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Unit 2 Learning Activity

A.Direction/s: Write Aesthetic if the function of the work of art is aesthetic. If the answer is
Utilitarian, write the specific category, physical, social, or personal.

__Personal Function 1. Tatsulok by Bamboo

___Social Function 2. Starving Child and Vulture, 1993 by Kevin Carter
__Persona l function 3. Seam by Pyotr Pavlensky
_____Aesthetic 4. River Flows in You by Yiruma
__Physical Function 5. Hypnosis by Iris Van Herpen
_____Aesthetic 6. Composition A,1923 by Piet Mondrian
___Social Function 7. Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo by Dr. Jose Rizal
___Social Function 8. Swan Lake-Ballet Dance
__Physical Function 9. San Miguel Corporation Headquarters by Arch. Francisco
__Physical Function 10. The Lava gown by Mak Tumang

B. Direction/s: Express your opinion regarding the quote from Mao Tse Tung. Do you
agree with him? Defend your ground.

I personally agree with Mao's notion that literature and art can be effective vehicles for
political activism and propaganda, which is reflected in the phrase. Mao felt that literature and
art should be used as tools to bring the populace together, educate them, and then attack and
eliminate the enemy. He viewed them as building a group mentality and a united front in the
fight against alleged foes.

Mao believed that literature and art served political purposes in addition to being purely
beautiful. He believed in using their influence to advance the Communist Party's ideological
agenda and to inspire the populace to support revolutionary causes. On the other hand, supporters
of Mao's viewpoint would assert that in times of political conflict and turmoil, literature and the
arts can significantly contribute to forming the public consciousness, promoting political
awareness, and building a feeling of a common identity. They can argue that the ability of
literature and art to inspire social change and freedom from repressive systems can be exploited.

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