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Political marketing in Egypt

(Egyptian Parliament Election)

Dr.safaa fatouh Gomaa
Faculty member at policy& law faculty-Van Holland University

Dr.safaa fatouh Gomaa faculty member at policy& law faculty-Van Holland university
Political marketing in Egypt
(Egyptian Parliament Election)

Physical Product
Promotion Place
evidence Process
Price People

The party and the candidate represent the important entities in political marketing “elections.” Moreover, Most of the scholarship
agrees about a definition of Party as a unionist of people who agree the same views about the policy should be used in a state or
society. Also, Candidate can be defined as “any person who has intended to try, or campaign for, local or state office in a general,
primary, or special election” The party or the candidate must use the 7P Methodology for gaining the majority of votes in
elections, but the 7P Methodology in the political field is different with comparing the commercial one, but it – nearly- is similar to
the service marketing, so we will concentrate on the peculiarity of the 7P in political marketing, so in this paper, the researcher will
be analyses the 7P Methodology in political marketing in Egypt (Egyptian Parliament Election):

(1) Product (2) people (3) place (4) process (5) promotion (6) price (7) physical

Dr.safaa fatouh Gomaa faculty member at policy& law faculty-Van Holland university
When the candidate- or a party- has an attractive idea or value that
achieves the interests of voters –as citizens -, he will ensure the winning in
elections, such as Obama that has “health insurance” as an attractive idea
to attract more of votes. Therefore, the attractive idea has a positive impact
on gaining the majority of votes.

Based on the above, the product in economic marketing is offered a thing

that satisfies the requirement the consumer, so the product in economic
marketing is tangible, but the product in political marketing contains
intangible multi-component (person/party/ideology), and offer components
that cannot be offered separately. These three components – whatever for
candidate, party, and organization - must integrate each other in offering
values to the voters. The politician product isn't theoretically concrete, the
"product" of any politician defined as, "a political set of beliefs or
principles,” (Baines, 2003)

Based on above; Egyptian candidate in next parliament election has to seek

to the politician product "values, idea, ideology", such as a project that will
serve the poor class in Egypt, or set a solution for Egypt 'problems " like
Urban Encroachment on Rural Agricultural Land in Egypt, diseases, ….etc." ,
the product of Egyptian candidate has to idea or project that help to solve
problem Egypt .

Dr.safaa fatouh Gomaa faculty member at policy& law faculty-Van Holland university
Product of parliament member
Idea: Egyptian candidate has to provide an idea
that represents a solution for Egyptian

Project: Egyptian candidate has to set a plan for

a national project that serves all Egyptian

Values: Egyptian candidate has to try applying

the things that he believes are important in the
way you live and work.

Dr.safaa fatouh Gomaa faculty member at policy& law faculty-Van Holland university
The candidate – or party- has to make a segmentation to the voters to
identify the requirement and the interests of voters. Therefore, the
segmentation of voters is an important step to make an attractive idea or
values by determining the needs of voters that help the candidate to design
the attractive image of values, so the efficient segmentation of voters has
positively influenced the gaining of the majority of votes.

Applying on the above, The main individual of both economic marketing and
political marketing is the consumer, the political marketer becomes useless
without voters- as consumers-, the concept of voter attitude turns into a
central point in political marketing, respectively. In this regard, the
individual is called "consumer" to become "voter,” in political area and it is
rarely a semantic distinction. In both kinds of marketing, the individual can
be considered as a community extraditing reasons about the product and
accomplishing willingness to react, and a final reply states after going
through an essential decision-making process. (Shama, 1975)

Based on the above; Egyptian candidate in the next parliament election has
to make a segmentation for voters, then set the classification after the
segmentation process, this classification has many categories, each category
has requirements, and needs, the candidate has to study these
requirements and needs, and plan to How to satisfy them.

Dr.safaa fatouh Gomaa faculty member at policy& law faculty-Van Holland university
Segmentation process for voters
Economic segmentation: the candidate has to make economic segmentation for
voters to determine economic requirements to voters that enable the candidate to
satisfy these requirements, the economic segmentation categories the voters into
three classes: (1) high economic class (2) moderate economic class (3) low economic
class, the intelligent candidate employs high economic class to serve moderate, low
economic class.

