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6th Meeting

Task 1
1. We try to motivate workers in the same way that we try to motivate our children.
2. The people who were offered smaller rewards in Ariely’s experiment performed better
than those offered bigger rewards.
3. In Ariely’s experiment, people were more creative when they were concentrating on
achieving a goal.
4. In the future, jobs will require workers to be more creative.

Task 2
1. Positive psychology focuses on people’s problems.
2. The teacher asks the students to define a happy life.
3. Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi believes that external events are the main things that make us
happy or sad.
4. Csikszentmihalyi was influenced by watching creative people.
5. The rest of the lecture will look at what other psychologists think of this theory

Task 3
1. The interviewer finds speaking the most difficult.
2. Gabriella thinks, in some situations, people can find speaking easier than listening.
3. According to the interviewer, asking for someone to say the same thing again is one way
to solve the problem.
4. Gabriella’s idea involves asking a lot of questions.

Task 4
1. The class started five minutes ago.
2. The teacher will hand back the tests next Thursday.
3. The boy shares his textbook with the girl.
4. The teacher is going on about search engines.
5. The boy thought this class was about the French Revolution.
6. The boy is in the wrong class.

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