate change (to take action/combat the effects of climate change)
sustainable (causing little or no ​damage to the ​environment and ​therefore ​able to
​continue for a ​long ​time)
Fill in the blanks using the words below:

(power plants,clean power, bills,sustainable,backed, rising sea levels, deeper

droughts,smog, combat,dump,power companies, toxic, asthma rates,)

Our climate is changing. It is changing in ways that threaten our economy, our security and
our health. This isn’t opinion, it’s fact …backed….up by decades of carefully collected
data and overwhelming scientific consensus and it has serious implications for the way we
live now. We can see it and we can feel it: hotter summers,....................rising sea
levels .............................., extreme weather events like stronger
storms,................................deeper droughts
smog............................................. and longer wildfire seasons. All disasters that
are becoming more frequent, more expensive and more dangerous. Our own family has
experienced it too. Over the past three decades, ……asthma rates…... have more than
doubled. As temperatures keep warming and …bill……rates gets worse, those Americans
will be at even greater risk of landing in the hospital. Climate change is not a problem for
another generation. Not anymore.
That is why on Monday, my administration will release the final version of America’s
…clean power………... plan. The biggest, most important step we have ever taken to
…………………combat... climate change. ………………Power plants. are the single biggest
source of the harmful carbon pollution that contributes to climate change, but until now
there have been no federal limits to the amount of that pollution those plants can dump
into the air. Think about that. We limit the amount of ……toxic………. chemicals like
Mercury and sulfur and arsenic in our air and water and we are better off for it, but
existing power plants can still ……dump……... unlimited amounts of harmful carbon
pollution into the air we breathe.
For the sake of our kids, for the health and safety of all Americans-that’s about to change.
We’ve been working with states and …power companies….to make sure they’ve got the
flexibility they need to cut this pollution, all while lowering energy …smog…….., ensuring
reliable service and paving the way for new job-creating innovations that help America
lead the world.
If you believe like I do, that we can’t condemn our kids to a planet that’s beyond fixing.
Then I am asking you to share this message with your friends and family. Push your own
communities to adopt smarter, more ……sustainable……... practices. Remind everyone that
represents you that protecting the world we leave to our children is a prerequisite for your
vote. Join us. We can do this. It is time for America and the world to act on climate
Topics for discussion

‘Climate change is the most serious threat to our planet at the moment’

‘Normal people can’t do much to stop global warming’

10 verbs of environment
10 adjectives of environment
10 problems of environment (solutions)

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