Social segmentation: the candidate has to make social segmentation for voters to
determine social requirements; "housing, health, education, infrastructure services
…etc." to voters that enable the candidate to identify, and numerate the social
requirements for voters to prepare a plan that set "how to satisfy these social
requirements" through drawing the solution, and carrying out it by enactment

Political segmentation: the candidate has to make political segmentation for

voters to determine political identifications; if the voter belongs to a political
party, or independent "not belong to a political party", this political segmentation
is a too important tool in the election process, because this segmentation enables
the candidate to" how to deal with independent one, and belong- party one, the
independent one is easier dealing than belong- party one because the independent
don't constraint with certain political ideology.

Cultural segmentation: the candidate has to make cultural segmentation for voters
to determine culture field, such as;" Literature, Performing arts, Visual arts,….etc."
to try to draw the plan for a project or idea that satisfy to cultural requirements, like
" theater, painting, crafts,…etc "

Dr.safaa fatouh Gomaa faculty member at policy& law faculty-Van Holland university

A political market is a place the marketing process proceeds such as the

local office or virtual location for party “website”, the candidates have
chosen the efficient location individually or belonging to a party that
enables them to make continual contact with voters. (Kotler & Keller, 2009)

Based on the above, the Covid-19 virus enforces to creating a new location
that applies social distance- as a precaution procedure-, this new location is
an electronic location that makes an election conference without any
physical meeting, so the electronic location for candidate represents "virtual
conferences for candidates", this virtual conferences by electronic tools will
enhance the reduction of election campaign cost. But the candidate needs
to physical place for ensuring the continual contact with a people "voters",
this physical place isn't an election conference, the physical place for the
candidate will be "laborious class domicile" to help, enhance, and support
them by handling their suffer.

Dr.safaa fatouh Gomaa faculty member at policy& law faculty-Van Holland university
Place of political marketing

Physical place electronivele

Electronic place

Physical place Virtual

For election
Is with laborious
class domicile Candidate

Dr.safaa fatouh Gomaa faculty member at policy& law faculty-Van Holland university
Process of election = factory of analyzing

After designing the attractive idea & value for a candidate that concluded from efficient segmentation of voters
to determine the priorities interest of voters, the experts have to make efficient employment to individuals in
political markets to achieve the goals for the party, or candidates, through efficient employment of processes
that are the map of planning steps. These steps execute through many marketing processes by an efficient way
to realize the positive influence on gaining the majority of votes
The mechanisms used in the process of economic product development and product positioning, the
procedures of testing concept which is drawn to find out consumer reflections to different product notion,
develop and introduce it to the market to fulfill the target consumers, Although not to the same degree of
sophistication, the researcher can use this procedure in both marketing “commercial &political”. Thus,
analogous to product concept testing, the candidate concept testing includes the following major steps: (1)
determination of potential candidate concepts “values, ideas.” (2) Presenting of candidate concepts “values
and ideas” to the voters. (3) Registering of voter’s responses to each concept: by rank order, attitude
measurement, and intentions to votes. (4) determination of causal or associative connections among voters
features (socio-economic status, behavioral, and political) and their reflections to various candidate notions,
and to various characteristics of single candidate concepts (factor analysis to reduce candidate attributes space,
and voter features space, and multiple regressions) to assess the participation of separate candidate features
and voter attributes in the overall preference or separate candidate attributes and voter characteristics in the
overall preference or ranking of the concept. (5) Choice of the most positively evaluated candidate concept or
concepts, and finally (6) presentation and promotion of the chosen concept or concepts among voter groups
about the outcomes in step four (Kotler & Keller, 2009)

Dr.safaa fatouh Gomaa faculty member at policy& law faculty-Van Holland university
(1) Determination of potential candidate concepts “values,
ideas, or project

(2) Presenting of candidate concepts “values and ideas” to the

voters for testing

(3) Registering of voter’s responses to each concept: by rank

order, attitude measurement, and intentions to votes.
Process of election
(4) Determination of causal or associative connections among

(5) Choice of the most positively evaluated candidate concept

(6) Presentation and promotion of the chosen concept or

concepts among voter groups.

