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Name: Arian T.

course/yr/sec: BSMT 1-1-G

Activity 1


Cristobal Vila’s short movie started off showing animations illustrating different
patterns and sequences. It began with the fibonacci numbers moving on to the golden
ratio, and showing the relationship between nature and mathematics. It taught me that
nature is mathematics, if you look close enough you will see every pattern and
sequence which nature flaunts to us. Most people do not know that they are engaging in
mathematics in their daily lives, but math is everywhere in fruits, vegetables, flowers,
animals and plants. Everything has its patterns and numbers in nature and the world.

Activity 2

Fibonacci numbers can be abundantly seen in

nature. Similarly when you cut an apple in the
middle, it will be seen just like in the photo. We
can clearly see, also with the help of the arrows,
that it has five(5) distinct sections and as we
know number five(5) is a fibonacci number.
Similarly, fibonacci numbers can be seen on
flowers. As shown in the photo and also with
the help of the arrows, it is visible that the
flower has five(5) petals. Which would indicate
that the number of flower petals is fibonacci
because the number five(5) is a fibonacci

Other than fruits and flowers, Fibonacci

numbers are also seen on animals. For
instance this cat’s claws, as shown and with
the help of the arrow indicators it is seen that
this cat or cats have five(5) claws.

Mathematics is most useful to humankind due to the fact that math is everywhere in
nature and in the world. It is used in architecture, engineering, cooking, science,
technology, business and almost anywhere you look may include some kind of

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