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-VISIGOTHS: AD 476 Fall of Western Roman Empire 

Visigoths defeat Vandals, Alans + Suevi to control Hispania 
Toledo became capital city + learned Latin and how to read +
adopted Catholicism + Roman Law
- Kingdom: AD 507 to AD 711

-AL ANDALUS: (Moors – Muslims from north Africa)

-AD 711: Muslims beat Visigoths in Battle of Guadalete 
control most of Iberian peninsula: now part of Caliphate
(kingdom) of Damascus (Syria)
- AD 756: Abd al Rahman I established Emirate of Cordoba
- AD 929: Independence from Damascus, Abd al Rahman III
established Caliphate (kingdom) of Cordoba
- AD 1031: Taifas (independent kingdoms) created after fall of
Caliphate of Cordoba


- 3 religions: Muslims, Christians, Jews (lived in Juderías)
- Medina = craftspeople lived
- Zoco = market
-Mosque (like Muslim church)
- Alcazaba = fort
- Alcazar = fortified palace
- Architecture = ISLAMIC style: horseshoe arches, mosaics,
geometrical patterns, domes (half ball)
- Agriculture + crops: better irrigation, rice, olives, oranges,
-Maths: Arabic numbers and number ZERO

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