Dr.safaa fatouh Gomaa faculty member at policy& law faculty-Van Holland university
How to attract the voters
"Promotion with actions, not speech"

The attractive campaign for an attractive idea or value is an important

step in the election. The experts in this field know many manners and ways
to make efficient promotion for the political idea “idea, value” that is
positive influences the gaining of the majority of votes.
Each of economic marketing and political marketing uses media schemes,
and media mix to get its target groups in an effective way. political
marketing, which joins mainly to the marketing of political candidates, have
much in popular tools or mechanisms and media options to get the party’s
goals (Henueberg, 2004)

Based on the above; Egyptian candidates in the next parliament election

will begin to make their election campaign, the attractive campaign has to
base on the answer to the question" How to execute the values, idea, and
ideology?", so the candidate has to explain how to carry out his idea, and
what is his planning for idea 'execution?, and the candidate has to take the
primary steps for this idea to ensure his sincerity when the voters see the
primary execution steps for the idea, they will believe an ideology's
candidate, the attractive campaign for any Egyptian candidate has to
related to " how to solve the Egyptian people' challenges and initiate the
primary steps for these solutions.

Dr.safaa fatouh Gomaa faculty member at policy& law faculty-Van Holland university
(1) Explanation how to carry out the values, idea, and
ideology by setting a plan foe project execution

How to attract the voters

"Promotion with actions, not

(2) The candidate has to take the primary steps for this idea
to ensure his sincerity.

Dr.safaa fatouh Gomaa faculty member at policy& law faculty-Van Holland university
Price= high rate of votes

The price of political product “ideas, values” is not money, the price of the
concept is a high gathering of votes because the candidate or the party
seeking to gain the majority of votes in the ballot box, the profitability in
political marketing is not monetary revenues, but it is the victory in the
election. Therefore, the high gathering of votes -as a profit- is positively
related victory of the election that consider as a positive impact. However,
Product pricing aims to achieve profitability in commercial marketing. There
are a number of pricing strategies that a firm can utilize to sell its product as
following: Penetration Pricing, Skimming Pricing: Competition Pricing
Product Line Pricing….etc.” (Shama, 1975)
Nevertheless, the price of vote estimates by EMBs application that
considers as the measurement to estimate the cost of the vote. When
election budgets are instituted, tracked, and funded; determines the cost-
management practices that can be adopted by; sets up of EMB application
that is a methodology for the comparative appreciation of electoral costs
with a goal of assisting election organizers and policymakers to determine
ways of conducting financial resources. AS mentioned previously, the profit
in the election is not money, the profit is achieving the victory in ballot Box,
and the EMBs application helps the party to estimate the price or cost of
the vote to institute the elections (Smith, 1991)

Dr.safaa fatouh Gomaa faculty member at policy& law faculty-Van Holland university
Physical evidence

Self- image for candidate

The appearance for politicians may lead to too significant physical evidence
which represents special excellence for the attractive particularly repellent.
This attractive self- image of the candidate has a positive relation with
gaining the majority of votes.
The marketer tries to draw and execute a tangible guide. The material
concept in service marketing is related to physical evidence .the models of
physical evidence in commercial marketing, containing some of the
operations, such as Packaging, Internet, web pages, Brochures, Furnishings.
However, physical evidence in political marketing is different. The attractive
self-image of a candidate – or party- contains attractive excellence
personality, the position, the experience…etc. (Henueberg, 2004)

Based on the above; Egyptian candidates in the next parliament election

have to have an attractive self- image, this self-image based on many
elements; "face-value, excellence personality, position, experience,…",
youth party co-ordination" apply this "P" perfectly, it chose candidates to
have many elements of self-image" face –value, excellence personality,
position, experience,…", so it is important to rule out any candidate that has
not any self- image like " Mortada Mansour"

Dr.safaa fatouh Gomaa faculty member at policy& law faculty-Van Holland university
This candidate has not physical evidence, These candidate have a physical evidence
so it has to rule out from Egyptian these
that enable them to execute their products
Parliament Election "idea, values,….etc."

Dr.safaa fatouh Gomaa faculty member at policy& law faculty-Van Holland university

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