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Telegram @KnownAsMEGA


I'm sure you've heard that you communicate most

of yourself through your body language- much
more than words and tonality.

I won't go into its importance.

But I will say this- your body will influence your

mind MUCH more than your mind will influence
your body.

In simple language-

When you portray a high-value and confident body

language, your brain automatically produces
positive thoughts, and the "Right Words" just come
out of your mouth. Sean Connery, pictured above,
is the perfect example of high-value body

The first thing women will instantly recognize is

whether you have a high-status winner body
language or a low-value loser body language.

You will find a lot of gold below, but make sure you
practice it. Nothing comes naturally, and it WILL
feel awkward at first- that's OK.

With enough practice and fuck-ups, it will become

second nature man.

And that's all that truly matters.

Telegram @KnownAsMEGA
1) Stand up straight
Your Chin should be just behind your crotch ( or belt-
front) It should be at a 45-degree angle from your neck,
looking straight.

2) Feet
Your feet should be pointing towards her direction while
talking to her. If she feels uncomfortable, or if you want
to signal even higher value, you can move one foot away
from her.

3) Progression
After your initial rapport building, move towards the
side, such that you both are looking at others. This will
create an "US VS THEM" dynamic. It's a great way to build
comfort. Literally, start talking about the environment
you're in, and some observations. She will agree with

4) Shoulders
Keep your shoulders back. Your Chest's shape should be
visible. No Slouching. Shoulders in front represent low

Telegram @KnownAsMEGA
5) Hands
Your hands should not be in your pockets. Keep them by
your side.

If you want to keep your hand in your pocket, keep your

thumbs out. Your thumbs are your authority finger, and
should never be hidden.

6) Mirroring
For instant rapport, mirror her body language, with a
slight delay so it doesn't seem obvious.

For example- if she puts her hand on her chin, you do

the same after a 5-second delay. It subconsciously
builds rapport.

7) Eye Contact
Strong eye contact is a MUST.

When you have her eye contact, you have her attention.
Of course, look away every once in a while.

80% times eye contact /20% times not, is a good rule.

Pro Tip- stare into her soul when you drop the most
impactful word of your sentence.

Telegram @KnownAsMEGA
Have open body language.

You are a MAN. Never hide your body- take pride in it.
Keep your legs wide apart so that your crotch area is
visible to her.

She wants to see you being your dominant self.

Find your power pose. This is your most uninhibited

It's usually your arms outstretched, feet wide apart,

and looking upwards while closing your eyes and
thinking of a time you WON.


Whenever you go to an event, make yourself
comfortable first.

Take up as much space as is required, provided there

was space, to begin with.

If there isn't space, take your time to find a good

spot. There's no hurry.

Telegram @KnownAsMEGA
Move slowly. Most Men walk fast, react fast, and just
don't take their time. Most Men also don't get laid.

Move slow, about 70% of your current speed. Practice

doing EVERYTHING at half speed for about 20 minutes
2-3 times a day, and that will drastically improve your
walk, movements, and body language.

Women notice these intricacies.

Be grounded. Your feet should be wide apart, and your
center of gravity should be low. This ensures that you
are standing strong, which transcends into your voice
and gestures.

Nobody can fuck with you.


At Clubs, Bars, and House Parties, hold your drink

outside the frame of your body (besides your body).
Guys who hold their drink in front of their stomach signal
under confidence, because it shows that you're trying to
protect yourself from external danger.

You're not most men. After reading and applying this

course, you will be in the top 1% of Men.

Telegram @KnownAsMEGA

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